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Important letter from General Grant...

Item # 669695

July 17, 1864

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, Sept. 17, 1864  Inside has over half a column taken up with: "Important Letter  from General Grant" in which we tells of the hopelessness of the Confederacy. Bits include: "...all we want now...is a determined unity of sentiment North. The rebels have now in their ranks their last man. The little boys & old men are guarding prisoners, guarding railroad bridges & forming a good part of their garrisons...Any man lost by them cannot be replaced. They have robbed the cradle & the grave equally to get their present force...they are now losing, from desertion & other causes, at least one regiment per day..." with more, noting their only hope is that Lincoln loses the election so: "...the enemy are exceedingly anxious to hold out until after the Presidential election...", signed in type: U. S. Grant.
There are other war-related reports.
Complete in 16 pages, very nice condition.

Category: The Civil War