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Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Item # 210078
November 19, 1864
THE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Nov. 18 & 19, 1864 The front page includes some nice one column heads including: "Gen. Sherman's Movements" "He is Said to be Moving on Savannah & Charleston" "Pursuit of General Price" "Despatch from Gen. Sanborn" "Beauregard Reported Advancing Upon Memphis" "The Reorganization of the Rebel Army" "General Breckinridge Claims a Victory" "Rebel Reports of Sherman" "He is Said to be Moving on Selma, Alabama" "Proceedings of the Rebel Congress" and more, plus many smaller subheads as well. This is the tri-weekly edition of the Inquirer, meaning within its 8 pages is a second full front page dated Nov. 18 with masthead, headlines, etc. (see photo) essentially giving you two complete front pages among the 8 pages in this issue! Never bound nor trimmed and in great condition.
Category: Yankee