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Harrison's campaign newspaper: an 'Extra' edition...

Item # 669386

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October 17, 1840

THE EXTRA LOG CABIN, New York, July 4, 1840 

* William Henry Harrison
* Rare campaign title by Greeley

The famous campaign newspaper published by Horace Greeley in support of William Henry Harrison in the 1840 election, its success carrying over to many issues beyond the inauguration.
This is the first "Extra" edition we have encountered, and is the first printed as the dateline notes: "volume 1 Extra no. 1"
The back page notes that the "Log Cabin Extra" contains: "...a full vindication of Gen. Harrison against the slanders of his malicious or ignorant assailants...", and indeed that's just what the entirety of this issue contains. Just on the front page are: "A Sketch of Gen. Harrison" "Anecdote of the Battle of Tippecanoe" "General Harrison's Creed" "An Eloquent Record" "Slanders of Gen. Harrison Refuted". The ftpg. also has a nice engraving of Harrison.
Four pages, an engraving of a log cabin in the masthead, a few discrete archival mends at the margins, very nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War