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Grant's triumphal victory at Lookout Mountain...

Item # 674921

November 27, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Nov. 27, 1863 

* Battle of Lookout Mountain
* Chattanooga campaign - Tennessee
* General Ulysses S. Grant victory

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "GEN. GRANT'S VICTORY" "A Complete Triumph Over the Army Under Bragg Officially Announced" "Lookout Mountain Top, all the Rifle Pits in Chattanooga Valley, & Missionary Ridge Carried by Our Forces" "the Enemy In Full Retreat!" "Captures of 6,000 Prisoners & 52 Cannon" "Gen. Sherman Across the Chickamauga & Gen. Hooker at Ringold in Pursuit" & more.
Eight pages, light damp stain to a lower corner.

Category: Yankee