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Frustration with lost reinforcements...

Item # 592265

November 02, 1779

THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Nov. 2, 1779  The entire front page and a bit of pg. 2 are taken up with: "The Justifying Memorial of the King of Great Britain in Answer to the Exposition of the Court of France". This lengthy piece concerning the French involvement in the Revolutionary War, a few bits noting in part: "...During the disputes that had arisen between Great Britain & her colonies the court of Versailles applied itself with the most lively & determined ardor..." and further on: "...As soon as the revolted colonies had completed their criminal enterprize by an open declaration of their pretended independence; they thought to form secret connections with the powers who were the least favourable to the interests of their mother country..." with more.
Page 2 has a letter from Savannah, Georgia, notes: "After fooling away in vain expectation of reinforcements...we are returned to hot quarters to sweat away the summer. Had the promised reinforcements arrived...we should...have over-run both the Carolinas and his Majesty's colours would at this moment have been flying in Charlestown [Charleston]. Gen. Grant not coming to us with the 2500 men promised was a severe disappointment...We have lost more men by the heat of summer than by the sword..." with more (see). Page 3 has a report which mentions John Paul Jones (see). Page 4 has a report which mentions the difficulty of Congress in keeping a sufficient force of soldiers under General Washington's command in order to drive Sir Henry Clinton off the continent. This is followed by a letter from Boston (see).
Eight pages, 8 1/2 by 11 1/4 inches, nice condition.

Category: Revolutionary War