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Death of the first child born in Philadelphia...
Death of the first child born in Philadelphia...
Item # 538349
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July 16, 1767
THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, Philadelphia, July 16, 1767 Page 2 has an interesting report about the death of the first child born in Philadelphia, reading in part: "At Kennet, in Chester County, the 5th instant, died JOHN KEY, in the 85th year of his Age, and the next Day was interred at the Burial Place belonging to the People called Quakers, in that Township....He was born in a Cave, long afterwards known by the Name Penny-Pot, near Race-street, and WILLIAM PENN, our first Proprietor, gave him a Lot of Ground, as a compliment on his being the first Child born in this City....His Constitution was very healthy till about 80....About 6 Years ago he walked on Foot from Kennet to Philadelphia in one Day, which is nearly 30 Miles..." with a bit more about the longevity of the people in the province of Pennsylvania.
The front page has a notice: To Be Sold, A LIKELY young NEGROE MAN... The back page has two reward ads offering Pistoles (gold coins) for runaway servants.
Other news of the day with other ads as well. Four pages in very good condition.
Category: The 1600's and 1700's