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Charles Sumner's "Barbarism of Slavery" speech... Describing Lincoln...

Item # 601936

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June 05, 1860

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 5, 1860  A great issue on the famous "barbarism of slavery" speech by Senator Charles Sumner on June 4, 1860, some four years after being beaten by fellow Congressman Preston Brooks for slandering his cousin in an impassioned anti-slavery speech in 1856.
Returning after four years of absence & recuperation from the attack, this lengthy speech was delivered on the floor of the Senate. Coverage of his speech is found on pages 4 & 5, headed: "Mr. Sumner's Speech" with some comment on it, then further down the page is portions of the actual text of his speech, with some paraphrasing. Portions include: "Mr. Sumner (Rep., Mass.) proceeded to address the Senate on the 'Barbarism of Slavery'. Undertaking now, he said, after a silence of more than four years, to address the Senate on this important subject..." with much more although the complete four hour speech is not printed here. See the hyperlink for the full text.
In his speech he attacked attempts to depict slavery as a benevolent institution, said it had stifled economic development in the South and that it left slaveholders reliant on "...the bludgeon, the revolver, and the bowie-knife..."
This issue also has some nice, early content on Abraham Lincoln, with page 6 containing: "...who presided, spoke as follows of our candidate for the Presidency: In Abraham Lincoln we shall find a President who will neither attempt to corrupt the press or bribe the representative of the people. His is a nomination in every way eminently 'fit to be made'..." with more (see photos). Further on is: "...the Hon. George Ashmum spoke of Abraham Lincoln as follows: 'I know Abraham Lincoln well. I sat with him in Congress & a truer or more loyal man never held a seat in the House of Representatives. You may say he is not the handsomest man in the world, but we did not nominate him for ball-room purposes..." and more.
Also of interest is a brief yet notable item headed: "The Slave Bark Wildfire" which reports: "The bark Wildfire, recently captured with a cargo of Africans, is said to have been owned and fitted out by a Boston house, who anticipated clearing over $200,000 by the operation. " (see photos). This ship Wildfire is one of the famous slave ship illustrations in Harper's Weekly (see hyperlink).
Eight pages, nice condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War