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The death of matador Ignacio Sanchez Mejias...

Item # 584116

August 14, 1934

THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 14, 1934

* Ignacio Sanchez Mejias death
* Bullfighting - bullfighter - matador

This 38 page newspaper has one column headings on page 7: "Mejias, Matador, Gored By Bull, Dies", "Veteran of Spanish Ring Had Reluctantly Consented to Appear for Injured Friend". See photos for 1st report coverage on the goring and death of famous Spanish bullfighter, Ignacio Sanchez Mejias.

Other news, sports and advertisements throughout. Rag edition in great condition.

wikipedia notes: In 1934 he returned to bullfighting. Earlier he had had a torrid affair with the French Hispanist Marcelle Auclair, whom he had met at the home of Jorge Guillén. His lovesickness was so clear to García Lorca that he wanted him to end the affair because he was convinced that La Argentinita would kill them both.

Sánchez followed Auclair to Paris, where he ran into her husband. She was afraid, and did not want to make a commitment. She returned the following year to see him fight and triumph in Santander. Thereafter their history does not continue, because it was interrupted by Sánchez's final destiny.

Domingo Ortega suffered an automobile accident, and his proxy, Dominguín, asked Sánchez to substitute for him in Manzanares, on August 11, 1934. This came at a bad time for Sánchez, but because the bulls were great he did not want to seem like he was avoiding them. He had no car, no hotel, not even a cuadrilla (bullfighting team). For the first time in his life, he turned to the lottery and drew two tickets with the numbers of the bulls of Ayala that he was scheduled to fight. The first, number 16, Granadino, docile, thin-horned and coarse-skinned, nevertheless gored him.

He did not want to be operated on in the miserable infirmary and asked to be taken back to Madrid, but the ambulance took several hours and the trip went very badly. Two days later he was diagnosed with gangrene. He died, in pain and delirium, on the morning of the 13th.

Category: The 20th Century