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Life of Paul Revere... Gold in California...
Life of Paul Revere... Gold in California...
Item # 603280
September 03, 1850
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Sept. 3, 1850
* California gold rush producing
The back page has more than half a column taken up with: "Paul "Revere" which has much on his life (see photos). Also: "California" which is a letter from San Francisco, June 1, 1850 which includes: "...beg...your attention to a regulation...prohibiting the importation of convicts..." with more, and also: "...The export of gold continues to increase, being now upwards of 2 millions per month...A safe harbor has lately been found...called Humboldt Bay..." and more (see photos).
Four pages, very nice condition.
Category: Pre-Civil War