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Thomas Edison Day... Curtiss Airport opens in Glenview, Illinois...
Thomas Edison Day... Curtiss Airport opens in Glenview, Illinois...
Item # 665024
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October 21, 1929
Just days prior to the Stock Market Crash of 1929...
* New airport in the Chicago Metropolitan area
* Largest hanger in the world (to-date)
* Would soon be renamed the Curtiss-Reynolds Airport
* The nation honors Thomas Alva Edison
The front page has: "35,000 GAZE AT SKY AS CURTISS AIRPORT OPENS." The airport contained what was then the largest hangar in the world. Also present on the front page is the full-banner heading: "NATION TO HONOR EDISON TODAY". Both articles continue on inside pages and include multiple photos on the back page.
Complete in 42 pages, "rag edition" (very high quality newsprint meant for institutional use), and in overall very good condition. However, the photos on the back page contain multiple print-creases. See images for details.
Note: Many thought the Curtiss Airport would become the Chicago regions primary airport, but unfortunately the Stock Market crashed 9 days after the airport opened, and commercial flight rapidly declined causing the new airport to never gain traction.
Category: The 20th Century