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Reports on Lincoln's inauguration in this racist newspaper...
Reports on Lincoln's inauguration in this racist newspaper...
Item # 680176
March 04, 1865
* Rare pro-white publication
* Abraham Lincoln inauguration
* Closing weeks of the Civil War
A decidedly racist newspaper which began well before the Civil War & lasted a few years after. This issue has much reporting and editorializing on Lincoln's inauguration, both with a strong bias against Lincoln.
Some articles area headed: "An Inauguration Scene "The Fourth of March" "Opinion Must Govern" "Drunkenness in Washington" "Mr. Lincoln's Inaugural" "The Vice President 'Incoherent' "A Disgraceful Scene" and so much more.
Included within the reports is the full text of Lincoln's inaugural address including the famous phrase: "...With malice towards none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds..." and more.
Terrific to have this notable document in this racist newspaper.
Eight pages, some foxing, good condition.
Category: Yankee