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The 1988 Olympics....

Item # 222057

October 03, 1988

THE SPORTING NEWS, St. Louis, Missouri, October 3, 1988.

The front page photo of this issue shows a picture of swimmers Matt Biondi and Janet Evans which is titled "Goin' for the Gold: Swimmers Matt Biondi and Janet Evans Led the U.S. Medal Parade in Seoul".

Additional content within this issue relates to: Mike Tyson, Karl Nelson, and many more.

Certainly the premier newspaper/magazine for the sporting world, its 40+ pages are simply filled with the latest news in American sports, including a front page photo which was the highlight of the week. The top names and events of all American sports eventually found their way in the pages of The Sporting News.

You get the complete issue, measuring about 10 1/2 by 13 1/2 inches.

A nice displayable issue for any sports fan!

Category: The 20th Century