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Several documents relating to the War of 1812...

Item # 677799

July 30, 1812

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, July 30, 1812  Close to half of the front page is taken up with various documents relating to the War of 1812 including a: "Notice To British Subjects" living in America, followed by a: "Marshal's Notice" beginning: "The Department of State having directed that all British subjects within the United States, report themselves..." to the various authorities.
Then: "An ACT Respecting Alien Enemies" from 1798, signed in type: John Adams.
What follows are six additional Acts of Congress, each signed in type: James Madison, and several relating to the War of 1812.
Page 2 has a report headed: "U.S. Frigate Constitution".
Four pages, very nice condition.

Category: War of 1812