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Huge photo of the iceberg the Titanic hit...

Item # 670525

April 23, 1912

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, California, April 23, 1912  The front page has a headline; "CRIES OF DROWNING TITANIC PASSENGERS MADE LONG CONTINUED MOAN, SAYS OFFICER" "and: "First Cries Came After Foundering Of Ship" with some subheads: "People In Life Boat Demurred To Any Aid Being Given Those  in Water; No Attempt At Rescue Made" "Third Officer The Main Witness Today" "Heard Proximity of Icebergs  Discussed; Testifies Ship Was Making 21 1/2 Knots at Tie of Collision".
The front page features a montage of 5 photos headed: "One reason why loading of life boats was hazardous task. Photo showing great height of Titanic life boats above water line. Two well known men who were drowned and wives who were saved."
But perhaps the most intriguing item is a huge page 2 photograph headed: "ONLY PHOTOGRAPH OF THE GREAT ICEBERG WHICH SANK THE ILL FATED STEAMSHIP TITANIC". The caption reads in part: "This exclusive photograph of the giant iceberg is believed to be the one into which the Titanic crashed. The photograph was taken by Captain William Ferrie Wood, commander of the freighter  Etonian, of the Leyland line, less than two days before the accident and the iceberg was the largest of a score or more floating in a field of ice 100 miles in length..." with more descriptive text.
Page 2additional Titanic reporting as well including; "Lookouts On Titanic Were Not Furnished With Night Glasses".
Complete in 14 pages, small tape mend above the masthead, small binding indents at the blank spine, otherwise in very nice condition.

Category: The 20th Century