Web Results (132)



Mormons to face famine in 1937 ?...

Item #712519

September 19, 1937

SECTION TWO only of the New York Times, Sept. 19, 1937

* Mormons to face food shortages ? - Mormonism

* Salt Lake City, Utah - during Great Depression

Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Mormons, Fearing Famine, Eat Single Meal; Plan Granary to Store Their Bumper Crops" (see images) I can't find anything online that this ended up happening.

Complete s... See More  

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Brigham Young and the Mormons...

Item #706378

May 21, 1857

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 21, 1857 

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Prophet Brigham Young

* Fort Lemhi - Salmon River

Page 3 has an article: "Utah Territory" which mentions in part: "A part of 16 persons arrived at St. Louis...from Salt Lake City...a large number of missionaries to be dispatched to all parts of the world. Brigham Young was planning an... See More  

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Rare Old West isssue.....

Item #706023

June 18, 1876

THE SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 18, 1876

* Rare Old West publication

* Mormons - Utah territory

This 4 page newspaper has news of the day with several interesting advertisements. With newspapers West of the Mississippi being very rare prior to 1900, here is an opportunity to get a issue from the old West back when cowboys, Indians, saloons, gold miners & gunfights... See More  

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Buchanan's state-of-the-union address... Latest from the "Mormon country"...

Item #705272

December 28, 1859

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 28, 1859 

* President James Buchanan

* State of the Union Address

* Mormons - Mormonism - SLC

Page 3 has most of a column headed: "From The Mormon Country" datelined at "Great Salt Lake City" which provides a rather inclusive update on the events in Utah in recent months. Also on page 3: "The Purchase of Mount Vernon" by the Mount V... See More  

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Buchanan's state-of-the-union address... Latest from the "Mormon country"...

Item #705268

December 28, 1859

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 28, 1859  Page 3 has most of a column headed: "From The Mormon Country" datelined at "Great Salt Lake City" which provides a rather inclusive update on the events in Utah in recent months. Also on page 3: "The Purchase of Mount Vernon" by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, with the details. 

Over an entire page, spread on very ... See More  

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Mormons, The Cullom Polygamy Bill - Utah....

Item #705264

March 25, 1870

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 25, 1870

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Polygamy - Cullom  Bill

The front page has an article headed: "The Utah Polygamy Bill--What is Thought of it in Salt Lake City". See image for details.

Other news of the day. Complete in 8 pages, minor spine wear, very nice condition.... See More  

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Rare newspaper printed on board a transcontinental train...

Item #704779

June 25, 1870

TRANS-CONTINENTAL, San Francisco, California, June 25, 1870  This is a very fascinating newspaper, borne in the ingenious mind of a publisher who decided to take a small printing press on board the first transcontinental railroad excursion and publish 6 issues westbound and 6 issues eastbound.  Printed on a Gordon press in the baggage car, it is considered the very first newspaper compos... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Print of San Francisco... The new Mormon Temple...

Item #704691

July 25, 1857

BALLOU'S PICTORIAL, Boston, July 25, 1857  

* Very early view of San Francisco

* Salt Lake Tabernacle under construction

Formatted much like the more common Harper's Weekly, this illustrated paper printed several years earlier.

The front page features a print of a: "View Of San Francisco, California" which a related article on it as well. Very early view of the young... See More  

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Report on the Mormon colony in Utah...

Item #704479

January 08, 1850

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Jan. 8, 1850 

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Early Salt Lake City, Utah

The front page has: "From The Valley Of Salt Lake" which is an early report on the Mormons at their new home. Bits include: "...states that the Mormon colony at the Valley of the Salt Lake was in a prosperous and happy condition. The crops had been abundant...The Mo... See More  

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The Mormons have abandoned Salt Lake City...

Item #701071

July 15, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 15, 1858 

* Brigham Young - Mormons - Mormonism

* Salt Lake City evacuated - Utah War ending

Page 3 has: "The Latest From Utah--The Mormons Abandoning Salt Lake" which notes in part: "...Young and the rest of the Mormons...had evacuated the city and gone south to Provo. The city looked almost completely deserted. Peace... See More  

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1942 Ensign Peak United Flight 4 disaster...

Item #701069

May 01, 1942


* Ensign Peak, Wasatch Mountains Range

* United Flight 4 airplane crash disaster

* Salt Lake City, Utah

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "18 DIE AS AIRLINER HITS PEAK IN UTAH AND CATCHES FIRE" with subheads. (see images)

Complete with 28 pages, rag edition in great condition.... See More  

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Two detailed articles on the Mormons... Indian troubles in Minnesota...

Item #700515

July 31, 1857

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 31, 1857  Page 2 has half a column taken up with a report headed: "From Salt Lake City" which is a lengthy & quite detailed report--mostly taken from The Deseret News, concerning the growing tensions and the imminent Mormon War.

Page 2 has: "Utah And the Mormons" with a nearly half column article which includes: &qu... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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The Mormons vs. the U.S. Army...

Item #699168

July 24, 1858

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., July 24, 1858 

* Gen. Albert S. Johnston

* Utah War expedition ending

Page 3 has: "News From Salt Lake City" which notes in part: "...Gen. Johnston was entering the city. The Mormons were still at Provo...Communication between the Peace Commissioners and Brigham Young was kept up daily...The Mormons would not rent their hou... See More  

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Brigham Young... San Francisco... Mormon Temple...

Item #699111

July 11, 1857

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 11, 1857 

* Mormons - Mormonism - Brigham Young

* Very early view of San Francisco

* Salt Lake Tabernacle under construction

Front page shows: "Camp of the Pilgrims to the Jordan" and a half page: "Valley of the Jordan and Dead Sea" with a related article: "Travel Notes in Bible Lands". Small print of: "John P. Dur... See More  

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Apostle Wilford Woodruff's Sermon - Salt Lake City pre-Utah Statehood 1882 Newspaper...

Item #699039

December 18, 1882

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, (Utah Territory), June 10, 1882  

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Wilford Woodruff sermon

The front page has 4 1/2 columns dedicated to: "Discourse by Apostle Wilford Woodruff Delivered In The Tabernacle, May 14th, 1882". The topics include: "Liberty of Conscience", "Man Accountable to God", "The Fall of Adam an... See More  

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"Ham" the chimpanzee: first hominid in space...

Item #698919

February 01, 1961

DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Feb. 1, 1961  

* Ham the Chimp - Chimpanzee

* 1st Hominid launched into space

* Mercury-Redstone 2 space flight

The banner headline announces one of the first successes of NASA at the beginning of the "space race" with the Soviet Union: "Chimp Survives Flight In Space" with subhead: "Flight Paves Way For Astronauts". An... See More  

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Death of the President James A. Garfield...

Item #698079

September 21, 1881

THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 21, 1881  

* James A. Garfield death

* Rare Mormons publication

From 15 years before Utah statehood. Page 8 has all columns black-bordered due to the: "Death Of President Garfield", being an early report without many details. The front page has: "Willful Murder" "Attempt to Shoot" "The Park Shooting" ... See More  

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Buchanan's state-of-the-union address... Latest from the "Mormon country"...

Item #697950

December 28, 1859

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 28, 1859  Page 3 has most of a column headed: "From The Mormon Country" datelined at "Great Salt Lake City" which provides a rather inclusive update on the events in Utah in recent months. Also on page 3: "The Purchase of Mount Vernon" by the Mount Vernon Ladies' Association, with the details. 

Over an entire page, spread on very ... See More  

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The Mormons' new home... Gold in California...

Item #697823

March 22, 1849

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., March 22, 1849  

* California gold rush - 49ers

* Mormons at Salt Lake City

* Mormonism - emigration

Two-thirds of a column on page 3 is taken up with: "The Mormons" which notes in part: "...Seven thousand of them have found a resting place in the most remarkable spot on the American continent...to follow after a new Jerusalem ... See More  

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Utah, pre-statehood...

Item #695599

December 18, 1872

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, (Utah Territory), Dec. 18, 1872  

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Pre Statehood

Various news of the day from the capital of the Mormons, and from 24 years before Utah would become a state. A great wealth of ads as well.

Sixteen pages, 11 by 16 pages, just as it came off the press so never bound nor trimmed & folding out to one large sheet, great cond... See More  

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Death of the President, as reported out West...

Item #693196

September 21, 1881

THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Sept. 21, 1881  

* President James A. Garfield assassination death

This was the very first newspaper to publish in Utah, having begun in 1850.

Page 8 has all columns black-bordered and a report: "Death Of President Garfield" and also: "Full Particulars".

Complete in 16 pages, never bound nor trimmed so it folds out... See More  

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The historic Clawson polygamy case...

Item #693108

October 04, 1884


* Rudger Clawson polygamy trial

* Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

* Mormons - Mormonism

Page 3 has: "A Polygamist on Trial" being a report from Salt Lake City  on the rather famous case of Rudger Clawson.

Clawson was the first practicing polygamist to be convicted and serve a sentence after the passage of the Edmunds Act, a feder... See More  

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From the Mormon capital...

Item #690552

December 07, 1881

THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 7, 1881 

* Mormons - Mormonism

This is from 15 years before Utah would become a state.  Nearly a full page of: "Remarks by Prest. George Q. Cannon". Other items include: "War Incidents - Bravery of General Kane's Bucktails" "Marvelous Adventures of a Legislator Among Indians" "A Desperado Arrested -... See More  

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Mormons in the Salt Lake Valley...

Item #689440

January 22, 1870

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, Jan. 22, 1870  

* Salt Lake City, Utah scene

* Mormonism - Mormons

* Connecting to Pacific Railroad

A full page has three scenes: "Scene In Salt Lake Valley -- Fortified House On The Plains" "Transporting Railway Ties Across Salt Lake" and "Utah -- Mormons Hauling Wood From The Mountains". Another nice full p... See More  

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The Mormons in Salt Lake City, Echo Canyon, and more...

Item #689438

February 05, 1870

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSDRATED, New York, Feb. 5, 1870  The front page shows: "New York City--Arrival of H. R. H. Prince Arthur of England...".

A full page has 3 prints on: "Across the Continent--A Mormon Farmer & his Family in the Streets of Salt Lake City" and: "Street Scene in Salt Lake City" and: "The First Market, Salt Lake City--Members of Brigham... See More  

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Journey to Salt Lake City... Verdict in the famous slave case...

Item #688258

November 04, 1852

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 4, 1852  Taking over 1 1/2 columns on page 2 is the very detailed: "Captain Stansbury's Expedition To The Great Salt Lake". This is a wonderful account of the journey, about which much can be found on the internet. The subheads include: "From the Literary World" "A Dutchman en Route" "A Happy Family on... See More  

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Salt Lake City...

Item #688257

October 30, 1852

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Oct. 30, 1852  Page 2 has an article: "From Salt Lake City" with the latest news from there, mostly concerning the situation with Indians in the vicinity.

Four pages, slightly irregular at the blank spine, nice condition.

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Mormons are settling at the Great Salt Lake... Wonderful letter on the Gold Rush of California...

Item #687011

June 28, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 28, 1849 

* California gold rush - 49ers

* Mormons at Salt Lake City

* Mormonism - emigration

Page 2 has 1 1/3 columns taken up with great content headed: "Affairs In California" which is prefaced with: "The following letter from Col. Stevenson to a friend in New York contains a very interesting statement of the cond... See More  

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The Mormons... Pike's Peak... Early baseball...

Item #685011

July 09, 1860

THE WORLD, New York, July 9, 1860  Page 3 has most of a column taken up with a report headed: "From Great Salt Lake City" which has a subhead: "Brutal Treatment of a Mormon By U. S. Soldiers" with much detail.

Page 4 has a report headed: "News Frost Pike's Peak" and page 8 has a pre-Civil War report headed: "Base Ball" with much detail on a basebal... See More  

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Rare newspaper printed on board a transcontinental train...

Item #684698

May 30, 1870

TRANS-CONTINENTAL, Salt Lake City, Utah, May 30, 1870 

* First Transcontinental Railroad "Overland Route"

* Very first excursion published newspaper (#5)

This is a very fascinating newspaper, borne in the ingenious mind of a publisher who decided to take a small printing press on board the first transcontinental railroad excursion and publish 6 issues westbound and 6 issues e... See More  

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Rare newspaper printed on board a transcontinental train...

Item #684697

May 31, 1870

TRANS-CONTINENTAL, Summit Sierra Nevadas, California, May 31, 1870

* First Transcontinental Railroad "Overland Route"

* Very first excursion published newspaper (#6)

This is a very fascinating newspaper, borne in the ingenious mind of a publisher who decided to take a small printing press on board the first transcontinental railroad excursion and publish 6 issues westbound and 6 i... See More  

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Building the Mormon Temple in 1867...

Item #684629

June 08, 1867

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, June 8, 1867  

* The Great Mormon Tabernacle at Salt Lake City, Utah

The prime print and article is the nearly half page captioned: "The Great Mormon Tabernacle At Salt Lake" with a related article of the same title. The print shows the famous Temple in the early stages of construction.

Sixteen pages, rejoined at the spine, very nice condit... See More  

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A special 26 page issue of a Utah territorial newspaper...

Item #684499

December 25, 1886

SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD, Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 25, 1886  

* Mormons - Mormonism

This was still a Territorial newspaper as Utah would not become a state for another ten years.

This is a somewhat social 26 page edition, which includes "The Christmas Herald" as well, and also includes a review of the events of the year.

Complete in 26 pages, never bound nor trimmed so many ... See More  

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Rare newspaper printed on board a transcontinental train...

Item #683143

June 25, 1870

TRANS-CONTINENTAL, San Francisco, California, June 25, 1870 

* First Transcontinental Railroad "Overland Route"

* Very first excursion published newspaper (#7)

This is a very fascinating newspaper, borne in the ingenious mind of a publisher who decided to take a small printing press on board the first transcontinental railroad excursion and publish 6 issues westbound and 6 is... See More  

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1874 Bloody Benders... John Bender arrested ?...

Item #681373

April 10, 1874

THE NEW YORK HERALD, April 10, 1874

* Bloody Benders - serial killers

* John Bender arrested ?

* Mormons - Salt Lake City

The top of page 7 has one column headings: "THE BLOODTHIRSTY BENDERS" "Probable Arrest of the Kansas Murderers in Utah" "The Fugitive Family Hid in the Mountains" and more. (see) Nice reporting here.

Other news of the day. Complete with al... See More  

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Trip to California... Salt Lake City to receive telegraph...

Item #678322

October 14, 1858

NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 14, 1858  The top of the front page has: "THE OVERLAND MAIL", "TEN DAYS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA", "INTERESTING FROM OREGON", "News from the Seat of War in Washington Territory", and more. News includes the announcement that the telegraph would soon connect Placerville, California and Salt Lake City - ultimately opening communication ... See More  

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The election of 1892 in a Salt Lake City newspaper...

Item #678139

November 09, 1892

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Nov. 9, 1892  The first column on the front page has the single column heading: "FOR CLEVELAND", followed by subheads: "A Great Victory for Democratic Principles", "Beginning Of A New Epoch", "The Results of Yesterday's Election as Far as Ascertained", and more. Additional election-themed coverage is found throu... See More  

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Baseball... Great view of Salt Lake City... The redwood forest...

Item #671721

October 30, 1886

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 30, 1886  A full page has 5 prints of: "Puffin-Catching Off the Irish Coast"; small print of Commodore Gherardi, U.S.N."; halfpg: "The Slater Memorial Building at Norwich, Connecticut"; one-quarter page cartoonish print: "Baseball at Crowtown".

The doublepage centerfold is a very nice print: "Felling the Redwood T... See More  

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Salt Lake City title with a Mormon flair...

Item #649257
(5) DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah, early 1880's  A lot of 5 issues, from several years before statehood with much local news of the day.  Articles with Mormon interest and perspective are sure to be found within each issue.  Typically 4 page issues, minor browning & dirtiness, but not pulpish.

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Great mining-related issue with a proposal for a new railroad...

Item #636795
POMEROY'S ADVANCE THOUGHT, New York, January, 1889  Inside has a nice promotional piece seeking investors in the Atlantic-Pacific Railway Tunnel, headed: "STRAIGHT THROUGH THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS" "To Shorten Railway Distance 250 Miles Between Denver & Salt Lake City" "And to Bring out Millions of Dollars Worth of Gold & Silver each Year..." with more.

A... See More  

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Bank robbery in the Old West...

Item #634212

October 22, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, October 22, 1890  Just what we hope to find on the front page of a newspaper from the Old West is in this issue: "Daring Robbery" "The Watchman Gagged & Bound and $2000 Secured" with some details. Not a lengthy nor conspicuous report, but great to have in this title.

Other news of the day with many interesting adve... See More  

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Early Salt Lake City... Paul Morphy the famous chess player...

Item #633319

September 25, 1858

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 25, 1858  The prime print would be the great and displayable full page view of: "Salt Lake City, from the Observatory of the Council House" being one of the earlier views of Salt Lake City to be had in any periodical. The condition of this print is quite nice (see).

The front page shows: "Rev. Samuel I. Prime, D.D." with text on hi... See More  

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Laramie WY airplane crash....

Item #618561

October 07, 1955

THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, October 7, 1955

* Laramie, Wyoming airplane crash

* United Airlines Flight 409

* Douglas Dc-4 propliner

The front page has a three column headline: "66 KILLED AS AIRLINER RAMS MOUNTAIN PEAK" with subhead. (see). 1st report coverage on the Salt Lake City bound DC-4 Airplane crash near Laramie, Wyoming.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the... See More  

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Jefferson Davis' death... Judaica content...

Item #616770

December 11, 1889

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Dec. 11, 1889 

* Jefferson Davis death

* Confederate president - Confederacy

A "territorial" newspaper from seven years before Utah would be come a state. The ftpg. has: "Jefferson Davis' Remains - Views Yesterday by Some 70,000 Persons" with various subheads (see). Other ftpg. articles include: "A Dasta... See More  

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A great Western-themed cover print...

Item #616741

July 01, 1893

THE DESERET WEEKLY, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 1, 1893  This paper calls itself a: "Pioneer Publication of the Rocky Mountain Region - Truth and Liberty".  See the photo below for the very decorative & large front page illustration, which shows settlers traveling, the Mormon temple, an early train, etc.  Among the many articles are: "Utah Women in Chicago" &q... See More  

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From the Territory of Utah...

Item #615526

September 27, 1869

THE DESERET NEWS, Salt Lake City, (Utah Territory) Sept. 29, 1869  Among the articles are: "The Arabs of the Middle Ages" "Local & Other Matters" and much more. Published from 27 years before statehood.

Twelve pages, never bound nor trimmed, nice condition.

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The Deseret Museum...

Item #613216

April 20, 1895

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, New York, April 20, 1895  The front page of the issue contains four scenes from "The Deseret Museum, Salt Lake City, Utah" with an accompanying article. Inside the issues is "Whitlock's New 'Western' Independent Chuck"; "Hedges' Water Tube Stationary or Marine Boiler"; "The Sumatra Rhinoceros"; "An Explo
... See More  

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Kennedy killed...

Item #604446

November 23, 1963

THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE--EXTRA, Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 23, 1963  Presumed complete with all 46 pages, minor wear at central fold, generally very nice.

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Debating Idaho statehood...

Item #602864

January 13, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Jan. 13, 1890  A Mormon newspaper from 6 years before Utah statehood. Page 3 has: "Idaho's Admission" "Judge Wilson, Prest. Wm. Budge & Others Opposing It for the 'Mormons' " "Dubois Makes A Harangue Against the Church". Idaho would join the Union on July 3, 1890.

Four pages, large folio size,... See More  

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Debating Idaho statehood...

Item #602863

January 13, 1890

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, Jan. 13, 1890  A Mormon newspaper from 6 years before Utah statehood. Page 3 has: "Idaho's Admission" "Judge Wilson, Prest. Wm. Budge & Others Opposing It for the 'Mormons' " "Dubois Makes A Harangue Against the Church". Idaho would join the Union on July 3, 1890.

Four pages, large folio size,... See More  

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