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The Battle of Chickamauga...
The Battle of Chickamauga...
Item # 636349
January 02, 1864
ARMY & NAVY JOURNAL, New York, Jan. 2, 1864 As noted in the masthead this was the: "Gazette of The Regular & Volunteer Forces" and as such is replete with military news of all sorts. The entire front page is taken up with: "The Military Situation" giving reports from various fields of operation.
Other items in this issue include: "The Virginia Campaigns" "The Volunteer & Regular Navy" "Our Generals & Soldiers" "The Launch of the Dictator" "Making War Support War" "Glory Enough For All" "The Battle of Chickamauga" which takes most of a page, with much detail; "Ambulances in the Army of the Potomac" and much more.
Sixteen pages, 10 by 14 1/2 inches, nice eagle in the masthead, a fold crease on the front page, minor foxing, nice condition.
Category: Yankee