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Newspaper with the famous Ben Franklin imprint, with good content as well...

Item # 642537

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January 03, 1765


* Most famous of newspapers
* Benjamin Franklin (rare)

This is perhaps one of the most famous newspapers of the colonial era, almost entirely because it was printed by the partnership of Franklin & Hall as indicated by the imprint at the bottom of the back page which lists him by name, and identifies him as the Postmaster as well: "Printed by B. FRANKLIN, Post-Master, and D. HALL, at the New-Printing-Office, near the Market." (see)  Franklin's imprint only appeared in the Pennsylvania Gazette through 1765.
Among page 2 reports from London: "Yesterday morning 42 convicts, men and women, were carried from Newgate, and put on board a lighter at Black-fryars, in order to be shipped for America." A report from Port Royal in Jamaica gives a report of pirates, and noting in part: "...These pirates were 5 in number, a Frenchman, 2 Mulattoes, and a negroe...".
Also inside are reports datelined from Savannah, Charleston, Pensacola where is mention of the arrival of the famed preacher Reverend Mr. George Whitefield; Boston, New York, and Philadelphia. Page 3 has a letter from Philadelphia concerning Ben Franklin (see).
A wealth of ads, so many that this issue has an extra full sheet filled with ads making this a 6 page issue. Just a bit of foxing, in very nice, clean condition. A fine opportunity for a Ben Franklin imprint from the last year his name would appear on this famous newspaper.
Note: If this item is showing as sold, perhaps other Ben Franklin issues are available at: Franklin's Newspapers

Category: The 1600's and 1700's