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Spanish matador, Juan Belmonte, gored in bullfight...

Item # 584148

August 13, 1934

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 13, 1934

* Juan Belmonte gored (1st report)
* Spanish matador - bullfighter - bullfighting

This 30 page newspaper has small one column headings on page 11 that read: "Belmonte Gored By Bull" and "Spanish Matador Wounded Twice in Arena at Santander". See photo for brief text here.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Rag edition in very nice condition.

wikipedia notes: Juan Belmonte García (April 14, 1892 – April 8, 1962) was a Spanish bullfighter, considered by many to have been the greatest matador of all time.

When his doctor told him that, because of his lifelong injuries and trauma, he could no longer smoke cigars, ride his horses, drink wine or perform sexual acts with women, he decided he was ready to die. He ordered his favorite horse brought to him, took a handful of cigars, two bottles of his favorite wine and rode out to his finca where he was met by two of Sevilla's "women of the night." He smoked his cigars and drank his wine, engaging one more time in his final passions, then took his pistol and shot himself. He had told others prior to his last day that if he could not live like a man he would at least die like one.

Category: The 20th Century