Home > Confederate title - "Negro Equality in the North"... "Yankee Accounts of Forrest's Raid"...
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Confederate title - "Negro Equality in the North"... "Yankee Accounts of Forrest's Raid"...

Item # 625653

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April 06, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 6, 1864

* From the capital of the Confederacy

Among the many articles are "Yankee Accounts of Forrest's Raid" and ""Negro Equality in the North". Also present is: "Miscegenation--What it Means--Remarkable Confession of a Republican Journal" which begins: "The Yankees are running mad in their love for the negro. Not content with sacrificing one million of lives of their own men in this war for the negro...".
Other coverage includes: "The War News" "...All is quiet along General Lee's lines......", "Deserters From The Yankee Navy", "Alleged Defaulter", "Colonel Henry T. Gantt...", "Death of a Promising Young Marylander", "The Spring Campaign--Its Importance & Prospects--General Grant on the Road to Richmond--What is Before Us", "The Question In Congress--Yankee Senators Declare Unequivocally for it, & Admit that the War is to Enforce It--Debate In the United States Senate", and a dispatch from the "Hqts. of Stuart's Brigade".
A very nice single sheet newspaper, folio size, never bound nor trimmed, in very nice, clean condition.

Category: Confederate