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Atlantics chicagoed... stars of the day...

Item # 563798

May 09, 1871

NEW YORK TIMES, New York, NY, May 9, 1871

On pg. 2 under Base-Ball is a report: The Boston Club Chicagoing the Atlantics. Includes a summary about a match played at the Capitoline Grounds, in Brooklyn, before a crowd of 1,000, with mention that a chilly, blustering north-west wind prevailed. The Boston club chicagoed (term for a shut-out) the Atlantics, 25-0. Says that "...the Atlantics were unable to score a single run in the entire game, Spauldings accurate and strategic delivery of the ball , finely supported as it was in the field, making it almost impossible to secure a base, much less to score a run." About the fielding of the Boston nine, the summary also says: "They... made some fine displays in the field, two double plays, in which Harry and George Wright were prominent actors, being specially noteworthy..." Includes the box score. In good condition.

Category: Post-Civil War