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The town that inspired Tom Sawyer...
"Christy" Mattewson, "Nap" Rucker, "Marty" O'Toole, and Walter Johnson...
The town that inspired Tom Sawyer...
"Christy" Mattewson, "Nap" Rucker, "Marty" O'Toole, and Walter Johnson...
Item # 177852
August 09, 1913
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, August 9, 1913 The inside has "Columbia Inspires Sculpture Anew," by John Walker Harrington, which contains 2 pages of vignettes including: "The Young Girl at the Pool," by Frances Grimes, "Night" and "Day," by Michelangelo, "Toil," by Victor Salvatore, and "The Tiger," by A. Phimster Proctor. Also included are prints and/or text related to: "A Mother Of Revolutionists," by Nina Lawton; "Genius," by Addington Bruce; "A Masterly Method," by Jeanette Cooper, which shows vignettes of well-known baseball pitchers demonstrating how they hold a baseball for various pitches. The photos include Christy Mattewson, Nap Rucker, Marty O'Toole, and Walter Johnson; "Children's Courts," by Ernest K. Coulter; "Tom Sawyer's Town," by Keene Abbott, including a photo of Mark Twain and Laura Hawkins; "His Little Tan Shoes," by Zoe Anderson Norris; "Justice Absolute," by Hastings MacAdam; "The Mother's Son," by Lulah Ragsdale; and a photo and supporting bio of Norman Hapgood, the new chief editor of Harper's Weekly.
Complete in 24 pages, although the outer wrapper/cover (pgs.1&2, 27&28) are not present (typical). In overall good condition.
Category: Harper's Weekly