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Web Results (398)



Exceedingly rare 1566 newsbook... Over 450 years old...

Item #690168

August 21, 1566

Only rarely have we had the great pleasure to offer the earliest of "newspapers" to our customers, being the German newsbooks dating from the 1500's.

The title reads: Newe zeitung vom XXI Augusti auss Wien anno 1566" which translates, literally, to "New Newspaper from August 21, from Vienna in the year x66". These "newsbooks", as they were called, were the p... See More  

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Very rare & early news pamphlet from Amsterdam...

Item #698014

August 01, 1632

Dutch newsletter/pamphlet from Amsterdam, August, 1632  

* Very rare 17th century publication

* Siege - capture of Maastricht

* Dutch journalist & printer Broer Jansz

A very rare news pamphlet by the famed early Broer Jansz, one of the most prolific newsmen of the 17th century. Included with this item is an extensive biography of him and his work.

Included also is a translation o... See More  

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One of the earliest 17th century newspapers you will find...

Item #689694

September 10, 1639

GAZETTE, Paris, France, Sept. 10, 1639  (date is in the imprint at the bottom of the back page).

* Earliest of newspapers to be had

This extremely early newspaper is filled with news reports with datelines from throughout Europe, including Rome, Frankfort, Cologne & elsewhere. There are no advertisements.

This was the very first regular newspaper published in France, started in 163... See More  

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One of the earliest 17th century newspapers you will find...

Item #675381

February 23, 1641

GAZETTE, Paris, France, February 23, 1641  (date is in the imprint at the bottom of the back page).

* Earliest of newspapers to be had

This extremely early newspaper is filled with news reports with datelines from throughout Europe, including Naples, Rome, Nuremberg, Frankfort, Amsterdam, Cologne, with the back two pages containing reports from France. There are no advertisements.

This... See More  

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Earliest newspaper in your collection?

Item #682291

November 16, 1641

NOUVELLES ORDINAIRES, Paris, France, November 16, 1641 

* Earliest newspaper in your collection?

The heading translates to: "Special News"."

This issue predates the earliest English language newspaper we have in our inventory. It was the "sister" publication of the "Gazette", the very first regular newspaper published in France, started in 1631 by Th&... See More  

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Earliest newspaper in your collection?

Item #699837

December 07, 1641

NOUVELLES, Paris, France, December 28, 1641 

* Earliest newspaper in your collection?

The heading roughly translates to: "Ordinary News"." This issue predates the earliest English language newspaper we have in our inventory. It was the "sister" publication of the "Gazette", the very first regular newspaper published in France, started in 1631 by Th&eac... See More  

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Earliest newspaper in your collection?

Item #676621

December 07, 1641

NOUVELLES, Paris, France, December 7, 1641  The heading roughly translates to: "Ordinary News"." This issue predates the earliest English language newspaper we have in our inventory. It was the "sister" publication of the "Gazette", the very first regular newspaper published in France, started in 1631 by Théophraste Renaudot but with influential backi... See More  

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Earliest newspaper in your collection?

Item #654804

December 03, 1644

NOUVELLES, Paris, France, December 3, 1644  This issue predates the earliest English language newspaper we have in our inventory by several years. It was the "sister" publication of the "Gazette", the very first regular newspaper published in France, started in 1631 by Théophraste Renaudot but with influential backing by the powerful Cardinal de Richelieu. This titl... See More  

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Rare issue of the Oxford Gazette... Death toll from the Great Plague...

Item #690901

December 21, 1665

THE OXFORD GAZETTE, England, Dec. 21, 1665 

* Earliest & Rarest of newspapers to be had

* The black plague deaths

This is an extremely famous--and rare--title, being the predecessor of the famous "London Gazette", the oldest continually published English language newspaper in the world. This is the #11 issue.

Because of the Plague at this time, the Royal Court had remove... See More  

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Rare issue of the Oxford Gazette... Death toll from the Great Plague...

Item #697267

December 28, 1665

THE OXFORD GAZETTE, England, Dec. 28, 1665 

* Earliest & Rarest of newspapers to be had

* Great Plague of London - epidemic deaths

This is an extremely famous--and rare--title being the predecessor of the famous "London Gazette", the oldest continually published English language newspaper in the world. This is the #13 issue.

Because of the Plague at this time, the Royal ... See More  

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Extremely rare 1665 Oxford Gazette... Account of deaths from the Great Plague...

Item #698035

January 18, 1666

THE OXFORD GAZETTE, London, January 18, 1665 (1666 by today's calendar)  

* One of the earliest & rarest of newspapers to be had

This is an extremely famous--and rare--title, being the predecessor of the famous "London Gazette", the oldest continually published English language newspaper in the world.

Because of the Plague at this time, the Royal Court had removed its
... See More  

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Period mention of the great London Fire...

Item #680005

January 28, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, January 28, 1666 (1667 by today's calendar). 

* The Great London Fire period coverage

* Among the earliest newspapers to be had

It is very rare to find any period mention of the great London Fire of 1666 in newspapers of the day, certainly one reason being the death of publications in print at that time--very few beyond the London Gazette.

The back pag... See More  

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Extremely rare 1665 Oxford Gazette...

Item #615072

February 01, 1666

THE OXFORD GAZETTE, England, February 1, 1665 (1666 by today's calendar) - issue #23 (the last issue before becoming the London Gazette) 

* One of the earliest & rarest of newspapers to be had

This is an extremely famous--and rare--title, being the predecessor of the famous "London Gazette", the oldest continually published English language newspaper in the world. Bec... See More  

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Rare reference to both the Great Fire & the Great Plague...

Item #695842

October 01, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Oct. 1, 1666  

* The great plague

* London fire report

The back page contains a report: "The Plague continuing still very dangerous at Cambridge, Peterborough, and other places near the City of Ely, the Lord Bishop of Ely hath thought fit to prohibit the holding of the Fairs of St. Luke & St. Audrey at Ely this instant October." plus the back ... See More  

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Reference to the 1666 Great Fire of London...

Item #679631

October 04, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Oct. 4, 1666 

* The great plague

* London fire report

One of the greatest calamities and more notable events to strike London in its long history is the Great Fire which destroyed much of the city in September, 1666. 

Finding period references to it are exceedingly difficult, as the number of newspapers publishing in 1666 was extremely small, this tit... See More  

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Ship from Boston has tobacco, sugar and beaver...

Item #680128

December 10, 1666

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Dec. 10, 1666

* Among the earliest of newspapers to be had

* Early report re. America - Boston Harbor

 Issues of this very famous title--the world's oldest continually published English language newspaper--from the year of the Great Fire of London and the final year of the Great Plague, are quite rare.

The front page has a report: "On Fri
... See More  

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Jews are banished from Vienna, Austria...

Item #680363

July 28, 1670

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, July 28, 1670 

* Jews are expelled from Vienna (Austria)

* The synagogue has been removed!

* Extremely rare reporting

* Only the 5th year of L.G.'s publication

The top of the front page has a report from Vienna noting: "The Jews have offered great sums of money to the Emperor to dispence with his order for their banishment, or at least to give le... See More  

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America's first war...

Item #689643

August 16, 1675

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Aug. 16, 1675 

* King Philip's War - Metacomet

* New England Colonists vs. Indians

* First war in America (historic)

The back page has a report concerning King Philip's War, an armed conflict between Native American inhabitants of present-day New England and English colonists.

The significance of what is known as "King Philip's War" ... See More  

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King Philip's War: the first war in America...

Item #682795

August 19, 1675

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, August 19, 1675 

* King Philip's War - Metacomet

* New England Colonists vs. Indians

* First war in America (historic)

The significance of what is known as "King Philip's War" is lost with most Americans, but the event cannot be over-stated. This was America's first war, and the only newspaper in existence to report it was this title.... See More  

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Edmund Halley (23 years old)... Significant issue on the Popish Plot...

Item #702887

April 10, 1679

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, April 10, 1679 

* Early mention of Edmund Halley (he was only 23 years old)
* Popish Plot (to kill King Charles II)

The back page has not one but two items concerning the Popish Plot in England, a contrived conspiracy to accuse Catholic leaders of plotting to kill King Charles II.
A report from Dublin notes: "A Proclamation has
... See More  

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Coronation of King James II and Queen Mary...

Item #698264

April 27, 1685

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, April 23-27, 1685 

* Coronation of King James II and Queen Mary

* Best publication to be had - very rare as such

This is one of the more desirable & historic events of the period, with the entire front page & some of the back page taken up with the coronation of King James II and Queen Mary. The report is datelined April 23 and has a one par
... See More  

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Book on the trial of Quakers held at Philadelphia...

Item #704118

November 18, 1693

ATHENIAN MERCURY, London, England, Nov. 18, 1693

* Rare Salem witch trials advertisement

* Very early and rare 17th century title

This was a "gentleman's" newspaper very popular in the coffeehouses of early England. Interesting reading on a wide range of topics done in question/answer format. Published at a time when there were no newspapers printing in the American co
... See More  

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The notorious pirate Captain Kidd is executed !

Item #682668

May 26, 1701

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, May 22-26, 1701 

* Infamous pirate Captain William Kidd

* Historic & extremely rare report

* Execution - hanging

The London Gazette is the oldest continually published newspaper in the world, having started in 1665 and is still publishing today.

This issue contains on page two an exceedingly significant report--perhaps the rarest and mo
... See More  

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Death of King James II...

Item #698026

September 11, 1701

THE LONDON GAZETTE, England, Sept. 11, 1701  

* King James II of England death

The back page has an historic report of the death of King James II, the last Catholic monarch of England who was deposed during the Glorious Revolution of 1688 and spend the remainder of his life in exile in France.

The report from Paris dated Sept. 17 reads: "The late King fell into a lethargy on the 1... See More  

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Death of Sir Isaac Newton...

Item #685204

March 25, 1727

MIST'S WEEKLY JOURNAL, London, March 25, 1727  

* Death of Sir Issac Newton (very rare)

When it comes to notable deaths of the world, they don't get too much better than this.

Page 2 has a simple, yet powerful report noting simply: "Died, Sir Isaac Newton, the greatest Mathematician that the World ever knew."

Isaac Newton was an English mathematician, physicist, astr... See More  

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Early issue of America's first successful newspaper...

Item #682697

August 23, 1739


* Among the earliest of American newspapers to be had

Above the title is "New-England", likely to distinguish this newspaper from the city of Boston in England.

This very rare title was the first successful newspaper in the colonies, having begun in 1704 and lasting until the British occupation of Boston in 1776. It was only pre... See More  

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Terrific map of the "West Indies"... Hebrew customs discussed...

Item #682427
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1740 

* Early and rare 18th century map

* West Indies & Southeast America

Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the terrific foldout map titled: "An Accurate Map of the WEST INDIES, Exhibiting not only  all the Islands possessed by the English, French, Spaniards, & Dutch, but also all the Towns and Settleme
... See More  

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America's first successful newspaper...

Item #689552

April 17, 1740

THE BOSTON WEEKLY NEWS-LETTER, "New England", April 10-17, 1740 

* Among the earliest of American newspapers to be had

This very rare title was the first successful newspaper in the colonies, having begun in 1704 and lasting until the British occupation of Boston in 1776. It was only preceded by "Public Occurrances Both Foreign and Domestick" which published just a s... See More  

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Very early, short-lived, colonial newspaper...

Item #697460

August 16, 1753

THE INDEPENDENT REFLECTOR, New York, August 16, 1753 

* Rare Colonial New York original

* Short lived publication

This rare newspaper lasted for less than one year, publishing but 52 issues. Primarily moral and political essays, it gave offense to men in power and was "suppressed by authorities" as Brigham relates.

A fine opportunity to purchase
at a reasonable price a very ... See More  

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George Washington at age 22... Great map of America...

Item #694072
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, July, 1754 

* Great American colonies mid-18th century map

* Future general & president George Washington 

Inside has the continuation of an Account of the Encroachments made by the French on the British Settlements in America. In the account are the various measures taken by the British to prevent the encroachments, incl
... See More  

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Very early from Maryland: the French & Indian War... Money owned to Ben Franklin...

Item #694150

March 13, 1755

THE MARYLAND GAZETTE, Annapolis, March 13, 1755  

* Very rare & early American publication

A very scarce and early newspaper from the early period of the French & Indian War. Rarely are we able to offer Maryland newspapers from such an early year.

Page 2 has a report from Halifax, Nova Scotia, that: "...they are building two new batteries upon the beach...That the three gu... See More  

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Early map of the Caribbean Islands...

Item #683352
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1756  The first two pages are devoted to the "Caribee Islands" [Caribbean] primarily limited to text on Barbadoes.

But of greater significance is the great and desirable foldout map labeled: "A Map of the CARIBBEE ISLANDS Shewing which belong to England, France, Spain, Dutch, & Danes...". This map folds out to 8 1/2 by 13 1/2 ... See More  

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Great map of Montreal... Death of the King of England...

Item #676720
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1760  

Perhaps the prime item is the very nice foldout map headed: "A Particular Map to Illustrated Gen. Amherst's Expedition to Montreal with a Plan of the Town & Draught of the Island".

The map has a very nice inset of the city of Montreal, and another of the island, with the main map showing the general vicinity. It folds out t... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Rare same-day report on the death of King George II...

Item #698260

October 25, 1760

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Oct. 25, 1760 

* George II of Great Britain death

* Early, same day report (rare)

Only to be had in a London newspaper is this very rare, same-day report of the death of the king.

At the top of the back page is a heading: "Postscript" with news recently received, the text noting: "This morning about seven o'clock, departed this life, a... See More  

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Early Boston newspaper with nice front page references to the French & Indian War...

Item #694151

December 29, 1760


* Original colonial America publication

* French and Indian War coverage

A quite early issue of this famous title, from near the end of the French & Indian War.

Just a few months earlier the governor of Canada surrendered the province of Quebec (New France) to the British, and the French outpost of Detroit surrendered t... See More  

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The coronation of King George III...

Item #689557

September 29, 1761


* George III of the United Kingdom

The front page begins the report on the coronation of King George III. "This day his Majesty King George the Third, and Queen Charlotte, were crowned in the abbey church of Westminster, with the ceremonies accustomed upon that great and glorious solemnity...". The artic... See More  

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Great map of America & the West Indies...

Item #701522
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1762 

* Very early Southern America map w/ West Indies

Certainly the prime feature of this early magazine is the terrific & very displayable foldout map titled: "An Accurate Map of the West Indies with the Adjacent Coast" as noted in the ornate cartouche. This map shows much of present-day Georgia & Florida to present-day... See More  

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Early American title from the French & Indian War...

Item #702912

May 13, 1762


* Rare Colonial Massachusetts

* St. Augustine, Florida

This is a much later issue of America's first successful newspaper, founded in 1704.

The top of the ftpg. has a nice recruiting advertisements to enlist soldiers to fight in the on-going French & Indian War: "For Recruiting His Majesty's Regular Forc... See More  

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With the "Supplement" issue as well. Fine content...

Item #687300

May 16, 1768


* Pro-British American publication

* Tensions build with England

The entire front page and most of pg. 2 are taken up with a continued report titled: "An Account of Corsica; & the Memoirs of the famous Pascal Paoli the commander in chief of the Corsicans."

Page 2 contains a nice & somewhat detailed ad for the famous series of... See More  

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Imports, exports... Yankee Doodle...

Item #687381

March 06, 1769


* Early Yankee Doodle song mention

* Importation - exportation tensions

The front page has an interesting article about: "...George being now master of the ceremonies made the music play just as he pleased; and one night...he swore he would exhibit to the company a dance which had never been attem... See More  

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A great rarity: an early volume one issue of the Massachsetts Spy...

Item #687191

September 22, 1770

THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY, (Boston), September 22, 1770

* Very early famous 18th century publication

* Volume 1 issue - Isaiah Thomas as publisher

This innocuous looking newspaper is arguably the most famous of all American titles of the 18th century. It began in July, 1770, this being issue number 22. It is exceedingly rare to find this title from the first year of publication.

The famed Isa... See More  

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Broadside "Extra" of the Pennsylvania Gazette...

Item #694986

May 17, 1771

POSTSCRIPT EXTRAORDINARY to the PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE....Philadelphia, May 17, 1771  A very handsome broadside (printed on one side only) "Extra" edition of the famous newspapers, owned by Ben Franklin during the previous decade.

The reports are news items from London brought over in the ships Lydia and Paolo. Included are items concerning the radical Richard Oliver being committed ... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Paul Revere engraved the masthead... Battle of Alamance...

Item #687196

January 23, 1772

THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY, Boston, Jan. 23, 1772 

* Paul Revere masthead engraving

* Pre American Revolutionary War

* Battle of Alamance - North Carolina

This newspaper published by the famed Isaiah Thomas is undoubtedly one of the more significant & notable titles of the Revolutionary War era. An ardent patriot, Thomas was a constant target of the Royalist government. He began his ne... See More  

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Great foldout map of "West Florida" from Pensacola to New Orleans...

Item #680579
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, February, 1772 

* Nice map of "West Florida"

* Pensacola, Florida, to New Orleans, Louisiana

* Plate of a rare bird from the Hudson Bay

Certainly the most notable item in this issue is the very nice foldout map titled: "A Map of Part of WEST FLORIDA" from Pensacola to the Mouth of Iberville River, with a View to shew t... See More  

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Tarring & feathering for villains...

Item #687218

February 11, 1774


* Pre Revolutionary War

* Tarring and Feathering

The front page has a brief item: "We hear that the Hon. John Hancock, Esq., is appointed to deliver the ORATION in commemoration of the Bloody Tragedy on the 5th of March 1770." which was the Boston Massacre.

Page 2 begins with a report of a man being tarred & f... See More  

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Likely the most desired masthead from the 18th century...

Item #687194

October 27, 1774

THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY, Or Thomas's Boston Journal, October 27, 1774  It would be difficult to properly place both the scarcity and desirability of this newspaper in the confect of American history. This issue has the famous "Join Or Die" engraving stretching across the masthead.

In the same way that the famous "Dewey Defeats Truman" issue of the Chicago Tribune is com... See More  

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Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...

Item #681728

November 16, 1774

THE PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL; AND THE WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, November 16, 1774  If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption.  The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of this newspaper, shows a snake cut into various pieces, each with a
... See More  

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Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...

Item #677502

December 07, 1774


* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon

If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. 

The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead
... See More  

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Much on the tensions between England & the American colonies...

Item #687205

March 17, 1775


* Rare colonial America publication

* Pre Revolutionary War tensions w/ England

Although all American newspapers from the colonial era are quite scarce, this title is even more so.

The front page has a letter concerning bearing arms, followed by a letter noting: "An artful piece has been handed abou... See More  

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The Gunpowder Incident: in a Williamsburg newspaper... And so much more!

Item #698138

April 28, 1775

THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE, Williamsburg (with Supplement), April 28, 1775  

* Very rare Colonial Virginia title

* Gunpowder Incident - Affair

This newspaper was published by Alexander Purdie, a distinction to be made since there were three newspapers of this title printed in Williamsburg during the early period of the Revolutionary War.

This issue was printed 9 days after the battle of Lex... See More  

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Battle of Bunker Hill... Washington as Commander-in-Chief...

Item #697032

June 27, 1775

THE PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, June 27, 1775 

* Battle of Bunker Hill - Charlestown

* Siege of Boston, Massachusetts

* George Washington named commander

* American Revolutionary War

Almost the entire front page is taken up with a terrific and vitriolic attack on General Gage concerning his actions at Boston, the full text shown in the photos below, with bits including: ... See More  

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On the Battle of Bunker Hill... Washington named commander-in-chief.. So much more....

Item #687295

July 05, 1775


* Battle of Bunker Hill - Charlestown

* Siege of Boston, Massachusetts

* George Washington named commander

* American Revolutionary War

* Terrific issue w/ many reports

Nice engraving in the masthead of a post boy on horseback.

The front page has a letter from an officer in General Gage's regiment heading for ... See More  

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Much like the Olive Branch Petition... Reaction by the soldiers to reading the "...Causes & Necessity of Taking Up Arms"...

Item #687100

July 26, 1775

CONNECTICUT JOURNAL & NEW HAVEN POST-BOY, July 26, 1775  A terrific issue, as the entire front page and most of page 2 are taken up with a terrific follow-up to the Olive Branch Petition, in fact, written just 3 days after it, in which the Continental Congress points out the many issues with its relations with England, detailing how it has been poorly treated and ending with some hope tha... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Diagram of the fort at Bunker's Hill...

Item #687399
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, September, 1775  A nice issue with much historic content from the beginning months of the Revolutionary War.

Perhaps the best content is the very nice half page illustration of the "Redoubt & Intrenchment on the Heights of Charles Town, Commonly called Bunker Hill, Opposite Boston, attacked & Carried by his Majesty's Troops, Jun... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Ben Franklin's famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...

Item #687418

September 06, 1775


* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon

If there was one graphic that represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption.  The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of
... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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A "call to arms" for Londoners in support of America

Item #692362

September 27, 1775

THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, Sept. 27, 1775 

* American Revolutionary War

The front page has some reports on the actions of Major Rogers in Maryland & Virginia. Also mention of work of the Virginia Provincial Convention. Plus a report of a soldier: "...who\ is on his parole in Gen. Wooster's camp. This person having been observed to follow at a distance, a load of po... See More  

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One of the more rare Revolutionary War titles... Battle of Bunker Hill... Patrick Henry... so much more...

Item #687318

October 06, 1775


* Battle of Bunker Hill

* Revolutionary War

* Very rare publication

Certainly one of the more scarce titles from during the Revolutionary War. This is the volume 1 number 27 issue of a newspaper that existed only from April 7 to December 22, 1775, publishing a total of just 38 i... See More  

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Capture of Ethan Allen...

Item #680937

October 21, 1775

THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, Oct. 21, 1775 

* Ethan Allen captured

* Revolutionary War

The front page includes a letter: "To the King" which references the American situation & includes: "...Let then, royal Sire, the liberty of England and America be ever in your heart, then shall the people be free, and America shall yet be happy in the full enjoyment of ... See More  

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Early version of the Articles of Confederation...

Item #677958
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, December, 1775  

* Early Version of the Articles of Confederation

* Captain Cook and his voyage to the South Pacific

Over three pages taken up with: "Protest entered in the Upper House Against the Bill for Prohibiting all Commercial intercourse with the Confederated Colonies" which is very good reading in defense of America.
... See More  

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Congress responds to the King's Proclamation that the colonies are in open rebellion...

Item #687385

December 21, 1775

THE NEW-ENGLAND CHRONICLE or the ESSEX GAZETTE, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Dec. 21, 1775  

* King George III of England

* American colonies in rebellion

* U.S. Congress addresses conflict

* American Revolutionary War

Certainly the most historic content is found on page 3, being Congress' response to the King's proclamation of August 23 in which he refused to receive the conci... See More  

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Provincial Congress meeting (1775)...

Item #702716

December 23, 1775

PENNSYLVANIA EVENING POST, Philadelphia, Dec. 23, 1775 

* Meeting of a Provincial Congress

* Early American Revolutionary War

Front page report mentions the meeting of a Provincial Congress in Charlestown, South Carolina. Interesting ftpg. letter concerning a runaway slave on board a British ship. Pg. 2 has political reports from New York & Philadelphia, including men
... See More  

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Benedict Arnold on the Battle of Quebec... Ethan Allen in irons...

Item #676625

February 22, 1776


* Battle of Quebec - Canada

* General Benedict Arnold report

* Ethan Allen in captivity

* American Revolutionary War

The top of the first column begins with a report from Cork that: "...there has been commotions amongst the soldiers who are to embark for America; that a great numbers of them have deserted & ... See More  

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Terrific discussions on the value of independence from England... Confirmation Howe has evacuated Boston...

Item #687419

March 30, 1776

THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, March 30, 1776

* Rare Revolutionary War era title

* Tory issue from Pennsylvania

* Great year to have (1776)

This was a decidedly Tory newspaper, supportive of the British efforts in America. This newspaper ended publication in June, 1778 when the British evacuated the city.

The entire front page and a portion of the back page are filled with a terri... See More  

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Great map showing North America... On taxing America without their consent...

Item #677981
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1776  The prime feature of this issue is the great map showing all of the western hemisphere titled: "A New Projection of the Western Hemisphere of the Earth on a Plane shewing the proportions of its several parts nearly as on a Globe, By J. Hardy, at Eton College." 

The map is dated at the bottom: "by F. Newbery, Ludg
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Great map showing North America... On taxing America without their consent...

Item #682287
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, April, 1776  The prime feature of this issue is the great map showing all of the western hemisphere titled: "A New Projection of the Western Hemisphere of the Earth on a Plane shewing the proportions of its several parts nearly as on a Globe, By J. Hardy, at Eton College."  The map is dated at the bottom: "by F. Newbery, Ludgat
... See More  

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The Declaration of Independence...

Item #687396
THE UNIVERSAL MAGAZINE, London, England, August, 1776  

* Original Declaration of Independence... the complete text

* As reported from Great Britain

It would be difficult to argue for a more important document in American history than the Declaration of Independence. It remains a desire of most collectors to find issues containing reference to it, and ultimately a contemporary printing... See More  

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The Declaration of Independence...

Item #677985
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1776 

* Original Declaration of Independence... the complete text

* As reported from Great Britain

It would be difficult to argue for a more important document in American history than the Declaration of Independence. It remains a desire of most collectors to find an issue containing reference to it, and ultimately a contemporary printing o... See More  

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Washington's miraculous escape from Long Island...

Item #687294

September 18, 1776

THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, Sept. 18, 1776 

* Battle of Long Island - Brooklyn

* General George Washington

* Escape from New York - East River

* American Revolutionary War

The front page has a report from Congress concerning the use, storage & inspection of gunpowder, signed in type by its President: John Hancock.

The ftpg. also has several reports concerning ht Revoluti... See More  

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Fine accounts of the Battle of Fort Washington...

Item #687221

December 05, 1776


* Battle of Fort Washington

* Washington Heights, Manhattan

* American Revolutionary War

Certainly a nice Revolutionary War newspaper for display as the entire front page is taken up with: "An ACT for Providing a Reinforcement to the AMERICAN ARMY." by the state of Massachusetts Bay.

Page 2 has an ov... See More  

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Great account of the siege of Fort Schuyler...

Item #697860

September 04, 1777


* Siege of Fort Stanwix - Schuyler

* American Revolutionary War

Page 3 has Revolutionary War content including an item reading: "We hear Sir William Howe has requested his Majesty, for very essential reasons, to allow him to exchange General Lee for some British officers; but that such a measure has been stro... See More  

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General Howe proclamations in a Tory newspaper.....

Item #698852

November 19, 1777

THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER OR THE WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1777  This was a strongly Tory newspaper published in Philadelphia when the British were in occupation. It began in 1775 and ended when the British evacuated the city in May of 1778. Not surprisingly, the masthead features an engraving of the Royal coat-of-arms.

The first two columns on the front page feature three &quo... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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General Howe proclamations in a 1777 Tory newspaper... The latest war news...

Item #692829

November 26, 1777


* Revolutionary War Tory original

* Rare Pro British issue from America

* General William Howe proclamations

This was a strongly Tory newspaper published in Philadelphia when the British were in occupation. It began in 1775 and ended when the British evacuated the city in May of 1778. Not surprisingly, the ... See More  

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Naval battle between the Americans & British... Franklin the 'old fox'...

Item #697219

January 03, 1778


* Revolutionary War Tory original

* Rare Pro British issue from America

This was a Tory newspaper published when the British occupied Philadelphia. It began in 1775 and ended when the British evacuated the city in May of 1778. Not surprisingly, the masthead features an engraving of the Royal coat-of-arms.

... See More  

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Detailing how supportive England has been to the colonies...

Item #698043

January 28, 1778


* Revolutionary War Tory original

* Rare Pro British issue from America

This was a Tory newspaper published in Philadelphia when the British occupied the city. It began in 1775 and ended when the British evacuated the city in May of 1778. Not surprisingly, the masthead features an engraving of the Royal coa... See More  

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Great content on the Revolutionary War... Brandywine Creek... Chesapeake Bay....

Item #687422

February 14, 1778


* American Revolutionary War

* Battle of Brandywine & mor

Almost the entire front page is taken up with a report on the treatment of American captures by the British, with considerable detail.

It begins: "The following is an account of the treatment that the Continental officers, taken in the... See More  

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The very historic Duche letter to General Washington... Battle of the Kegs...

Item #680789

February 19, 1778

INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE, Boston, Feb. 19, 1778 

* Jacob Duché - 1st chaplain to the Continental Congress

* Famous letter to General George Washington

* American Revolutionary War

A nice feature of the masthead is a great engraving taken after (modeled from) one done earlier by Paul Revere, showing a patriot soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll reading "Independence&... See More  

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A Loyalist states why America is at war...

Item #689079

February 28, 1778


* Revolutionary War Tory original

* Rare Pro British issue from America

This was a strongly Tory (supportive of the British cause) newspaper which began in 1775 and closed shop in May of 1778 when the British evacuated Philadelphia.

Half of the front page first column is a: "Proclamation" signe... See More  

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A Tory newspaper from the Revolutionary War... On Burgoyne's surrender at Saratoga...

Item #680364

March 07, 1778


* Surrender of general Burgoyne

* Battles of Saratoga - New York

This was a strongly Tory (supportive of the British cause) newspaper which began in 1775 and closed shop in May of 1778 when the British evacuated Philadelphia.

Most of the ftpg. is taken up with a: "...letter from Vice Admiral Lord Vi... See More  

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Is the pursuit of independence worth the effort?

Item #689081

April 22, 1778


* Revolutionary War Tory original

* Rare Pro British issue from America

This was a strongly Tory (supportive of the British cause) newspaper which began in 1775 and closed shop in May of 1778 when the British evacuated Philadelphia.

Over two-thirds of the front page is taken up with the text of two Bill... See More  

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The Articles of Confederation...

Item #703335

April 29, 1778

THE NEW JERSEY GAZETTE, Trenton, April 29, 1778  This was the very first newspaper in New Jersey, having begun in December, 1777. This is issue number 22.

There are only a handful of documents in American history which can be considered cornerstones in the creation of our national government, which would include the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitu... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Significant & rare Judaica print... Burgoyne in Parliament to answer for Saratoga...

Item #680658
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE London, May, 1778  Certainly the most significant item in this issue is the very nice foldout engraving which is described on the contents page as: "An Inside View of the Jews Synagogue at Amsterdam, and of the Ceremony of sounding the Horn on New Year's Day".

This plate folds out to 8 1/4 by 8 3/4 inches, has minor foxing, and a library stamp in a ... See More  

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Latest war news from the middle of the Revolutionary War...

Item #677118

December 26, 1778

THE PROVIDENCE GAZETTE & COUNTRY JOURNAL, Rhode Island, Dec. 26, 1778  The entire front page and half of page 2 are taken up with the  second half of the: "Treaty of Amity and Commerce Between the Most Christian King and the United Starters of North America", this being the treaty of assistance between French and the colonies, which did much to support the American cause ag... See More  

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Foldout plate of the siege of Rhode Island... Treaty with France...

Item #686359
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1779 

* Great siege of Rhode Island print

* American Revolutionary War original

This issue leads off with reports on the debates in Parliament, which include discussion on the Revolutionary War, including: "...the conduct of the army under the command of Gen. Howe; he seized the opportunity of painting in the blackest colours the ingrati... See More  

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The first issue of this Revolutionary War title we have offered...

Item #687322

February 23, 1779

THE ROYAL AMERICAN GAZETTE, New York, February 23, 1779  

* American Revolutionary War

* Extremely rare publication

* Loyalist - support to the British cause

This is an exceedingly rare title, in fact the very first we have offered. It was published by Alexander and James Robertson, beginning in January, 1777 and existed until some tim in 1783.

Brigham's "History & Bib... See More  

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Benedict Arnold responds... Nice war reports... Paul Revere masthead...

Item #687315

March 25, 1779


* 18th century American publication

* Revolutionary War - Benedict Arnold

* Masthead by Paul Revere

This newspaper published by the famed Isaiah Thomas is undoubtedly one of the more significant & notable titles of the Revolutionary War era.

It is worth noting that the famed printer Isaiah ... See More  

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Putnam's account of the Battle of Horse Neck via George Washington...

Item #693762

April 22, 1779

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, April 22, 1779 

* The Battle of Horse Neck

* Greenwich, Connecticut

* General Israel Putnam

* Gen. George Washington

A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.

This issue is volume 1, number 6.

The front page begins with a letter conc... See More  

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Latest news from the Revolutionary War in a very rare newspaper...

Item #695809

May 07, 1779

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, May 7, 1779 

* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication

A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781. This issue is volume 1, number 8.

Inside has a report from Charleston beginning: "Five deserters who came last week to Purysbu... See More  

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Washington involved in a plan to exchange prisoners...

Item #687346

May 27, 1779


* American Revolutionary War

* General George Washington

* Exchange of prisoners talks

The front page begins with two detailed reward ads for deserted soldiers.

One-third of the front page and over one-third of page 2 are taken up with the: "Report of Commissioners for Settling a Cartel for the Excha... See More  

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Letter from Patrick Henry, and much on the Revolutionary War...

Item #684429

June 09, 1779


* Patrick Henry letter signed in type

* Much on the Revolutionary War

Pages 2 and 3 contain a wealth of reporting on the Revolutionary War including a letter from Charleston noting in part: "The campaign in George and the Southern part of this state between the royal army commanded by Brigadier General P... See More  

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Latest news on the war, in a rare newspaper...

Item #697393

July 01, 1779

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, July 1, 1779  

* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication

A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781. This is the volume 1, #16 issue.

The front page has a report about the precarious situation of the American currency. Also a lett... See More  

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Notable attempt at price controls during the War... Much fine war content...

Item #697211

July 15, 1779

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, July 15, 1779 

* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication

A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781. This is the volume 1, #18 issue.

The entire front page & most of the back page are taken up with what one scholar calls: &quo... See More  

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Latest war news in a rare newspaper from the Revolutionary War...

Item #698073

August 26, 1779

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, Aug. 26, 1779  

* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication

A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.

Page 3 has a: "...letter from an officer of distinction to the honorable Major-General Gates..." which begins: "I... See More  

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British account of the Battle of Stono Ferry, and the Battle of Chemung, New York...

Item #697637

September 02, 1779

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, Sept. 2, 1779 

* Battle of Stono Ferry, Charleston, South Carolina

* Battle of Chemung - New York - John Sullivan

A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.

Nearly one-third of page 2 is a letter from an officer in the British army from ... See More  

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Very lengthy letter by Ben Franklin... British generals say America cannot be conquered...

Item #697886

September 09, 1779

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, Sept. 9, 1779  

* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication

* Lengthy letter from Benjamin Franklin

A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.

The entire front page and a bit of the back page are taken up with a very lengthy: &quo... See More  

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Work towards creating a treaty with America... Latest on the war...

Item #696921

September 30, 1779

THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, Sept. 30, 1779 

* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication

A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.

The front page begins with a report from the House of Commons concerning the appointment of commissioners to work with America t... See More  

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Revolutionary War events in the South...

Item #689555

November 06, 1779


* American Revolutionary War

* Southern events - Georgia & more

Most of the first column is taken up with the details of a non-exportation act by the state of Rhode Island, similar to that enacted by Massachusetts & Connecticut. Included are the penalties for those found guilty. Also an act for: "...... See More  

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Further on Ethan Allen's narrative of his captivity...

Item #687145

November 20, 1779

THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET, Philadelphia, Nov. 20, 1779

* Ethan Allen captivity

* Revolutionary War original

 Most of the front page is taken up with an Act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, prefaced with a paragraph signed in type by the Clerk of the General Assembly, none other than: Thomas Paine.

Page 3 has yet another Act which is prefaced with an intro signed: Thomas Paine.

All of ... See More  

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Testimony of Joseph Galloway against General Howe... Thomas Paine...

Item #693175

November 23, 1779

PENNSYLVANIA PACKET, Philadelphia, November 23, 1779 

* Loyalist Joseph Galloway

* American Revolutionary War

* Great masthead for display

One-third of the front page has reports from the Penna. General Assembly, with a prefacing note signed in type by Thomas Paine, who was the Clerk of the General Assembly at that time.

There is a similar note signed by Thomas Paine on page 2 as wel... See More  

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Very handsome Revolutionary War newspaper from Philadelphia...

Item #694765

December 11, 1779


* American Revolutionary War

* Great masthead for display

This newspaper features one of the most ornate and decorative mastheads of the Revolutionary War, the words "Pennsylvania Packet" so frilly that it can be difficult to read.

Most of page 2 is taken up with; "An Act for Vesting the Est... See More  

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Uncommon American title from the Revolutionary War...

Item #701521

January 19, 1780

THE CONNECTICUT JOURNAL, New Haven, Jan. 19, 1780 

* American Revolutionary War

* Rare single sheet issue

Most of the front page is taken up with a document concerning relations between Holland and England. The back page has a document from D. Diego Joseph Navarro, governor of Cuba., regarding declaring war against Great Britain (see). The back page also has an item from Congress conce... See More  

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