Web Results (19)



1951 Frank Costello - NYC mob boss...

Item #710744

March 17, 1951

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 17, 1951

* Frank Costello - NYC gangster - mob boss

* United States Senate Special Committee to Investigate Crime in Interstate Commerce

* Rosenbergs atomic bomb spy case

The top of the front page has a four column headline: "SENATORS TRY TO DIE DEWEY TO GAMING; COSTELLO BALKS CRIME INQUIRY AGAIN; O'DWYER FRIEND CHALLENGED ON STORY" with subheads an... See More  

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World's 1st nuclear device explosion announcement...

Item #710196

September 13, 1945


* Manhattan Project comes to fruition

* Director physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer

* Post atomic bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

* Japanese claim of radiation in deaths

The front page has a three column heading; "Accidental Find Prevents A-Bomb Earth-Poisoning" with rare photo of Oppenheimer. (see images) Coverage continues in... See More  

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1951 Operation Greenhouse... Nuclear bomb tests...

Item #709956

May 09, 1951


* Operation Greenhouse tests series

* Nuclear weapons - atomic bombs

* Enewetak Atoll - Pacific Ocean

The top of page 3 has a two column heading: "Believe U. S. Tests A-Shell" (see images) This was when these tests were first made public.

Complete with 76 pages, rag edition in very nice condition. Some small binding holes along the spine.

wikiped... See More  

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Russia joins America as a nuclear power...

Item #698794

September 24, 1949

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, September 24, 1949

* Semipalatinsk Test Site "The Polygon"

* Soviet atomic bomb project revealed

* Joins America as a nuclear super power

The front page has a banner headline: "A-BOMB TREATY URGED" with lead-in: "Soviet Atom Blast Starts World Clamor" and various subheads. (see images) More on page 12.

Complete with 38 pages, light ton... See More  

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J. Robert Oppenheimer in 1945...

Item #697868

October 07, 1945

SECTION 4 ONLY of the New York Times, Oct. 7, 1945

* Inside the Los Alamos National Laboratory

* Making the atomic bomb in New Mexico

* Project Y - physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer

Page 9 of this section has a two column heading: "Makers of the Atom Bomb at Work" (see images)

Complete section 4 only with 10 pages, rag edition in great condition.... See More  

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End of World War II, in a French newspaper...

Item #695747

August 18, 1945

POUR LA VICTOIRE, "Journal Francais D'Amerique" which translates: "French Newspaper of America", August 18, 1945

The banner headline above the masthead, dropped out of a black box, is: "Le Jour De Gloire Est Arrive" (The Day Of Glory Has Come). Other items relating to the end of World War II, including a front page cartoon regarding the atom bomb, captioned (tran... See More  

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Paul Tibbets death... Enola Gay captain...

Item #688188

November 02, 2007


* Captain Paul Tibbets death

* 1st atomic bomb in warfare (Little Boy)

* Enola gay airplane pilot fame

* Hiroshima, Japan - World War II

The front page has a two column photo with heading: "Pilot launched Atomic Age over Hiroshima" First report coverage continues on pages 18 & 19 with 3 more related photos. (see)

Complete with all section s 8... See More  

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Military "camp" newspaper from the South Pacific...

Item #686336

August 10, 1945

RIMBA POST, , N.E.I. (Netherlands East Antilies), Army Daily, Aug. 10, 1945 

* Rare military title from a remote island

* Atomic bombing of Nagasaki, Japan

* World War II coming to an end

This was actually printed on the Island of Biak. Biak is a small island located just northwest of New Guinea.   During World War II it was a strategic airfield of the Japanese Army serving ... See More  

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Operation Crossraods... Atomic bomb....

Item #684441

July 01, 1946

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Massachusetts, July 1, 1946

* Operation Crossroads - Atomic bombing

* Nuclear weapon at Bikini Atoll - Able

* B-29 Superfortress Dave's Dream

The front page has a six column headline: "Check Shows Bomb Losses Heavy" with subheads.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 10 pages, a little spine wear, generally nice.... See More  

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Rosenbergs are executed...

Item #684337

June 20, 1953


* Julius and Ethel Rosenberg executed

* Russian spies - Atomic bomb

* Electric chair - Sing Sing prison in New York

The front page has a five column heading: "ROSENBERGS PUT TO DEATH" with subheads and related photo. (see) First report coverage continues inside with photo of the Rosenbergs.

Complete with 24 pages, light toning at ... See More  

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1962 Starfish Prime nuclear bomb test...

Item #653369

July 10, 1962

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., July 10, 1962

* Starfish Prime high-altitude nuclear test

* Thor rocket - W49 thermonuclear warhead

* Hydrogen bomb explosion in space

The front page has a six column headline announcing: "Pacific 'A' Test Wows 'Em" with caption. (see)

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete with all 16 pages, minor margin wear, general... See More  

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"Monty has a double!"

Field Marshal Montgomery's body-double fooled Germany...

Item #637489

October 04, 1945

DAILY EXPRESS, London, October 4, 1945

* Clifton James delivers as "Monty's" body-double

* Great D-Day bluff

The front page has "Monty Has A Double - His D-Day bluff deceived the Germans", with related text and a photo of Lieut. Clifton James as Montgomery. Read the article to learn more details regarding this great deception which helped keep the actual date for D-D... See More  

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Rosenberg's sentence to death... Electric chair at Sing Sing...

Item #631939

April 05, 1951

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts,  April 5, 1951  

* Julius and Ethel Rosenberg sentenced

* Russian spies - Atomic bomb

* Electric chair - Sing Sing prison in New York

The banner headline announces: "BULLETIN: Two Convicted Atom Bomb Spies Are Sentenced To Death" with smaller subheads as well. This is the report of Julius & Ethel Rosenberg being sentenced ... See More  

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Mars Bluff SC atomic bomb incident....

Item #617408

March 12, 1958

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Massachusetts, March 12, 1958 

* Mars Bluff SC South Carolina

* B-47 Stratojet Atomic Bomb mishap (1st report)

Near the bottom of the front page is a two column heading: "Unarmed Atomic Bomb Drops Accidentally In S.C.; 6 Hurt" 1st report coverage on the B-47 Stratojet mishap over Mars Bluff, South Carolina.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day... See More  

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Jane Russell... an atom 'bomb' hits cancer...

Item #584837

November 15, 1953

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS - PARADE, Detroit, Michigan, November 15, 1953  The front of this issue contains a photo of Jane Russell with an accompanying article entitled "They sold me 'like a can of tomatoes'" which includes additional photos of other actors. Also included is an article "Now: an atom 'bomb' hits cancer" "... and doctors learn it can save l... See More  

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Nevada starts it's Atomic bomb tests...

Item #568741

January 29, 1951

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, January 29, 1951  This 38 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "Don Gentile Killed in Jet Crash; U.S. Ace in Europe Shot Down 19" with photo.

Also one column headlines on the front that include: "2D ATOMIC BLAST IN 24 HOURS JOLTS WIDE NEVADA AREA" "Flash Reaches 200 Miles" and more. Other news of the day th... See More  

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Nevada starts it's Atomic bomb tests...

Item #568087

January 29, 1951

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, January 29, 1951 

* Don Gentile - American fighter plane ace killed 

* Nevada starts it's Atomic bomb tests

This 38 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "Don Gentile Killed in Jet Crash; U.S. Ace in Europe Shot Down 19" with photo.

Also one column headlines on the front that include: "2D ATOMIC BLAST ... See More  

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Worcester, Massachusetts tornado disaster...

Item #561153

June 10, 1953

THE NEW YORK TIMES, New York, NY, June 10, 1953

* Worcester, Massachusetts tornado disaster (1st report)

This 60 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "TORNADO KILLS 69 IN MASSACHUSETTS; MIDWEST TOLL IS 139" with subheads that include: "Worcester Struck" and more with related photo. (see)

Report continues on page 41 with related photo and maps. (... See More  

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Eve of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg's execution...

Item #557375

June 19, 1953

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, June 19, 1953

* Eve of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg's execution

This 12 page newspaper has a banner headline on the front page: "HIGH COURT SETS ASIDE STAY OF EXECUTION" with subhead.

Other news of the day. Light browning at the margins, otherwise in nice condition.

wikipedia notes: Julius Rosenberg (May 12, 1918 – June 19, 1... See More  

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