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Supreme Court acts on the "Ironclad Oath" required of ex-Confederates...

Item # 675669

January 16, 1867

NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, Jan. 16, 1867  Page 3 has two reports concerning the controversial "Ironclad Oath", which essentially prevented political activity of ex-Confederates soldiers & supporters by requiring all voters & officials to swear they had never supported the Confederacy.
A case arose in Missouri involving a Catholic priest who was indicted for preaching without taking the oath. The articles are headed: "The Supreme Court Decision" which takes over half a column, and: "The Test-Oath" "Decision of the Supreme Court Against the Constitutionality of the Test-oath of the State of Missouri, and the Test-Oath Imposed by Act of Congress Upon Attorneys--Dissenting Opinions of Chief Justice Case and Associates Miller, Swayne, and Davis".
Additional, under; "The New York Legislature" an article begins: "Mrs. E. Cady Stanton & others of the Equal Rights Association presented a petition...for the rejection by the Legislature of the Constitutional Amendment...".
Eight pages, very nice condition.

Category: The Old West