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1865 Harper's Weekly Civil War Illustrations...

Item # 592371

Currently Unavailable. Contact us if you would like to be placed on a want list or to be notified if a similar item is available.

January 01, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January, 1865 - May, 1865 (a single issue)

* the most recognized illustrated newspaper of the Civil War
* several illustrated prints (suitable for framing)

* discounted by 50% (or more)

You will receive an original issue from this famous illustrated newspaper, dated somewhere from January, 1865 through May, 1865, offered at a substantial discount (a minimum of 50% off).

Question #1: Why are we offering this issue at such a significant discount?  Answer: Timothy Hughes Rare & Early Newspapers... History's Newsstand would like to use this offering as an opportunity to introduce you to the hobby of collecting rare and historic newspapers.

Question #2: Why are we offering an issue from the Civil War?  Answer: We selected a CW title in celebration (or better... to commemorate) the150th anniversary of the Civil War.

Question #3: What is the condition of the issue you will receive? Answer:  The issue will be complete in 16 pages, and will be in good condition (similar to the other considerably more expensive issues currently being offered by us on eBay and through our website).

Question #4:  Being approximately 150 years old (since the issue is authentic), will it fall apart?  Answer:  No.  Newspapers from this period were printed on newsprint know as "rag paper", which had a high linen content.

Question #5:  The 1st image shows several issues... what will I receive?  Answer:  You will receive a single, complete issue dated in 1865 (war period), from the 5th year of the war.  The 1st image shows several so as to give a sample view of the variety of issues available from the CW period.

Purchase with confidence (read our "About Me" page).

Welcome to the hobby!!!

Category: The Civil War