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Nice Harper's Weekly group, just after the Civil War...

Item # 649309 (5) HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, a lot of five issues from just after the Civil War. Dates are August 12, August 19, September 23, November 11, and December 2, 1865. A wealth of great prints including: 'New Westminster, Capital of British Columbia'. Halfpg: 'Trial of Mowing Machines' & 'The Richmond Election--the Polling at the 1st Market House'. Nice doublepage centerfold: 'The Atlantic Telegraph Cable' is a fine item with 9 vignettes celebrating its completion, including illus. of Prof. Morse & Ben Franklin, 'Emma, Queen Dowager of Hawaii'.
Full page illus. recognizing: 'The Electric Union' between England & the United States. Doublepage centerfold: 'Sketches on Board The U.S. Naval School ship 'Sabine'. Halfpg: 'The Flight of Jeff Davis' & also 'Jeff Davis Bidding Farewell to his Escort Two Days Before his Capture',
'Champ Ferguson & His Guard', the Kentucky guerrilla arrested for murder, once a protege of John Morgan. Prints of: 'Dover Mills, on the James River' & 'Rockett's Landing, Richmond' and a full-size: 'Fac-Similie of a Gold Check Forged by E.A. Ketchum. Fullpg: 'The Horrors of Travel' shows tragic scenes on the railroad and at sea.
Fullpg: 'The New City Hall, Boston, Mass.',
'Interior of the Seabrook Tobacco Warehouse at Richmond, Va.' & 'View of the Tobacco Exchange, Richmond' Fullpg. of 3 dead soldiers, one of whom is Black: 'The True Defenders of the Constitution' halfpg: 'Execution of Champ Ferguson, the Guerrilla, at Nashville', the 'Burning of Rev. Dr. Tyng's Church, 16th St. & Rutherford Place, New York'.
Fullpg: 'Parade of the Metropolitan Police in New York City'. Interesting fullpg. shows: 'Ex-slaves--Inquiring Stranger--Ex-dominant Race' and Two-third pg: 'Dancing by Lunatics'.
All issues are in good condition. The five issues price
individually at over $160 on our website.  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Category: 1861-1865