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Much on Lewis & Clark & their exploration to the Pacific...
Much on Lewis & Clark & their exploration to the Pacific...
Item # 678714
October 02, 1807
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 2, 1807
* Lewis and Clark expedition
Page 3 has a very lengthy: "Proposals...For Publishing LEWIS and CLARK'S Tour to the Pacific Ocean, through the Interior of the Continent of North America..." noting the details that will be in "Volume First" as well as "Volume Second". And this is followed by another descriptive notice headed: "Lewis & Clark's Map of North America..." with many details (see). All this takes an entire column.
The entire ftpg. is taken up the continued Circuit Court of the U.S. report on the motion to commit Aaron Burr & 2 others for High Treason,.
Four pages, very nice condition.
Note: this same notice for printing the Lewis & Clark book recently sold in auction for over $1900.
Category: Pre-Civil War