Three great plates on the Seven Years' War...
Item #709995
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1759 Of prime interest are the 3 full page plates on the Seven Years' War, the first titled: "A Map of the Part of Westphalia in which the French Army Were Defeated , Aug. 1, 1759" which shows much details (see), the plate titled: "Line of Battle of the Allied Army Before the Engagement on the First of August, 1759", plus ... See More
Two European maps...
Item #709987
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1758 The prime features of this issue are the two maps, one being a full page plate titled: "A Map of the Rhine Between Wesel & Duseldorp..." (see), and the other a foldout map measuring 8 by 10 1/2 inches titled "A Complete Chart of the Coast of France from Ostend, to Cape Finisterra, including the Opposite Coast of the British Chan... See More
Full page engraving of the King's heart... Much on the situation in America...
Item #704166
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1762 Perhaps the most intriguing item in this issue is a nice, detailed engraving of the heart of George II, the late king of England who recently died. As the magazine describes it as: " anatomical representation of the Heart of his late Majesty, as it appeared upon opening his Body, in the presence of his Majesty's Physicians, e... See More
Early American title from the French & Indian War...
Item #702912
May 13, 1762
* Rare Colonial Massachusetts
* St. Augustine, Florida
This is a much later issue of America's first successful newspaper, founded in 1704.
The top of the ftpg. has a nice recruiting advertisements to enlist soldiers to fight in the on-going French & Indian War: "For Recruiting His Majesty's Regular Forc... See More
Very early mention of George Washington from the French & Indian War...
Item #702562
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, April, 1756 Near the back is an: "Extract of a Letter from Virginia" that includes: "We are marching 200 white men & 100 Cherokees from a fort on the New River against the Shawnese...Shirley & Johnson are to proceed in the spring against Crown Point & Niagara...Washington's regiment of 1000 from Virginia & 1000 Cherokee In... See More
Letter from John Wesley... State of affairs in Pennsylvania...
Item #702561
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1756 Among the articles within is a "Letter from Mr. Wesley Confirming the Yorkshire Earthquake", signed by him in type: John Wesley, the noted evangelist and founder of Methodism.Also: "Of the Cultivation of Exotics" which concerns the red cedar & other trees in America. Another article taking over 3 pages is "A Dia... See More
England declares war against France: The French & Indian War begins...
Item #702243
May 22, 1756
* England declaration of war w/ France
The most significant item in this issue is: "His Majesty's Declaration of War Against the French King" which was the official beginning of the French & Indian War. It was prompted by England & France not being able to compromise on the border between their colonies in North... See More
On the French & Indian War: French have to abandon Louisbourg...
Item #700798
November 23, 1759
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Nov. 23, 1759 From during the French & Indian War with page 2 containing a related item noting: "...In consequence of the taking of Louisbourg, upwards of 20,000 French people, who were settled in different sorts of trade & business in the country round about have been sent away & several small towns...have been demolished...".
... See More
French & Indian War reports from America...
Item #700794
December 26, 1758
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, Dec. 26, 1758 From during the French & Indian War with page 2 having: "Plantation News" with datelines from Annapolis Albany, Boston, and New York, all with reports concerning the French & Indian War.
Four pages, 9 1/4 by 14 1/2 inches, partial red tax stamp on the front page, nice condition.
Huge map of the Mississippi River dated June 1, 1775...
Item #700671
January 01, 1783
COURSE of the RIVER MISSISSIPI [sic] from the Balise to Fort Chartres; Taken on an Expedition to the Illinois, in the latter end of the Year 1763 by Lieut. Ross of the 34th Regiment: Improved from the Surveys of that River made by the French".
London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 in 'Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs, 11 June 1775"
A noted map dealer
London, Printed for Robt. Sayer No. 53 in 'Fleet Street, Published as the Act directs, 11 June 1775"
A noted map dealer
Battle of Fort DuQuesne...
Item #700465
November 07, 1758
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 7, 1758
* Battle of Fort DuQuesne
* Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
* French and Indian War
Over one-third of the front page has a very nice account of the historic Battle of Fort DuQuesne, site of present-day Pittsburgh, which includes: "A List of Officers and Soldiers Missing from the Action near fort Du Quesne, Sept. 14, 1758". George Washing... See More
Battle of Fort Frontenac...
Item #700463
November 02, 1758
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 2, 1758
* Fort Frontenac captured
* French and Indian War
The back page has a very nice letter: "...from an officer in one of the provincial regiments in America...dated Albany, Sept. 15" which begins: "You will hear from many hands the successful blow struck against the French interest in America by the taking of Cadaraque, or (as th... See More
On the end of the French & Indian War...
Item #700457
August 06, 1763
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 6, 1763
* French and Indian War nearing the end
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 6, 1763 Most of the front page is taken up with reports under the heading: "America", with a Perth Amboy dateline, and includes: "The termination of a long & burthensome war, by the late Definitive Treaty, is an event as happy as it is g... See More
Not held by any American institution... Reports on the French & Indian War...
Item #699661
July 28, 1759
PUE'S OCCURRENCES, Dublin, Ireland, July 28, 1759 An early Irish newspaper with the front page having various news reports while most of the balance of the issue is taken up with ads & notices.
The front page begins with reports headed: "America" with a Charleston, South Carolina, dateline. It includes reports concerning the Indians at Augusta, Georgia, with much on tradin... See More
Reports relating to the French & Indian War...
Item #699646
January 26, 1758
* British officer Robert Monckton
* French and Indian War promotion
Page 2 has a brief item relating to the ongoing French & Indian War, noting: "Robert Monckton, Esq., is likewise appointed Lieutenant Colonel commandant of the Royal American regiment in the room of Lieutenant Colonel Desceaux, deceased."
Also a li... See More
Great account of the siege of Fort Schuyler...
Item #697860
September 04, 1777
* Siege of Fort Stanwix - Schuyler
* American Revolutionary War
Page 3 has Revolutionary War content including an item reading: "We hear Sir William Howe has requested his Majesty, for very essential reasons, to allow him to exchange General Lee for some British officers; but that such a measure has been stro... See More
Some notes from the French & Indian War...
Item #695161
August 03, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 3, 1762 Page 7 has an: "Extract of a Letter From Philadelphia", bits including: "Gen. Mockton is his government of New York...Seven British ships of war were cruising of Cape Francis, blocking up the French men of war...The Indians to the north and west are very quiet...".
Eight pages, 8 1/4 by 10 3/4 inches, partial red ... See More
Cherokee Chiefs in London... Handel's monument in Westminster Abbey...
Item #695156
July 15, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 15, 1762
* Cherokees Indians - Native Americans
* George Frederic Handel monument dedication
Page 2 has two interesting, yet brief, items: "The Cherokee Chiefs have been invited by the Lord Mayor to the Mansion house, and are soon to go there."
In 1762, a delegation of Cherokee leaders arrived in Lon
... See More
Powers of a Cherokee Chief, now visiting England...
Item #695155
July 06, 1762
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 6, 1762 Page 2 has a report from London noting: "The Cherokee Chief who is now here is the second person in point of consideration of his people. The Cherokees are the most considerable Indian nation with which we are acquainted, and are absolutely free...It is courage and ability that constitutes a Chief amongst the Cherokees, who are led by him inde... See More
News from the French & Indian War...
Item #695145
December 31, 1761
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Dec. 31, 1761 The front page has over a full column of reports headed: "America" with datelines from Charleston, Boston, and Halifax in Nova Scotia. A few bits include: "...A gang of the Point Indians were returned from war against the Spaniards; they lost four men...and killed one Spaniard and a negro...The great bustle that was some time ago in... See More
Oswego in the French & Indian War... Large map of Europe... Judaica item...
Item #694426
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1756 * Great & quite large map of Europe
* Oswego - French & Indian War
* Judaica - Jewish content
The prime feature would be the very nice & large foldout map titled in the cartouche: "A New & Correct CHART of EUROPE..." which shows all of Europe as well as Iceland, Russia, North Africa, a... See More
News from the French & Indian War...
Item #694207
August 30, 1757
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Aug. 30, 1757 Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a New York dateline, mentioning in part: "...the embargo was taken of all vessels bound from hence for Great Britain...several sloops arrived here from Albany with a few of Otway's men, designed to keep garrison in Fort George in this city...that seven French men of war that were seen cr... See More
Early Boston newspaper with nice front page references to the French & Indian War...
Item #694151
December 29, 1760
* Original colonial America publication
* French and Indian War coverage
A quite early issue of this famous title, from near the end of the French & Indian War.
Just a few months earlier the governor of Canada surrendered the province of Quebec (New France) to the British, and the French outpost of Detroit surrendered t... See More
Very early from Maryland: the French & Indian War... Money owned to Ben Franklin...
Item #694150
March 13, 1755
THE MARYLAND GAZETTE, Annapolis, March 13, 1755
* Very rare & early American publication
A very scarce and early newspaper from the early period of the French & Indian War. Rarely are we able to offer Maryland newspapers from such an early year.
Page 2 has a report from Halifax, Nova Scotia, that: "...they are building two new batteries upon the beach...That the three gu... See More
Recap of the French & Indian War in 1757...
Item #693722
April 08, 1758
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, April 8, 1758 Over half of the first column on the front page is headed: "America" with reports from Kingston, Jamaica.
Most of page 6 is taken up with: "An Impartial Representation of Facts, relative to the State of Publick Affairs in North American during the Year 1757. Drawn at New York". The text is a great overview of the events of the... See More
British-French naval battle in the Caribbean...
Item #693712
February 11, 1758
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 11, 1758 Page 6 has most of the first column taken up with a report headed:"America" being an extract of a letter from Kingston, Jamaica on this historic naval Battle of Cap-Francais.
This was an engagement during the Seven Years' War (American portion was called the French & Indian War) fought between French and British forces outsid
... See More
British-French naval battle in the Caribbean...
Item #693711
February 11, 1758
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 11, 1758
* Battle of Cap-Français - Haiti
* Seven Years War
* French & Royal Navy
Page 6 has most of the first column taken up with a report headed: "America" being an extract of a letter from Kingston, Jamaica on this historic naval Battle of Cap-Francais.
This was an engagement during the Seven Years' War (American p
... See More
Chasing after a French ship on Lake Champlain...
Item #693605
January 24, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 24, 1760 The back page includes a letter from Halifax, Nova Scotia, followed by an: "Extract of a Letter from Crown Point" which includes: "Capt. Boring...been down Lake Champlain as far as...Nut Island...fell in with a top sail schooner which he gave chase to, but the Frenchman this means escaped..." with a bit more on a naval is... See More
Chase after a French ship on Lake Champlain...
Item #693604
January 24, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 24, 1760 The back page includes a letter from Halifax, Nova Scotia, followed by an: "Extract of a Letter from Crown Point" which includes: "Capt. Boring...been down Lake Champlain as far as...Nut Island...fell in with a top sail schooner which he gave chase to, but the Frenchman this means escaped..." with a bit more on a naval is... See More
Safe to return to their homes...
Item #693593
January 03, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Jan. 3, 1760 The front page has half a column headed: "America" with New York and Boston datelines.
The reports relate to the ongoing French & Indian War, noting in part: " Governor...recommending it to the inhabitants to return to their settlements along Hudson's river, above Albany, as they may now abide th... See More
Nice report from the French & Indian War...
Item #693566
June 03, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 3, 1760 Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a Philadelphia dateline. Bits include: "...all the usual preparations of war going on...Necessity has obliged the General to send 1800 men to Charles Town in South Carolina where the Cherokees are doing all possible mischief, & have made irruptions into the heart of the province...General... See More
Nice report from the French & Indian War...
Item #693565
June 03, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, June 3, 1760 Page 6 has reports headed: "America" with a Philadelphia dateline. Bits include: "...all the usual preparations of war going on...Necessity has obliged the General to send 1800 men to Charles Town in South Carolina where the Cherokees are doing all possible mischief, & have made irruptions into the heart of the province...General... See More
Mass. governor speaks on the French & Indian War...
Item #693423
July 15, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 15, 1760
* Governor Thomas Pownall speech
* Province of Massachusetts Bay
* French and Indian War
One-third of page 5 is taken up with news reports headed: "America" with Boston datelines.
Most of the report is a speech by the governor concerning the ongoing French & Indian War, one bit noting: "...his Majesty having nothing so ... See More
Front page reports on the French & Indian War...
Item #693422
July 05, 1760
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 5, 1760 The front page begins with a report headed: "America" with a New York dateline noting news from the French & Indian War including: "...Sixteen 24 pounders with mortars...are gone to Oswego. Col. Williamson commands this train...The enemy sends out constant parties towards Crown Point & Ticonderoga..." and more.
Eight pa... See More
The peace treaty should result in better relations with Indians, and greater trade...
Item #693409
November 19, 1763
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Nov. 19, 1763
* French and Indian war
* re. Paris Peace Treaty
Over half of the first column on the front page is taken up with reports headed: "America" with a New York dateline.
The article concerns the future of the colonies now that a peace treaty has been formalized [Treaty of Paris ending the French & Indian War], along with hopes t... See More
Reflecting upon the Battle of Quebec...
Item #693365
February 03, 1763
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, Feb. 3, 1763 Page 2 has a "...letter from an Officer at Quebec to his Friend in Holland" which begins: "Among the many glorious actions performed by the British arms so justly celebrated, I think one of the most considerable has been least mentioned, I mean the gallant behavior of the army at Quebec..." with the balance of the article refle... See More
Exploring the vicinity of Alaska...
Item #689611
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, March, 1754
Perhaps the most interesting item is a very nice, detailed article titled: "Some Account of a Chart lately published by M. de l Isle, with the different Conjectures and Opinions it has produced; from a Tract called, A Letter from a Russian Sea Officer to a Person of Distinction at Petersborough, &c."
This artic
... See More
Perhaps the most interesting item is a very nice, detailed article titled: "Some Account of a Chart lately published by M. de l Isle, with the different Conjectures and Opinions it has produced; from a Tract called, A Letter from a Russian Sea Officer to a Person of Distinction at Petersborough, &c."
This artic
Ben Franklin's famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...
Item #687418
September 06, 1775
* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon
If there was one graphic that represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of
... See More
* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon
If there was one graphic that represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of
Likely the most desired masthead from the 18th century... Paul Revere's segmented snake engraving - "Join or Die"
Item #687194
October 27, 1774
THE MASSACHUSETTS SPY, Or Thomas's Boston Journal, October 27, 1774 It would be difficult to properly place both the scarcity and desirability of this newspaper in the confect of American history. This issue has the famous "Join Or Die" engraving stretching across the masthead.
In the same way that the famous "Dewey Defeats Truman" issue of the Chicago Tribune is com... See More
Early map of the Caribbean Islands...
Item #683352
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, August, 1756 The first two pages are devoted to the "Caribee Islands" [Caribbean] primarily limited to text on Barbadoes.But of greater significance is the great and desirable foldout map labeled: "A Map of the CARIBBEE ISLANDS Shewing which belong to England, France, Spain, Dutch, & Danes...". This map folds out to 8 1/2 by 13 1/2 ... See More
Early Georgia... Map of the English Channel...
Item #682582
* Article on the weather in Georgia
* Map of Havre De Grace, the English Channel, Isle of Wight
The first article is: "A Description of Havre de Grace" which takes over a full page and is accompanied by a nice foldout map showing part of the English Channel including the Isle of Wight off the coast of Southampton and a
... See More
* Article on the weather in Georgia
* Map of Havre De Grace, the English Channel, Isle of Wight
The first article is: "A Description of Havre de Grace" which takes over a full page and is accompanied by a nice foldout map showing part of the English Channel including the Isle of Wight off the coast of Southampton and a
Terrific 18th century ship illustration...
Item #682414
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1748 * Great 18th century ship illustration
Certainly the feature item in this issue is the terrific, full page illustration of: "A Ship Of War" with considerable detail, and with most of the facing page having the "Explanation to a Ship of War of the third Rate with Rigging, &c., at Anchor".
The "Explanation" n... See More
Day of thanksgiving in Boston... an abacus... music writing machine....
Item #682411
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1748 Interesting articles: "Invention of Writing Music by Playing It" with two small illustrations; "Articles For a General Peace" "Introduction to Heraldry" "A Religious Tax Proposed" "Proclamation Against Commerce with France".There is also content regarding the war in America & p... See More
Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...
Item #681728
November 16, 1774
THE PENNSYLVANIA JOURNAL; AND THE WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, November 16, 1774 If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption. The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead of this newspaper, shows a snake cut into various pieces, each with a
... See More
Naval reports from the French & Indian War in America...
Item #681528
March 22, 1759
THE EDINBURGH EVENING COURANT, Scotland, March 22, 1759 Page 2 has naval reports from the French & Indian War: "The Phila, Capt. Farmer, from New York...was taken the 17th of February by the Sampson privateer of Bayonne..." with more reports mentioning New York and South Carolina.
Four pages, 9 1/2 by 14 1/2 inches, red tax stamp on the front page, great condition.... See More
Benjamin Franklin receives an award...
Item #681445
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1753 Near the back is a small & inconspicuous item reading: "At the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society the prize medal of gold was voted to Ben Franklyn, Esq. of Maryland, for his electrical discoveries." Note that not only did they spell his name wrong but they have his home colony wrong.
At the back is the &q... See More
Famous "Unite Or Die" engraving in the masthead...
Item #677502
December 07, 1774
* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon
If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption.
The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead
... See More
* Benjamin Franklin's "Unite Or Die" cartoon
If there was one graphic which represented the spirit of the Revolutionary War it would have to be the ubiquitous segmented snake with the famous "Unite Or Die" caption.
The engraving, a prominent device in the masthead
Great map of Montreal... Death of the King of England...
Item #676720
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, October, 1760 * Great foldout map of Montreal & more
* George II of Great Britain death
* French and Indian War
Perhaps the prime item is the very nice foldout map headed: "A Particular Map to Illustrated Gen. Amherst's Expedition to Montreal with a Plan of the Town & Draught of the Island".
The map has a very nice inset of the... See More
French & Indian War...
Item #676688
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, November, 1759 There is a lengthy article titled: "Instructions by Major General Wolfe in Case of an Invasion" which has much detail. The "Historical Chronicle" also has several reports concerning the French & Indian War.Other articles in the issue noted in the table of contents include:
"An Accurate Description of the... See More
American news from 1762...
Item #676596
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1762 This issue begins with a: "Scheme for Supplying the Cities of London and Westminster with Fish...".Other articles within include: "The Importance of Martinico [Dominican Republic] & the Islands in the West Indies yet Unsubdued" "Some Particulars of the Life of the late Empress of Russia" "Proceedings of th... See More
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