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The removal of General Butler & his farewell orders...

Item # 681197

January 14, 1865

ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New  York, Jan. 14, 1865 

* Gen. Benjamin Butler removed
* Final months of the war

As noted in the masthead this was the: "Gazette of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such is replete with military news of all sorts.
The entire ftpg. is taken up with: "The Military Situation" giving the latest reports from: "The Campaign in Virginia" & "The Western Campaign" and "Western Virginia". Among the other articles in this issue are: "Experiences With the Rebel Army" "A Simple Precaution Against Desertion" "The Removal of General Butler" "Farewell Orders of Major-General Butler" and more.
Sixteen pages, 10 by 14 1/3 inches, nice eagle in the masthead, nice condition.

Category: Yankee