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Very early newspaper from Cologne, Germany...

Item #702551

March 19, 1751

ORDINARIA RELATIONIS DIARIE CONINUATIO, Colonie Agrippinea, March 19, 1751  In 50 A.D. Roman emperor Claudius planted a colony on the left bank of the Rhine River. At the request of his wife he named it "Colonia Agrippina", which later became Cologne, Germany.

All four pages appear to be in Latin. Never bound nor trimmed with wide margins, 6 1/4 by 7 1/4 inches, a few period notati... See More  

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Letter from John Wesley... State of affairs in Pennsylvania...

Item #702561
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1756  Among the articles within is a "Letter from Mr. Wesley Confirming the Yorkshire Earthquake", signed by him in type: John Wesley, the noted evangelist and founder of Methodism.

Also: "Of the Cultivation of Exotics" which concerns the red cedar & other trees in America. Another article taking over 3 pages is "A Dia... See More  

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Ben Franklin creates a medal honoring the end of the Revolutionary War...

Item #702586
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1783  Near the beginning are 15 pages of: "Summary Proceedings in the Third Session of the Present Parliament" which include some discussions concerning America. Another article concerns the tune Yankee Doodle, particularly details on the presumed author of the famous tune (questionable) who had recently died. It notes: "Your readers, &a... See More  

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Thomas Jefferson's inaugural address...

Item #702705

March 14, 1805

BOSTON GAZETTE, March 14, 1805 

* President Thomas Jefferson

* Inauguration - inaugural address

Page 2 has the lengthy: "President Jefferson's Speech" which is his inaugural address, introduced with: "This day, at 12 o'clock, Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, took the oath of office & delivered the following Inaugural Speech..." which tak... See More  

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Pony Express - collecting mail for the very first run...

Item #702621

April 02, 1860


* Pony Express - prior to 1st trek

* Saint Louis, Missouri

Page 3 has a very interesting article concerning the beginning of the Pony Express service, outlining the charges. The text is headed: "The California Pony Express" and is datelined St. Louis, with portions including: "We learn...that they commence receiving despatches for the Cal... See More  

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San Jose California... Woodhull, Claflin & Col. Blood trial...

Item #702556

May 24, 1871

SAN JOSE DAILY PATRIOT, California, May 24, 1871 

* Rare Old West title from the Santa Clara Valley
* Victoria Woodhull, Colonel James Harvey Blood, Tennie Claflin scandal

In 1850 San Jose became just the 2nd incorporated city in California (Sacramento was first) & was on the Butterfield mail route. The ftpg. is mostly ads with news items & more ads inside, many of which ... See More  

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Written by Hans Christian Andersen...

Item #702614
SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, (New York), April, 1873 

* "The Flea and the Professor" written by Hans Christian Andersen

Near the back of this monthly magazine is a printing of the short story by Hans Christian Anderson titled: "The Flea And The Professor" (see photos for the beginning). The story takes close to two full pages. From my research this printing is contemporar... See More  

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Huntsville, Texas penitentiary horrors...

Item #702627

March 27, 1875

ST. LOUIS DAILY GLOBE, Missouri, March 27, 1875

* Texas State Penitentiary "Walls Unit"

* Huntsville, Texas horrors

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. Page 10 has an article headed: "HOPELESS HORROR", with subheads: "Crime Against Criminals in the Texas Penitentiary" & "A Terrible Tale of Tortu... See More  

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Founding the Lick Observatory... Property values in Northern California...

Item #702558

March 01, 1876

WELDON & LEONARD'S REAL ESTATE CIRCULAR & PRICE LIST, San Francisco, California, March 1, 1876 

* Lick Observatory, Mount Hamilton founding

The ftpg. has: "Another Monument" which begins: "When James Lick executed his deed of gift, donating his immense property to various benevolent & scientific societies of this state, he provided that $750,000 should be ... See More  

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Inauguration of President Grover Cleveland...

Item #702582

March 05, 1893

THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE, Nebraska, March 5, 1893  The top of the first column has heads: "CLEVELAND GOES IN" "Thrice Nominated & Twice Inaugurated President of the United States" "Severe Storm Mars The Ceremonies" ""Policy of The New Administration". The ftpg. also has a nice graphic showing: "Cleveland And His Cabinet". The text takes o... See More  

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A.B. Frost prints... Color Ivory Soap advertisment...

Item #702379

November 12, 1898

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 12, 1898  Full ftpg. by A.B. Frost shows a man having fallen off his bicycle. Doublepage centerfold: 'With our Troops in the Philippines--Before & After the Fall of Manila'. Halfpg: 'In & About Havana'. Displayable A.B. Frost hunting print: 'Rail Shooting' shows shooting a bird from a boat.  Also includes a full page... See More  

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The formal end to the Spanish-American War...

Item #702555

March 18, 1899

THE ARIZONA GAZETTE, Phoenix, March 18, 1899 

* Treaty of Paris signed by Queen

* End of Spanish-American War

The top of one of the ftpg. columns reports the formal end of the Spanish-American War with the signing of the treaty of peace by the queen of Spain. "Treaty Of Peace Signed by Queen" "Official Closing of the Drama" "An Important Page" "The Po... See More  

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Life in 1903 - Immigration, unemployment, war on the horizon...

Item #702632

October 24, 1903

MEMPHIS MORNING NEWS, Tennessee, Oct. 24, 1903  The front page has an interesting article headed: "NEARLY A MILLION IMMIGRANTS IN 1903", followed by the subhead: "All Records Broken in the Number of Aliens Coming to the United States in Search of Homes and Fortunes...". The article discusses where they are coming from and talks about some of the requirements necessary for ... See More  

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Kapp Putsch... Berlin, Germany...

Item #702545

March 16, 1920

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 16, 1920

* Kapp Putsch - Berlin, Germany

* Wolfgang Kapp & Walther von Luttwitz

* Attempted Weimar Republic Coup d'état

The front page has a nice banner headline: "REVOLUTION IN GERMANY BREAKS DOWN; KAPP NEGOTIATING FOR A COMPROMISE; WORKERS RISE; SEIZE CONTROL IN CITIES" with many subheads. (see) Lengthy text continues inside. Always nice... See More  

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First woman nominee for VP on Democrat ballot...

The KKK - The DNC decides position in 1924...

Item #702572

June 28, 1924

TAUNTON DAILY GAZETTE, Massachusetts, June 28 & 30, 1924 (a two-issue set)

The front page of the June 28th issue has the 2-line, full-banner heading: "COMMITTEE DEADLOCKED OVER ANTI-KLAN PLANK - BITTER FIGHT CERTAIN ON CONVENTION FLOOR", with related subheading and considerable details of the convention. The front page of the June 30th issue has the full-banner: "BATTLE OF BA... See More  

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Lee Bible's land speed record attempt disaster...

Item #702579

March 14, 1929


* Race car driver Lee Bible killed

* Land speed record attempt

* Ormond Beach, Florida

* Great headline for display.

The front page has a banner headline: "2 DIE; END AUTO SPEED RACING" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. Banner heading and 3 related photos on the back page as well. First report coverage continues inside with three relate... See More  

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1930 John "Dingbat" Oberta assassination...

Item #702546

March 06, 1930


* John "Dingbat" Oberta assassination

* Chicago gangster and beer baron

* Best title to be had - very rare as such

The front page has a great banner headline: "SLAY DINGBAT OBERTA, PAL" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. Four related photos are on the back page. When it comes to gangsters, organized crime, and the nefarious activ... See More  

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Al Jolson's "Mammy" World preimiere....

Item #702569

March 25, 1930

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 25, 1930

* Al Jolson's "Mammy"

* World Premiere ad

* Blackface Minstrel

Page 35 has a nice 14 1/2 x 6 inch advertisement for the world premiere of Al Jolson's new movie "Mammy". See photos for this ad which has three illustrations relating to his famous "blackface" appearance. With this movie opening in New York City on March ... See More  

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Seabiscuit wins San Juan Capistrano Handicap...

Item #702581

March 07, 1937

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 7, 1937

* Seabiscuit wins San Juan Capistrano Handicap

* Thoroughbred racehorse racing

Page 9 of the sport's section (inside) has a banner headline: "Crowd of 45,000 Sees Seabiscuit Score in $10,000 Added Santa Anita Race" with subheads and racing summary. (see) First report coverage on famous racehorse, Seabiscuit, winning the San Juan Capistrano Han... See More  

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Anti Nazi & Hitler rally in NYC, 1937...

Item #702552

March 16, 1937

NEW YORK TIMES, March 16, 1937

* Anti-Nazi, anti-Hitler rally

* Madison Square Garden

* John L. Lewis

This 46 page newspaper has one column headlines on the front page that include: "LABOR DEMOCRACY IS BAR TO FASCISM, LEWIS SAYS HERE", "Tells 20,000 at Anti-Nazi Rally That the Workers Can Block Reaction", "Garden Crowd Cheers Wildly as Mayor, Johnson and Others Att... See More  

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"First they came for the Socialists... then they came for me."

Martin Niemöller sent to a concentration camp....

Item #702576

March 04, 1938


* Reverend Martin Niemöller sent to a concentration camp

* Anti-Nazi theologian and Lutheran pastor

* Famous "First they came..." statement fame

The front page has a two column-wide article headed: "Niemöller Sent to Prison Camp," followed by considerable text (see images). The report speaks of the anti-Nazi theolog... See More  

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Jews ordered to turn over their valuables...

Item #702699

February 24, 1939

NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 24, 1939 

* The Jewish Holocaust in progress

* Jews ordered to give up valuables

* Hermann Goering - Adolf Hitler

The top of page 3 has a one column head: "Reich Orders Jews To Cede Valuables" with subheads: "German or Stateless Ones Must Turn In All Precious Metals and Stones in Fortnight" "'Compensation' To Be Set" "Mov... See More  

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Hitler drafts Jews for work... Gandhi weakens during his fast...

Item #702548

March 06, 1939

NEW YORK TIMES, March 6, 1939 

* Mahatma Gandhi - "Fast Unto Death"

* Jews and Aryans - separated at work

Two notable front-page reports, the first with two column heads: "Germany Drafts Jews for Work; Sets Them Apart from 'Aryans' " "Aim Is to Meet Pledge Made to Rublee and to Free 'Germans' for 'State-Political' Jobs---'100-a-... See More  

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First NCAA College basketball championship game...

Item #702560

March 28, 1939


* Very first "March Madness" - NCAA basketball championship in 1939

The top of page 3 of the sport's section has 1st report coverage on the final game of the very first NCAA basketball championship ever held, with heading: "OREGON BEATS OHIO STATE FOR NATIONAL TITLE" (see images). With present-day interest in the NCAA tournament... See More  

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1940 "Gone With the Wind" academy awards...

Item #702574

March 01, 1940


* "Gone with the Wind" movie

* 1940 Academy Awards (1st report)

* Vivien Leigh wins w/ photo

The front page has a one column heading: "Film Prizes Go to Robt. Donat and Miss Leigh" (see) Photo of Vivien Leigh is on the back page. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.

Complete with ... See More  

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Touro Synagogue honored....

Item #702585

March 09, 1946

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 9, 1946

* Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island

* Declared a National Historic Site

Page 15 has one column headings that include: "NATION SETS APART TOURO SYNAGOGUE" "Shrine of Judaism at Newport, Oldest in Country, Designated as a Historic Site" "Relic Of Colonial Beauty" "Clergy of Other Faiths Join in Extolling Memorial to E... See More  

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Very first NBA All-Star game...

Item #702554

March 03, 1951

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, March 3, 1951 

* Very 1st NBA All-Star game 

* National Basketball Association

The sport's section  has a very small yet notable report headed: "Eastern All-Stars In 111-94 Triumph Over West Rivals". While only brief, this was the very first NBA All-Star game, and great to have in a newspaper from the city where basketball ... See More  

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First woman, Jackie Cochran, breaks sound barrier.....

Item #702571

May 19, 1953

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 19, 1953

* Jacqueline Cochran breaks the sound barrier

* 1st ever woman to do so - jet airplane

The top of page 32 has a one column heading: "MISS COCHRAN TOPS THE SPEED OF SOUND" with subhead and photo of Cochran. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Comp... See More  

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Khrushchev takes control in the Soviet Union....

Item #702580

March 28, 1958

NEW YORK TIMES, March 28, 1958  The top of the front page announces: "KHRUSHCHEV TAKES FULL CONTROL, REPLACING BULGANIN AS PREMIER; U.S. EXPECTS NO CHANGE IN POLICY" with related subheads as well as a photo headed: "Voting For New Soviet Premier...". The article carries over to page 2, and page 3 has a related article: "He Employed Stalin's Divide-and-Rule Tactics... See More  

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Selma-Montgomery march ruling... Johnson's voting bill...

Item #702587

March 18, 1965

WALL STREET JOURNAL, Pacific Coast Edition, March 18, 1965  On the front page under the heading "World Wide" reports "Johnson Sent his new Negro voting bill to Congress"; "Alabama Officials were barred from hindering a 50-mile civil-rights march" and "Martin Luther King, Jr. triumphantly announced the decision to hundreds of his followers massed before the c... See More  

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Larry Bird vs. "Magic" Johnson - NCAA Championship Showdown.....

Item #702575

March 28, 1979

CHICAGO SUN-TIMES, Chicago, Illinois, March 28, 1979

* Michigan State Spartans vs. Indiana State

* Earvin Magic Johnson vs. Larry Bird

* NCAA Division 1 Basketball Championship

Close to the back of the issue, in the Sports Section, are two articles related to the highly-anticipated showdown between Earvin "Magic" Johnson, of Michigan State, and Larry Bird, of Indiana State, in th... See More  

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Death of John Belushi in a L.A. paper...

Item #702583

March 06, 1982

LOS ANGELES TIMES, March 6, 1982

* Actor comedian John Belushi death (1st report)

* "Saturday Night Live" Animal House" fame

* Best title to be had ?

Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Actor John Belushi Found Dead in Hollywood Hotel" with photo. (see) Continued reporting inside. Nice to have this death report in a newspaper from the capita... See More  

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Death of actor/dancer Danny Kaye, in a Los Angeles newspaper...

Item #702577

March 04, 1987

LOS ANGELES TIMES, March 4, 1987 

* Danny Kaye death (1st report)

* Hollywood movie film comedian actor

* American-Jewish singer and dancer

* Best title to be had ?

The top of the front page features three photos of iconic film star & dancer Danny Kaye,  beneath which is a one column heading: "Danny Kaye, 74, Dies; World Was His Stage". The article carries over to ... See More  

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Review & premiere of "Lethal Weapon", in a Los Angeles newspaper...

Item #702578

March 06, 1987

LOS ANGELES TIMES, March 6, 1987

* Best "Lethal Weapon" advertisement

* Grand Opening Day movie premiere review

* Buddy cop action film - Mel Gibson

A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "Lethal Weapon" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood area's p... See More  

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"Pretty Woman" - premier ad & review, in a Los Angeles newspaper...

Item #702553

March 23, 1990

LOS ANGELES TIMES, March 23, 1990

* Best "Pretty Woman" advertisement

* Grand Opening Day movie premiere review

* American romantic comedy film - Julia Roberts

A terrific issue on the premiere of the motion picture hit "Pretty Woman" and perhaps no better issue could be found than this, the leading newspaper from the home of the entertainment industry - the Hollywood ar... See More  

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Death of screen legends Lillian Gish and Ruby Keeler...

Item #702550

March 01, 1993

LOS ANGELES TIMES, March 1, 1993 

* Lillian Gish death (1st report)

* Hollywood movie - film actress

* Ruby Keeler death (1st report)

* Musical actress - singer - dancer

The bottom half of the ftpg. has a boxed section headed: "Death Takes Screen Legend Gish and Dance Star Keeler" with photos of both Ruby Keeler and Lillian Gish. The articles of both carry over to pages 17 ... See More  

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"ELLEN" show becomes 1st Prime-Time TV show with lead lesbian character - 1997...

Item #702573

March 01, 1997

LOS ANGELES TIMES, March 1, 1997 (Calendar Section only)

* Ellen DeGeneres' character "comes out" as homosexual

* 1st Prime-Time TV lead role to feature a lesbian character

The front page of this complete Calendar Section has the 4-column banner headline: "'Ellen' Gets ready to Open the Closet Door," followed by considerable text which continues on page 17 wh... See More  

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Record Volume on Stock Market... Rare, good news...

Item #702584

March 17, 2000

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 17, 2000  In contrast to the more negative reports which typically make stock market headlines collectible, here is a significant upbeat headline. The front page announces "A Record Volume As Stocks Surge On The Big Board" with the main article reported on page 7 of Section C "March Madness on Wall St. As Dow Gains 499 Points" and other related
... See More  

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