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Paris is occupied by the Prussians: a notable event in European history...

Item # 661477

March 06, 1871

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 2, 3, 4, 6, 1871 

* Franco-Prussian War ends
* Siege of Paris, France

A lot of 4 issues each with front page content on the end of the Franco-Prussian War.
The March 2 issue has a lengthy article headed: "THE WAR ENDED" "The Treaty of Peace Ratified by the French Assembly" and further on: "Paris Before the Occupation" with more. Much reporting in the other 3 issues as well.
The capture of Paris by Prussian forces led to the French defeat in the Franco-Prussian War and the establishment of the German Empire.Napoleon III had declared war on Prussia convinced that his army was invincible. The Prussian Prime Minister Otto van Bismarck saw the fight with France as a way to bring unity to Bavaria, Wurttemberg and Baden--3 Germans states Prussia did not already control. Bismarck proved right.
Each issue has 8 pages, very nice condition.

Category: Post-Civil War