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Presidential nomination...

Item # 591269

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May 23, 1812

THE WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Maryland, May 23, 1812 Under the article heading "Presidential Nomination" is "...For James JAMES MADISON, 82 -- No other person being voted for... On motion of Mr. Campbell of Ten. it was then Resolved, As the sense of this meeting, that JAMES MADISON, of the State of Virginia, be commended as a proper person to fill the office of President, for four years from the third day of March next...". Also within the issue are two additional articles, "The Nomination" and "Presidential Election".
Additional articles are: "Mr. Pickering's Letters"; "Mississippi Scheme"; "The Locusts of Africa" and more.
This is complete in 16 pages with scattered foxing, otherwise in good condition.

Category: Pre-Civil War