Rare title from the 1600's...
Item #685334
January 15, 1698
* Very rare 17th century publication
This is one of the more uncommon titles from the 17th century we have had the pleasure to offer, with the content relating much to the title. The back page has a large chart showing prices of various grains by city.
Complete as a single sheet issue, never bound nor t... See More
Settling Georgia...
Item #616459
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1735 Near the back is a section headed: "Monthly Intelligencer" with news reports from various parts of England & Europe with one report under the heading: "Plantation Affairs" including: "From Georgia, that the 27th of December last the Indian Princes...arriv'd there in good health, pleas'd with their voyage. ... See More
Early issue of America's first successful newspaper...
Item #682697
August 23, 1739
* Among the earliest of American newspapers to be had
Above the title is "New-England", likely to distinguish this newspaper from the city of Boston in England.
This very rare title was the first successful newspaper in the colonies, having begun in 1704 and lasting until the British occupation of Boston in 1776. It was only pre... See More
Very early newspaper from Cologne, Germany...
Item #702551
March 19, 1751
ORDINARIA RELATIONIS DIARIE CONINUATIO, Colonie Agrippinea, March 19, 1751 In 50 A.D. Roman emperor Claudius planted a colony on the left bank of the Rhine River. At the request of his wife he named it "Colonia Agrippina", which later became Cologne, Germany.
All four pages appear to be in Latin. Never bound nor trimmed with wide margins, 6 1/4 by 7 1/4 inches, a few period notati... See More
Political observations by Benjamin Franklin...
Item #697976
September 04, 1759
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, September 4, 1759
* "Political Aphorisms...", by Benjamin Franklin (?)
The first and a portion of the second column on page 7 has "Political Aphorisms concerning Population", signed "F", which has recently been attributed to Ben Franklin (see Swann Auctions for more information).
Another London Chronicle from 10 days later,... See More
Early Boston newspaper with nice front page references to the French & Indian War...
Item #694151
December 29, 1760
* Original colonial America publication
* French and Indian War coverage
A quite early issue of this famous title, from near the end of the French & Indian War.
Just a few months earlier the governor of Canada surrendered the province of Quebec (New France) to the British, and the French outpost of Detroit surrendered t... See More
England to build settlements west of the Allegany Mountains...
Item #700807
October 26, 1767
THE NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, England, Oct. 26, 1767 The front page has one bit noting: "...that the government, seeing the great advantages which may arise from the forming a settlement beyond the mountains in North America, have resolved on establishing a colony on the forks of the Ohio, in the country of the Illinois, which lies between the 36 and 37 degrees of Northern Latitude. We hear ... See More
News from Charleston & Boston: naval concerns, hopes for a peace among the Indians...
Item #700801
December 09, 1771
THE NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, England, Dec. 9, 1771 Page 3 has reports headed: "America" with datelines from Charleston and Boston. Bits include: "...a chief of the Mohawk Tribe of Indiana...arrived in town & have had several conferences with...Lieutenant Governor...to make a general peace between the Six Nations & all the tribes inhabiting from the Ohio to the Chicasahs...... See More
From Northampton, England, before the Revolutionary War...
Item #208963
THE NORTHAMPTON MERCURY, England, 1772 This is a very nice, folio-size newspaper of four pages which was never bound nor trimmed with uncommonly wide margins. This is also the first 18th century newspaper we have been able to offer from this part of England. The issue contains various news from throughout Europe with an emphasis on British events with the back page mostly taken up with ads. We do ... See More
Paul Revere engraved the masthead... Battle of Alamance...
Item #687196
January 23, 1772
THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY, Boston, Jan. 23, 1772
* Paul Revere masthead engraving
* Pre American Revolutionary War
* Battle of Alamance - North Carolina
This newspaper published by the famed Isaiah Thomas is undoubtedly one of the more significant & notable titles of the Revolutionary War era. An ardent patriot, Thomas was a constant target of the Royalist government. He began his ne... See More
Curious little 1773 "newspaper"...
Item #663137
December 19, 1773
* Curious little "newspaper"
* Pre revolutionary era from France
This is a very curious little newspaper, loosely translated to: "Manifest of Goods Imported at the Port of Marseille". Qualifies as a periodical as the issue carries a specific date. But there is no text, in... See More
On the Battle of Bunker Hill... Washington named commander-in-chief.. So much more....
Item #687295
July 05, 1775
* Battle of Bunker Hill - Charlestown
* Siege of Boston, Massachusetts
* George Washington named commander
* American Revolutionary War
* Terrific issue w/ many reports
Nice engraving in the masthead of a post boy on horseback.
The front page has a letter from an officer in General Gage's regiment heading for ... See More
Ben Franklin's famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...
Item #687418
September 06, 1775
* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon
If there was one graphic that represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of
... See More
* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon
If there was one graphic that represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of
Great account of the siege of Fort Schuyler...
Item #697860
September 04, 1777
* Siege of Fort Stanwix - Schuyler
* American Revolutionary War
Page 3 has Revolutionary War content including an item reading: "We hear Sir William Howe has requested his Majesty, for very essential reasons, to allow him to exchange General Lee for some British officers; but that such a measure has been stro... See More
Great content on the Revolutionary War... Brandywine Creek... Chesapeake Bay....
Item #687422
February 14, 1778
* American Revolutionary War
* Battle of Brandywine & more
Almost the entire front page is taken up with a report on the treatment of American captures by the British, with considerable detail.
It begins: "The following is an account of the treatment that the Continental officers, taken in the... See More
England's last ditch effort to reconcile with America...
Item #701400
October 31, 1778
* British last attempt - peace with America
The entire front page and a portion of page 2 are taken up with an historic document headed: "MANIFESTO and PROCLAMATION" by General Henry Clinton.
Once France entered the war on the side of the colonists, Lord North became alarmed & sent commissioners t... See More
Benedict Arnold responds... Nice war reports... Paul Revere masthead...
Item #687315
March 25, 1779
* 18th century American publication
* Revolutionary War - Benedict Arnold
* Masthead by Paul Revere
This newspaper published by the famed Isaiah Thomas is undoubtedly one of the more significant & notable titles of the Revolutionary War era.
It is worth noting that the famed printer Isaiah ... See More
Letter from Patrick Henry, and much on the Revolutionary War...
Item #684429
June 09, 1779
* Patrick Henry letter signed in type
* Much on the Revolutionary War
Pages 2 and 3 contain a wealth of reporting on the Revolutionary War including a letter from Charleston noting in part: "The campaign in George and the Southern part of this state between the royal army commanded by Brigadier General P... See More
Notable attempt at price controls during the War... Much fine war content...
Item #697211
July 15, 1779
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, July 15, 1779
* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication
A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781. This is the volume 1, #18 issue.
The entire front page & most of the back page are taken up with what one scholar calls: &quo... See More
Latest war news in a rare newspaper from the Revolutionary War...
Item #698073
August 26, 1779
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, Aug. 26, 1779
* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication
A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.
Page 3 has a: "...letter from an officer of distinction to the honorable Major-General Gates..." which begins: "I... See More
British account of the Battle of Stono Ferry, and the Battle of Chemung, New York...
Item #697637
September 02, 1779
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, Sept. 2, 1779
* Battle of Stono Ferry, Charleston, South Carolina
* Battle of Chemung - New York - John Sullivan
A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.
Nearly one-third of page 2 is a letter from an officer in the British army from ... See More
Very lengthy letter by Ben Franklin... British generals say America cannot be conquered...
Item #697886
September 09, 1779
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, Sept. 9, 1779
* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication
* Lengthy letter from Benjamin Franklin
A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.
The entire front page and a bit of the back page are taken up with a very lengthy: &quo... See More
Work towards creating a treaty with America... Latest on the war...
Item #696921
September 30, 1779
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, Sept. 30, 1779
* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication
A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.
The front page begins with a report from the House of Commons concerning the appointment of commissioners to work with America t... See More
Revolutionary War events in the South...
Item #689555
November 06, 1779
* American Revolutionary War
* Southern events - Georgia & more
Most of the first column is taken up with the details of a non-exportation act by the state of Rhode Island, similar to that enacted by Massachusetts & Connecticut. Included are the penalties for those found guilty. Also an act for: "...... See More
Reference to John Paul Jones... Reference to Benedict Arnold's defection...
Item #567395
March 27, 1781
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, March 27, 1781 Page 2 has an item referencing the famous naval battle involving John Paul Jones, with: "...Displeasures of his B.M. in regard to what has been done for Paul Jones is equally groundless...". Another item on pg. 2 extending to pg. 3 includes: "...negociation intended to lay the plan of a treaty of commerce to be concluded between th... See More
Articles of Confederation are working... Traitor Arnold...
Item #687290
July 05, 1781
* Articles of Confederation are now in force
* American Revolutionary War - Benedict Arnold
A very handsome issue as the masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere for colonial currency at the time. It is a very patriotic device showing a soldier with a sword in one hand an a scroll with '... See More
Execution of Col. Isaac Hayne, and much more...
Item #687094
October 11, 1781
THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, October 11, 1781
* American Revolutionary War original
* American Issac Hayne's execution - hanging
Most of the front page is taken up with various correspondences from and to C. Fraser, Isaac Hayne, Lord Rawdon & John Collock, with a prefacing note: "The following are authentic copies of sundry papers which Col. Isaac Hayne, two ... See More
Naval content from the Revolutionary War....
Item #587189
October 11, 1781
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 11, 1781 Inside has a letter from New York which gives details of a naval battle, noting in part: "....the 29th of June we fell in with a rebel privateer of 22 guns...who engaged us for 3 hours and 20 minutes...The engagement was so excessively hot that for three quarters of an hour the muzzles of her guns & ours rubbed one another. We received so... See More
Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown: a first report...
Item #698085
November 27, 1781
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 27, 1781
* Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown
* Revolutionary War ending
* Historic item - 1st report
This is one of the more noteworthy issues of the Chronicle for the entire Revolutionary War, as it is the first issue in this title to announce the surrender of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown, essentially ending the Revolutionary War.
Although the fo... See More
References to Cornwallis' surrender... A plea to Congress by Loyalist James Rivington...
Item #687139
December 06, 1781
* American Revolutionary War
* Post Surrender of Cornwallis
* Loyalist James Rivington
The masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere, showing a soldier holding a sword and a document inscribed "Independence" while standing beneath a banner inscribed "Appeal To Heaven&q... See More
Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, in an American newspaper... Masthead modeled after one of Paul Revere's...
Item #680790
December 14, 1781
THE INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, December 14, 1781
* Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown
* American Revolutionary War ending
This issue contains one of the most historically significant letters from the Revolutionary War, being Cornwallis' official announcement of his surrender to Washington at the Battle of Yorktown.
The report consumes all of page 3, prefaced with: "... See More
General Clinton's letter on the Loyalists...
Item #681060
April 27, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, April 27, 1782
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century
* From The Enemy
Page 3 has reports under the heading: "America" including: "...that the army under the Count de Rochambeau have leveled their works, and quitted their posts at York-Town, Virginia. Also a letter sent too Gov. Franklin, President of the Board of Directors of A... See More
The Asgill Affair: Asgill has been set free... British to leave New York...
Item #681156
August 03, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Aug. 3, 1782
* American Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century from The Enemy
Page 3 includes: "Lord Shelburne's scheme for prosecuting the American war is to withdraw the troops from New York, but to keep Charles-Town and to carry on hostilities chiefly at sea. The troops at New York to be sent to he West Indies...Advice received from Bo... See More
Guy Carleton has arrived to negotiate a peace treaty...
Item #681158
August 08, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Aug. 8, 1782
* American Revolutionary War
* Guy Carleton for peace ?
The front page has a report from Annapolis, Maryland's House of Delegates noting in part: "...announcing the arrival of Sir Guy Carleton at New York as a commissioner for making peace or war in North America...the draft of a bill brought into the British Parliament to ... See More
Washington & the French are advancing upon New York City...
Item #681161
August 27, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Aug. 27, 1782
* 18th century Revolutionary War Era
* From The Enemy - George Washington
The front page has: "...various accounts from America...brought...from Virginia & some more recent arrivals from the Chesapeake, all agreeing that the plan of combined operation between America and France is against New York; and that an attempt is ... See More
Captain Lippencot is acquitted... New York prepares for an attack...
Item #681163
September 07, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Sept. 7, 1782 Page 3 has a report on the Asgill Affair noting: "...who came from New York...we learn that Capt. Lippencot was acquitted by a general court martial & Capt. Asgill still continues on his parole; and that the Rebels had by some means taken a refugee American Captain on whom they threatened to retaliate for Huddy...people all New Yo... See More
How to agree to terms for peace... Independence is granted?
Item #673698
October 03, 1782
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 3, 1782
* Revolutionary War ending events
* Americans again have independence ?
Page 2 has a letter from New York noting: "Every thing here seems to be at a stand. The army being in a state of inactivity & the inhabitants & loyalists of New York disappointed & dejected at the offers of Independence held out to the Americans..."... See More
Rare mention of John Paul Jones...
Item #681166
October 08, 1782
THE ST. JAMES'S CHRONICLE, London, Oct. 8, 1782
* John Paul Jones
* Revolutionary War Era
* 18th century
* From The Enemy
Page 3 has a report with rare mention of John Paul Jones: "...letters were received from New York...when every thing remained quiet...It is said to be the squadron under Paul Jones, which sailed from Boston in August last, and not three French frig... See More
America in a bad condition... The duty on imported slaves...
Item #674303
November 04, 1783
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 4, 1783 Page 2 has a letter from Charleston: "You will please to observe, that this place is no longer called Charlestown, but Charleston, it being incorporated under that name by an act of Assembly..." then a list of various duties imposed by the S.C. legislature including: "Negroes imported directly from Africa, four feet and upwards, 3 po... See More
1783 Washington's farewell orders to his Army... The treaty that ended the Revolutionary War...
Item #701554
December 01, 1783
* General George Washington
* Farewell address to Continental Army
* Post American Revolutionary War
Eighteenth century American magazines are increasingly difficult to find, let alone an issue from the Revolutionary War era.
This issue begins by printing the complete text of: "General Washington's Farewell Orders to the Armies of the Un... See More
Decorative masthead... late 1700's...
Item #649227
THE NEWCASTLE CHRONICLE, England, 1784-1788 See the photo for the very nice & ornate lettering in the masthead, making this a displayable issue. This is a folio size newspaper of 4 pages which was never bound nor trimmed--difficult to find as such.
Various news of the day & a wealth of ads, and a red-inked tax stamp at the bottom of the front page. Minor wear to the edges a
... See More
Various news of the day & a wealth of ads, and a red-inked tax stamp at the bottom of the front page. Minor wear to the edges a
Early, colonial America almanac...
Item #702541
January 01, 1784
"An Astronomical Diary Or Almanack..." for the year 1784, by Nathanael Low, printed in Boston by T. & J. Fleet. An early almanac complete in 24 pages.
Never bound nor trimmed, 4 1/4 by 7 inches, with original string binding, minor wear at the margins, in surprisingly good condition for an 18th century almanac.
Decorative masthead... late 1700's...
Item #216092
THE NEWCASTLE CHRONICLE, England, 1784-1788 See the photo for the very nice & ornate lettering in the masthead, making this a displayable issue. This is a folio size newspaper of 4 pages which was never bound nor trimmed--difficult to find as such.
Various news of the day & a wealth of ads, and a red-inked tax stamp at the bottom of the front page. Minor wear to the edges and lig
... See More
Various news of the day & a wealth of ads, and a red-inked tax stamp at the bottom of the front page. Minor wear to the edges and lig
18th century York, England...
Item #596775
April 02, 1784
THE YORK CHRONICLE & GENERAL ADVERTISER, England, April 2, 1784 There are far more advertisements than news reports, but all the news is European, and mostly British.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, lightly inked tax stamp on the front page., very nice condition.
On one of the major pioneers in manned balloon flights...
Item #699738
January 06, 1785
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 6, 1785
* Early ballooning - aviation pioneer
* Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier
Page 5 has a paragraph on one of the pioneers of manned flight, noting: "The famous M. Pilastre de Rozier, after having in vain waited...for a favourable wind to waft him & his balloon to the British shore, has given up all thoughts of such an aeri... See More
On the American Indians in news headed "America"...
Item #699740
January 15, 1785
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 15, 1785 Almost one-third of page 2 is taken up with news reports headed: "America". From Hartford is a report beginning: "See are informed that a treaty between the United States and the six Indian nations have been confirmed at Fort Stanwix...". Most of the balance of the report concerning relations with Indians.
Eight pages, never b... See More
An attempted early demonstration of a parachute ends comically... News from America...
Item #699820
July 14, 1785
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 14, 1785 The back page has a report concerning the early use of a parachute, bits noting: "...persons were assembled...late Blanchard's Aerobatic Academy near Vauxhall, to be spectators of an experiment made by a Italian with a parachute, who was to have let himself down from a prodigious altitude and to manifest his composure by playing on a viol... See More
Rare 18th century title from Philadelphia...
Item #694520
September 16, 1786
* Very rare 18th century American publication
A very rare title, in fact I find no record in our database of having sold another of this title.
This newspaper existed under this title from just May 31, 1786 thru Feb. 14, 1788, less than 2 years. It existed for 16 months prior under several different titles... See More
York England... Red ink tax stamp...
Item #207992
THE YORK CHRONICLE, England, 1787 A nice folio-size, four page newspaper and somewhat uncommon from this British town in the 1700's, filled with varoius news of the day and ads as well. The front page includes a red-inked tax stamp.This issue was never bound nor trimmed, has some rubbing at the folds and browning scattered throughout. A nice 18th century title we've never had the pleasur... See More
Congress needs to protect American ships in the Mediterranean...
Item #638703
April 21, 1787
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 21, 1787 Inside has a "Letter from New York" which mentions in part: The Congress have it in contemplation to send some vessels of force into the European seas, particularly into the Mediterranean, to protect the trade of the United States..." with more.
Eight pages, never bound nor trimmed, 9 by 12 inches, very nice condition.
The HMS Bounty prepares for its fateful trip... A slave ship burns...
Item #704521
August 28, 1787
* Captain William Bligh prepares for voyage
* HMS Bounty - merchant ship - mutiny fame
* Fateful South Pacific Ocean expedition
The back page has an inconspicuous report noting "The ship which has been engaged by the Admiralty to make a voyage to the Society Islands for the bread-fruit which is to be transported to our West India settlement,... See More
From York, England...
Item #700790
August 31, 1787
THE YORK CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 31, 1787 A nice newspaper from the UK with mostly European reports and ads.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, full red tax stamp on the front page, good condition.
Death of famed composer Gluck...
Item #619643
January 01, 1788
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 1, 1788
* Christoph Willibald Gluck death
* Classical music composer
* Italian & French opera
Page 3 has a report on the death of notice composer Christoph Gluck, beginning: "The death of Gluck, the celebrated musical composer who died suddenly of an apoplectic fit the 17th ult. at Vienna in his 73rd year..." with more, taking two-thi... See More
Madison proposes Amendments to the Constitution... Early edition of the Bill of Rights...
Item #681502
June 13, 1789
* Early edition of the "Bill of Rights"
* United States Constitution - Amendments
* President James Madison
An exceedingly significant issue which has, on page 3, a preliminary draft of the Bill of Rights described as "...the Amendments to the New Constitution, proposed by the Hon. Mr. Maddison [sic]...".... See More
Two documents signed by Alexander Hamilton...
Item #686162
November 28, 1791
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Nov. 28, 1791 Mot of the front page is taken up with the French Revolution with a lengthy letter signed: Louis.
Most of page 3 is taken up with reports from Congress, including a brief note to the House concerning expenses for the year signed by the Secretary of the Treasury: Alexander Hamilton. This is followed by another letter signed: Alexander Hamilton with a ch... See More
"Report" signed in type by Thomas Jefferson...
Item #698985
January 21, 1792
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Jan. 21, 1792
* Thomas Jefferson before presidency
Beginning on the front page and concluding on page 2 is a very lengthy "Report" from the Secretary of State, signed in type: Th. Jefferson. It is very difficult to find 18th century newspapers with Jefferson's signature in type.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, some foxing and a few archi... See More
Short-lived 18th century Boston magazine...
Item #590718
THE AMERICAN APOLLO, Boston, July 13, 1792 A 20 page magazine featuring a large engraving on the front page.Near the back is the "American Intelligence" with various news reports, including datelines of Quebec, Kingston, Jamaica; Philadelphia, Albany, New York, Boston, and Niagara, the latter having a descriptive article on Niagara Falls.
A scarce periodical which lasted but 39 ... See More
Handsome newspaper... Two John Hancock documents on the front page...
Item #689112
March 21, 1793
* John Hancock signed in type
As the photo shows, this is one of the more handsome & displayable mastheads of the 18th century.
The front page features a full column: "Proclamation" for a day of thanksgiving and prayer, signed by governor: John Hancock. It is headed with the same coat-of-arms a... See More
Handsome newspaper... Progress on building out Washington, D.C...
Item #689118
September 16, 1793
* Expanding Washington D.C.
* Nice masthead engraving
* 18th century America
As the photo shows, this is one of the more handsome & displayable mastheads of the 18th century.
Page 3 has a brief yet interesting report on progress being made in the development of the nation's new capital, with: "... See More
Handsome newspaper... Hancock's address to the Legislature...
Item #689119
September 19, 1793
* Nice masthead engraving
* 18th century America
* John Hancock
As the photo shows, this is one of the more handsome & displayable mastheads of the 18th century.
Nearly half of page 3 is taken up with a very lengthy: "SPEECH" to the Mass. legislature by the governor, signed by him in type: Jo... See More
Act of Congress signed by Washington...
Item #704046
May 10, 1794
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, May 10, 1794
* President George Washington
* Act of United States Congress
The front page begins with an Act of Congress, signed in script type by the President; Go. Washington. It takes over half the column.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, wide margins, some foxing and minor tears at the margins, nice condition.... See More
Washington signs three Acts of Congress... Military outposts...
Item #704056
February 18, 1795
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Feb. 18, 1795
* President George Washington
* 3 Acts of Congress signed in script
The front page has a full column taken up with not just one, but three Acts of Congress each signed in script type by the President: Go. Washington.
Page 3 has: "The Western Posts" with some details on Oswego, Niagara, Detroit, Michilimackinac and Fort Miami.... See More
Note from President Washington...
Item #602434
September 26, 1795
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 26, 1795 Page 3 has a small item prefaced with: "The following is the concluding paragraph of the answer of the President of the United States to the Chairman of the Norfolk meeting against the Treaty:" and what follows is the paragraph, signed in type: G. Washington.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, various small tears & archival mends ne... See More
First elephant to arrive in America...
Item #694546
April 16, 1796
THE DIARY, New York, April 16, 1796
* First elephant comes to America
* Captain Jacob Crowninshield
The most notable content would be the page 3 report of the very first elephant to arrive in America, which was on board the ship America.
The report reads: "The America has brought him an ELEPHANT from Bengal, in perfect health. It is the first ever seen in America, and a very gr... See More
Federal election reports...
Item #636120
November 09, 1796
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Nov. 9, 1796 The front page is taken up with various reports from Europe, with further reports on pages 2 & 3. Page 3 also has reports headed: "Federal Election".
The back page has: "Anecdote of Gen. Buonaparte" and various ads, including one headed: "75 Dollars Reward--Stop Thief and Runaway" with much d... See More
This newspaper existed for just one year... Botany Bay...
Item #694555
December 06, 1796
THE NEW WORLD, Philadelphia, Dec. 6, 1796
* Rare publication
* Botany Bay
* New South Wales
* Australia
A very scarce title, existing only from Aug. 15, 1796 thru Aug. 16, 1797, just one year. This issue is from the private collection.
Page 3 has: "Botany Bay" which is present-day Australia. The letter from Governor Hunter, New South Wales, begins: "This settlement ... See More
Masons--including Paul Revere--offer congrats to fellow Mason George Washington...
Item #708854
May 10, 1797
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, May 10, 1797 Page 2 has an address from: "The East, the West, and the South of the GRAND LODGE of Ancient, Free, & Accepted MASONS of the Commonwealth of Mass. to their most Worthy Brother, GEORGE WASHINGTON'" being congratulations on his 2 terms as President.
It is signed in type by 3 members including: "Paul Rever... See More
Act of Congress signed by Adams & Jefferson...
Item #686137
November 09, 1797
CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, Nov. 9, 1797 The entire front page and a good portion of page 3 are taken up with: "AN ACT Laying Duties on Stamped Vellum, Parchment and Paper" which is signed in type at its conclusion by John Adams, President, and Thomas Jefferson, Vice President.
Four pages, a very handsome issue as it was never bound nor trimmed with wide margins, slight ... See More
John Adams' first state-of-the-union address... Paul Revere...
Item #704064
December 02, 1797
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 2, 1797 Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the complete text of President John Adams' very first state of the union address, which carries over to page 2 where it is signed in type: John Adams.
Page 3 has an article: "The President's Speech", and page 3 has a notice from the Masonic: "Grand Lodge of Massachusetts" signed... See More
Proclamation signed by John Jay...
Item #605650
December 06, 1797
THE SPECTATOR, New York, Dec. 6, 1797 Close to half of the first column of the back page is taken up with: "A Proclamation" concerning state law & prisoners, signed in type by the governor: John Jay.
Four pages, minor loss to an upper corner, never bound nor trimmed, minor foxing.
Signed by New York governor John Jay... 1798...
Item #688363
January 20, 1798
THE SPECTATOR, New York, Jan. 20, 1798
* Governor John Jay
* His response to the New York Senate
The back page has the "Answer of the Senate of the State of New York to the Speech of...John Jay, Governor..." which is followed by his response, signed in type: John Jay.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, nice condition.... See More
Early title from New Haven, Connecticut...
Item #570044
April 25, 1798
CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, April 25, 1798
* Rare 18th century American title
The entire front page is taken up with the continuation of a "Message" from the President to Congress, which also takes most of page 2, and concludes on page 4.
Also on page 2 is: "Yesterday the House of Representatives of the United States went into a committee of the whole on the state ... See More
Signed by President John Adams...
Item #564866
May 02, 1798
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, May 2, 1798 The back page has an: "Address to the President" from the merchants & traders of Philadelphia, with his response signed in type: John Adams.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, some foxing near folds and margins, generally nice.
Signed by President John Adams...
Item #564865
May 02, 1798
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, May 2, 1798 The back page has an: "Address to the President" from the merchants & traders of Philadelphia, with his response signed in type: John Adams.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, some foxing near folds and margins, generally nice.
John Adams & Thomas Paine...
Item #703565
May 11, 1798
THE SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, May 11, 1798 The front page has a three-quarter column article: "To the Inhabitants of the Town of Providence, Rhode Island" signed in type by the President: John Adams. Also on the front page is a letter signed by Thomas paint written to France's Council of 500.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, a bit of light damp staining, good condition.... See More
Signed by President John Adams...
Item #582604
June 13, 1798
THOMAS'S MASSACHUSETTS SPY OR WORCESTER GAZETTE, Worcester, Massachusetts, June 13, 1798
* President John Adams
* 18th century American title
Part of the front page has "Proceedings of the Columbian Federal Congress", carrying over to page 2. Pg. 2 has a lengthy: "Speech" to the Mass. Legislature signed in type by the governor: Increase Sumner. Pg. 3 has a brie... See More
An address to the President, with his response...
Item #604887
October 10, 1798
* President John Adams
Page 2 has and: "Address" prefaced with: "Among the numerous addresses presented to the President few, if any, have been better expressed than the following." signed: James Oliver. This is followed by the President's reply signed: John Adams (see).
Four pages, never bound ... See More
Death of the Governor Increase Sumner...
Item #565310
June 08, 1799
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Massachusetts, June 8, 1799 All of pages 2 & 3 are black bordered in mourning rules because of the death of Massachusetts governor Increase Sumner, with some related text (see). Otherwise complete in 4 pages, never bound nor trimmed, great condition.
Death & funeral of the governor...
Item #697866
June 19, 1799
* Increase Sumner death
* Massachusetts governor
The front page has: "On Matrimony". Page 3 has a black-bordered report on the death & funeral of Mass. Governor Increase Sumner including the "Order Of Procession" and the position of "The Corpse" with the pallbearers, etc.
The back pa... See More
Act of Congress signed by President John Adams...
Item #686167
September 30, 1799
THE CONNECTICUT COURANT, Hartford, Sept. 30, 1799 Close to half of the front page & some of page 2 are taken up with an Act of Congress signed in type by the President: John Adams.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, very nice condition.
Did Thomas Jefferson die in 1800?
Item #702636
July 09, 1800
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 9, 1800 Page 2 has an interesting report concerning the possible death of Thomas Jefferson. Headed: 'Of Mr. Jefferson", it begins: "The papers by the three last southern mails have brought account & contradictions of accounts of the death of Mr. Jefferson at his seat at Monticello..." followed by details of the reports. In reality, he w... See More
All is good under Jefferson's leadership...
Item #667578
March 04, 1802
AMERICAN MERCURY, Hartford, March 4, 1802 Page 2 has a letter from the President concerning the case of Capt. Levin Jones. Jefferson believed he should be cleared of the conviction against him. It is signed in type: Thomas Jefferson.
Page 3 has a report: "It is one year...since Mr. Jefferson was inducted into the office of President...No insurrections in the last 12 months--useless off... See More
"Mourning" for the Judiciary Act...
Item #700969
July 10, 1802
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, July 10, 1802 The front page has a black-bordered, tongue-in-chief mourning report which relates to the controversial Judiciary Act of 1802.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, scattered foxing, good condition.
As America takes over at New Orleans...
Item #703901
December 24, 1803
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 24, 1803
* re. Louisiana Purchase
* General James Wilkinson
* Early New Orleans
The front page has an editorial headed: "Louisiana" which seems to be critical of the recent purchase.
A page 2 item from "New Orleans" says: "...It is expected that the troops, under Gen. Wilkinson are now on their way to take possession of the... See More
On the death of the Rhode Island governor...
Item #695025
October 28, 1805
SALEM REGISTER, Massachusetts, Oct. 28, 1805 Pages 1 and 2 contain reports on the life & funeral of Arthur Jenner, late governor of Rhode Island. Other news and ads of the day.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, minor foxing, good condition.
A non-newspaper political sheet, presumably printed only on listed date...
Item #695803
March 26, 1806
THE IMPARTIAL EXAMINER, (Boston), March 26, 1806 This is a very unusual item. It is not a newspaper in the traditional sense. Note that it does not list a volume or issue number in the dateline. Nor does it list the city where published.
This would appear to be a stand-alone issue concerning the election of governor for Massachusetts. The front page has a heading: "Who Shall Be Governo... See More
From Doylestown, with two Acts of Congress...
Item #695452
May 26, 1806
* Early 19th century Bucks County, Pennsylvania
This is the first of this title we have offered.
The back page has two Acts of Congress, each signed in type by the President: Th. Jefferson. One is : "To Authorize the Secretary of War to issue land warrants; and for other Purposes"... See More
Early from a very small town today...
Item #695023
July 31, 1806
THE NORTHERN POST, Salem, New York, July 31, 1806
* Very rare publication
* Washington County
A quite rare title from this town of fewer than 3,000 people today, located along the Vermont border northeast of Albany. This is the first of this title we have offered, coming from the private collection.
Typical news reports and advertisements of the day.
Four pages, never bound nor tri... See More
Item #579481
November 26, 1806
COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, EXTRA, Boston, Nov. 26, 1806 A small size, 4 page "Extra" edition never bound nor trimmed, with wide margins. It is mostly taken up with ads with 8 illus. ship ads & another interesting illus. ad on the bkpg. The bkpg. also has an "Epitaph" reading "I John Gavre, am ready to swear, That though I lie here, I'm yet up there." (see). A b... See More
Jefferson's letter of thanks... Early on the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair...
Item #667560
July 31, 1807
NEW ENGLAND PALLADIUM, Boston, July 31, 1807
* Thomas Jefferson letter
* Chesapeake-Leopard affair
* Naval engagement off Virginia
The front page has a letter of thanks from the President for the military protection of Fort Norfolk and Crany Island, signed in type: Th. Jefferson.
Also an item: "Spanish Aggression" noting: "...that the Spaniards at Mobile have seized 2... See More
Jefferson advocates for a larger military...
Item #667554
March 09, 1808
* President Thomas Jefferson
Page 3 has the: "President's Message" is signed in type: Th. Jefferson, and concerning the need to raise a larger military due to the troubling situation in Europe.
Page 3 also has: "Forty Good Reasons For the Embargo".
Four pages, water staining causes no los... See More
Proclamation by Napoleon...
Item #697857
August 23, 1808
SALEM GAZETTE, Massachusetts, Aug. 23, 1808 Among the items is a page 2: "Proclamation" signed in type: Napoleon, noting in part: "...We guarantee to the King of Spain the independence and integrity of his States in Europe..." followed by a response "Proclamation" by the King of Spain.
Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, some wear at the margins with some foxi... See More
The last issue published of a title that existed just six months...
Item #695448
May 19, 1809
COLUMBIAN DETECTOR, Boston, May 19, 1809
* Early & Rare 19th century publication
A quite uncommon and short-lived newspaper, this being just the second issue we have offered. It existed for just six months before being sold out to the Boston Patriot. This is the last issue published.
There is an editorial note on page 3: "To Our Patrons" in which they explain the decisi... See More
Robert Smith, Secretary of the Navy then Secretary of State...
Item #667520
June 29, 1811
NEW YORK HERALD, June 29, 1811 Most of page 2 is taken up with various letters concerning Robert Smith, Secretary of the Navy in Jefferson's administration, then becoming Secretary of State for Madison. Smith & Madison would soon disagree on policy resulting in Smith's resignation in 1811.
Most of the text is an address by Smith, with other letters signed in type by: James Madis... See More
The Little Belt Affair from the British perspective...
Item #651405
July 01, 1811
CONNECTICUT MIRROR, Hartford, July 1, 1811
* The Little Belt Affair
* Captain Arthur Bingham
Page 3 has over a full column taken up with: "British Official Account of the Engagement between the U.S. frigate President, Commodore Rodgers, and the British Sloop of War Little Belt, Captain Bingham" A fine & detailed letter signed by: A.B. Bingham, Captain of the Little Belt... See More
Huge eagle in the masthead... Philadelphia, 1811...
Item #688349
July 05, 1811
COLUMBIAN CHRONICLE, Philadelphia, July 5, 1811
* Great heraldic eagle masthead engraving
See the photo for perhaps the largest heraldic eagle engraving to be found in a masthead, the wingspan stretching nearly 7 inches. The ftpg. has various "Foreign Intelligence" including: "Confirmation of Massena's Defeat" with more news & ads inside.
Four pages, never ... See More
James Madison and Wellington...
Item #595145
July 13, 1811
NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington City, July 13, 1811 Pages 2 and 3 contain three documents, each signed in type by the President: James Madison (see for portions). Also a lengthy letter on the: "Battle of Agueda" signed by: Wellington.
Four page, never bound nor trimmed, minor foxing near the top, nice condition.
Early religious newspaper...
Item #698957
September 27, 1811
HERALD OF GOSPEL LIBERTY, Philadelphia, Sept. 27, 1811 Basically religiously-themed content in this 4 pages newspaper. Never bound nor trimmed, wear at the folds and margins, foxing, 9 1/4 by11 1/2 inches.
Terrific, lengthy account of the Battle of Tippecanoe...
Item #704018
January 08, 1812
* Battle of Tippecanoe
* William Henry Harrison
This issue contains one of the most detailed, lengthy accounts of the battle of Tippecanoe we have seen in a newspaper, taking 1 1/2 columns on the front page and almost the entirety of page 2.
The letter is datelined Vincennes, 18th Nov. 1811, is signed in type by the commander: W... See More
Four Acts of Congress signed by Madison...
Item #682537
May 16, 1812
* James Madison 'type" signatures
A quite uncommon title. Page 3 has a full column taken up with four Acts of Congress and a Resolution, each signed in type by the President: James Madison. One Act concerns providing for persons disabled during the Revolutionary War.
Four pages, never bound nor trimm... See More
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