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Enforcing the historic Fifteenth Amendment...

Item # 673634

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May 22, 1870

(2) NEW YORK TIMES, May 22 and June 1, 1870 (a 2-issue set)  The front page of the May 22nd issue has the heading: "The Fifteenth Amendment", with the subheading: "Laws to Enforce It--The Bill Passed by the Senate in Full--Important Provisions..." with more. This is actually the 1870 Enforcement Act, created to enforce the proper enforcement of the historic 15th Amendment to the Constitution, giving rights of voting to all citizens regardless of race. Included is the full text with all 21 Sections and a heading for each.
The June 1st issue, page four, has two separate mentions announcing President Grant had signed the Bill, one mention at the top of column two and the other mention two thrids of the way down column seven. Page two has some discussion of the impact of the Bill which also includes Sections 19-21.
Quite historic, and nice to have as a set.
Both issues are complete and although fragile, have slightly rough left spines (typical), but are quite nice for the era. Still, they must be handled with care.

Category: Post-Civil War