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Thomas Edison defends his electric light...

Item # 661471

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December 27, 1879

THE SUN, New York, Dec. 27, 1879 

* Inventor Thomas Edison
* Electric light bulb
* Menlo Park

Page 3 begins with over a half column article headed: "EDISON'S ELECTRIC LIGHT" "All Electricians Invited To Visit The Menlo Park Laboratory" "Mr. Edison's Rejoinder to Prof. Morton--His Written Replies to Put Questions--The Light Perfected--its Cost--Visit from Presidents and Directors of Gas Companies--The Electric Lights Still Glowing".
Edison was defending against criticisms of the success of his electric light, with one report: "...When I examine the conclusion [on experiments with the electric light bulb experiments published in the Herald] which everyone acquainted with the subject will recognize as a conspicuous failure, trumpeted as a wonderful success, I [conclude]... that the writer ... must either be very ignorant, and the victim of deceit, or a conscious accomplice in what is nothing less than a fraud upon the public."
Edison replies to various questions on his light, all quite skeptical of its future.
This report is a day earlier than a similar report in the N.Y. Times.
Also of curious interest is a back page article: "The Gas Companies" "Their Representatives Say that They Do Not Yet Fear Electric Light Competition."  How that would change.
Four pages, a few archival mends, several front leaf creases, margin wear, binding indentations at the blank spine.

Category: Post-Civil War