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Sherman's report on capturing Atlanta...
Sherman's report on capturing Atlanta...
Item # 666546
September 14, 1864
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 14, 1864
* Fall of Atlanta, Georgia
* Gen. William T. Sherman
* Pro Confederate publication
Among the articles on the front page: "From the Shenandoah Valley" "Presidency--Lincoln and Fremont Invited to Withdraw..." "Grant's Movements" "Important From Florida" and more.
Other articles within: "Cities Burned by the Yankees" "Hood's Account of His Defeat" is signed in type: J. B. Hood, General; "The Union Prisoners in Georgia" "The Capture of Atlanta - Account by General Sherman--Rebel Loss 500 Killed, 2,500 Wounded..." is signed in type: W. T. Sherman; "War News of the Week" "Forrest's Raid on Memphis" and much more.
Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed so it folds out to one large sheet, some foxing, nice condition.
Described as "The Hottest Rebel Sheet to be found in the North or the South", this newspaper opposed the war and attracted the hatred of the Republicans and the Lincoln administration. It insisted that slavery could not be prohibited by law. So obnoxious was this paper to Unionists that it was denied circulation in some cities. In 1863 the press was raided by a hateful mob.
Category: Yankee