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Published by P.T. Barnum...

Item # 647597 ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, Jan. 22, 1853 

* Published by P. T. Barnum

Among the prints are: "Captain Ericsson Explaining His Invention to the Editors of New York" "Floating Mortar" "Astor Place Opera House" "Ball of the New York Fire Department..." "The Seals of Jerusalem" a nice town view of: "Concord, New Hampshire with 5 smaller prints including "The Residence of General Pierce"
Sixteen pages, minor foxing, generally good.

Phineas T. Barnum was the co-owner (see photos) of this early illustrated newspaper which preceded both "Leslie's Illustrated" and "Harper's Weekly" which would become immensely more successful. This effort by Barnum and the Beach brothers would last for only 48 issues, or less than one year.

Category: Pre-Civil War