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On the Roberts & Carlisle treason... Discussion of the American war...
On the Roberts & Carlisle treason... Discussion of the American war...
Item # 584495 THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1779 The first article: "Summary of Proceedings in the Present Parliament" takes ten pages and includes much talk of the on-going Revolutionary War, bits including: "...He enumerated a black catalogue of crimes committed by the leaders of the American rebellion against his Majesty's loyal subjects in that country..." and further on: "...he took occasion to lament the melancholy fate of those brave men who laid down their arms at Saratoga, languishing, he said, under the power of a set of men who have violated every idea of public faith..." and too much more to mention or photo here.
There is an article on the speech of a judge passing sentence of high treason on John Roberts (see for beginning). The report begins: "John Roberts, you have been indicted, and, after a very long, a very fair, & impartial trial, been convicted of High Treason..." and ends with: "...You shall be taken back to the place from whence you came & from thence to the place of execution & there to be hanged by the neck until dead. May God be merciful to your soul!"
As a bit of background, John Roberts, along with Abraham Carlisle, were victims of a politically motivated sentence for treason. The judiciary of Pennsylvania wanted to show its toughness toward collaborators with the enemy. Though guilty, they were no more so than other collaborators who escaped death. The Revolutionary War was still in progress in late June of 1778, when the British army, because of a change in its strategy, abandoned Philadelphia and marched to New York. In British America's largest city, Philadelphia, they left a residue of property damage and hard feelings among American patriots toward those Philadelphians who had collaborated with the British during the year that they controlled the city.
Near the back is the "Historical Chronicle" with many news events of the day. Under "American News" is: "John Roberts and Abraham Carlisle, two Quakers, were executed at Philadelphia, being convicted, it is said, of carrying on a treasonable correspondence with the enemies of the United States."
Lacking the plate called for. Complete in 48 pages, measuring 5 by 8 1/4 inches with a full title/contents page featuring an engraving of St. John's Gate. Very nice condition.
Category: Revolutionary War