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Fatty Arbuckle death in 1933...

Item # 556822

June 29, 1933

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, June 29, 1933

This 12 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page:

* Dies of Heart Attack Early Today in New York City

Other news of the day throughout.

Light browning with minor spine wear, otherwise in good condition.

source: wikipedia: Roscoe Conkling Arbuckle, also known as Fatty Arbuckle (March 24, 1887 – June 29, 1933), was an American silent film comedian, director, and screenwriter. Arbuckle is noted as one of the most popular actors of his era, but he is best remembered for a heavily publicized criminal prosecution that ended his career. Although he was acquitted by a jury with a written apology, the trial's scandal ruined the actor, who would not appear on screen again for another 10 years.

Category: The 20th Century