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Cy Young, Honus Wagner, Christy Mathewson... The Wright Brothers...

Item # 177517

April 10, 1909

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 10, 1909  The most noteworthy page is found towards the back of the issue: "Play Ball", which includes 16 photos of players including Cy Young, Honus Wagner, and Christy Mathewson. Yet another photo is of a group of people helping the Wright Brothers get ready for a flight.
The front page of this issue has a photo of "Mr. Harriman's Optimistic Return."
The many additional articles include: "The Development of the Transatlantic Steamship" by Gustav H. Schwab and "An Elk herd that Invaded a Town" by A. W. North. There is also a photo of "A Dramatic Exponent of Women's Ways" and a photo spread of "Chips From the World's Workshop" plus a double page illustration by Kemble called "An Old Fable Revised." There is also an illustration of "A Mainstay of Commerce" by Gerrit A. Beneker and much more.

Other advertisements of the day are included as well, helping to portray life at the turn of the century. 

Category: Harper's Weekly