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Pike's Peak... Refus Choate death...

1859 Franco-Austrian War...

Item # 576835

July 15, 1859

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 15, 1859

* 2nd Italian War of Independence
* Franco-Austrian War
* Death of Rufus Choate
* Pike's Peak mention
* reports from Utah

The front page has one column headlines regarding the Franco_Austrian War.  Inside contains a report from Pike's Peak, the death report of Rufus Choate (Valedictorian at Dartmouth; U.S. Congressman).  Also included are the following reports:  "The Utah Flower Contract", "Spiritualists at Pic-Nic", "Mountain Meadow Children", and more.

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, and in overall good condition, except for a dime-size hole in the upper left margin which only impacts text on page 2 (see 6th image).

wikipedia notes: The Second War of Italian Independence, Franco-Austrian War, Austro-Sardinian War, or Austro-Piedmontese War, was fought by Napoleon III of France and the Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia against the Austrian Empire in 1859. In respect to the Italian unification process, this war is also known as the Second Independence War.

Category: Pre-Civil War