Robert Smalls leads fellow slaves to freedom... The USS Planter...
President Lincoln repeals General Hunter's order (no. 11), which had emancipated slaves...
Item #712734
May 24, 1862
NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, May 24, 1862 Page 2 begins with: "Gen. Hunter Overruled". This concerns the controversial situation where Hunter pronounced slaves free in Florida, Georgia & South Carolina, previous to Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation
President Lincoln did not rescind Hunter's order because he was against emancipating the slaves. At the time, he simpl... See More
Lincoln writes to a Shakespearian actor...
Item #710293
September 26, 1863
SPRINGFIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN, Massachusetts, Sept. 26, 1863Although there are many Civil War reports throughout this issue, perhaps the most interesting is a brief one on the back page, headed: "President Lincoln on Shakespeare".
In his letter to a Shakespearian actor, he mentions his love for the stage. It is perhaps ironic that it was at a theater where he would be assassinated.
Eigh... See More
Mary Harlan Lincoln death....
Item #708907
April 01, 1937
* Mary Harlan Lincoln death
* Robert Todd Lincoln's wife
* Abraham's daughter-in-law
The top of page 16 has a one column heading: "DAUGHTER-IN-LAW OF LINCOLN DIES IN CAPITAL AT 90" with subhead. (see images) First report coverage on the death of Mary Harlan Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln's daughter-in-law.
Complete with all 36 pages, ra... See More
The Gettysburg Address in a Pennsylvania newspaper...
Item #708573
November 20, 1863
PUBLIC LEDGER, Philadelphia, Nov. 20, 1863
* President Abraham Lincoln's famous speech
* Gettysburg Address at battlefield cemetery
* In a Pennsylvania publication, rare as such
The front page has over two columns taken up with: "The Solemnities At Gettysburg" "Dedication of The Cemetery Of The Heroes" "Oration of Hon. Edward Everett".
As many know,... See More
A great contemporary quote from Lincoln's famous speech - "A House divided against itself cannot stand."...
Item #707504
January 24, 1860
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 24, 1860
* Abraham Lincoln as a senatorial candidate
The front-page has a rare quote of a portion of Lincoln's very famous speech from 1858 during the Lincoln-Douglas debates. During a speech on the Senate floor, Senator Douglas, speaking of Lincoln, states in part: "...When he returned to Illinois in 1858, to canvas the state, he had to meet this... See More
1874 Lincoln's Tomb dedication at Springfield...
Item #706474
October 16, 1874
THE NEW YORK TIMES, October 16, 1874
* Abraham Lincoln's Tomb dedication
* Oak Ridge Cemetery - Springfield, Illinois
* Designer - Larkin Goldsmith Mead
The top of the front page has one column headings: "ABRAHAM LINCOLN" "The Unveiling Of the Monument To Him At Springfield, Ill" and more. Lengthy text continues on page 2.
Eight pages, light toning at the margins, ... See More
Lincoln's cabinet published...
Item #706373
March 06, 1861
* President Abraham Lincoln
* 2 days after inauguration
* Cabinet announcements
Page 3 has s small yet notable report headed: "Cabinet Appointments" beginning: "We understand that the following nominations were yesterday made by the President and forthwith confirmed by the Senate:..." and what followed is the list of ap... See More
Printed the day of Lincoln's "House Divided" speech... Much on the Mormons...
Item #705277
June 17, 1858
NEW YORK TIMES, June 17, 1858
* Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois
* A "day of" mention of the convention
* Mormons - Mormonism - Utah War
Near the top of the front page is: "Illinois Republican State Convention" is a report datelined Springfield, Ill., Wednesday, June 16. The one paragraph report concerns the first day of the convention not
... See More
* Abraham Lincoln, Springfield, Illinois
* A "day of" mention of the convention
* Mormons - Mormonism - Utah War
Near the top of the front page is: "Illinois Republican State Convention" is a report datelined Springfield, Ill., Wednesday, June 16. The one paragraph report concerns the first day of the convention not
Historic meeting between Lincoln and the delegation of free blacks... His thoughts on Blacks & Whites co-existing...
Item #704770
August 15, 1862
NEW YORK DAILY TRIBUNE, Aug. 15, 1862 The most notable item is on the front page: "The Colonization of People of African Descent" with subheads: "Interview with President Lincoln" "Speech of the President" "He Holds that the White and Black Races Cannot Dwell Together" "He Urges Intelligent Colored Men to Exert Themselves for Colonizatio... See More
The Emancipation Proclamation... In a pro-South newspaper...
Item #704713
September 24, 1862
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Sept. 24, 1862 Given the focus of this controversial newspaper, being supportive of the Southern cause while publishing in the North, it is particularly noteworthy that this issue contains on page five the Emancipation Proclamation whereby President Lincoln would free the slaves on January 1 of the coming year.
The introductory subheads would be of no surprise as... See More
1964 Muhammad Ali vs. Sonny Liston advertisement...
Item #704659
February 20, 1964
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York City, Feb. 20, 1964
* Muhammad Ali (Cassius Clay) vs. Sonny Liston (1st)
* Famous boxing's World Heavyweight Championship
* One of the greatest sports moments of the 20th century
Page 10 has a 4 x 4 inch advertisement for this upcoming boxing match at the local theater (Village Theatre). (see image)
Page 3 has a comical advertis... See More
Lincoln's state-of-the-union address...
Item #704459
December 16, 1863
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 16, 1863 This issue is significant in that it published on page 6 the: "President's Message" being Abraham Lincoln's annual state-of-the-union address, which takes over half of page 6 and nearly half of page 7 where it is signed in type: Abraham Lincoln. Not surprisingly there is much in this address on the events of the Civil War.
Immediat... See More
Lincoln initiates the building of a transcontinental railroad...
Item #704320
September 04, 1862
THE KANSAS STATE JOURNAL, Lawrence, Sept. 4, 1862
* Pacific Railway Acts
* Transcontinental Railroad
* President Abraham Lincoln
* American Civil War era
Most of the front page and a bit of page 2 are taken up with the very historic; "Pacific Railroad Bill", actually the first of two (the 2nd in 1864) which would provide federal subsidies in land and loans for the construc... See More
The colored men of Washington, D.C. make plea to President Lincoln...
Item #704159
November 03, 1862
* The African American Delegation to Abraham Lincoln
* Free Negroes - black colonization in Washington D.C. ?
The most noteworthy article is found on page 4 headed: "Free Colored Emigrants" which is a letter from free Washington, D.C. blacks to President Abraham Lincoln in which they plead that he follow-through on his promise to provide, ... See More
Abraham Lincoln the inventor - a buoying apparatus...
Item #704122
December 01, 1860
* Invention by Abraham Lincoln
* Buoying vessels over shoals
Page 4 has a great article headed: "The President Elect's Mode of Buoying Vessels" which also includes a nice illustration of the device captioned: "Abraham Lincoln's Apparatus For Buoying Vessels." (see).
The text, taking most of a column, ... See More
Synagogues hold memorial services... Much on the assassination & funeral of Lincoln...
Item #704120
April 21, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, April 21, 1865
* Rare 1st-page mentions of Synagogue services
* Re: Abraham Lincoln's assassination & funeral
* Black mourning borders on all eight pages
Perhaps the most noteworthy coverage is the front-page details regarding various services being held at local synagogues - which includes the congregations at "B'nai Israel," "Bikur Cholim... See More
Preparing for Civil War... Surrender of Fort Moultrie...
Item #703974
December 21, 1860
* Tensions increasing in the South
* Abraham Lincoln to divide a nation
* History about to be made
Reports on page 2 include: "EXTRA!" "Important From Washington" "Cabinet Meeting on Secession" "Consultations of Southern Congressmen" "The Surrender of Fort Moultrie!" "The Republicans Firm... See More
Lincoln's assassination was to have been at his inauguration...
Item #703871
April 26, 1865
WORCESTER DAILY SPY, Massachusetts, April 26, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln's funeral train tour (New York stop)
* His assassination 1st planned for Inauguration day ?
This issue has a combination of Lincoln-related reports, and end of war items, front page reports including: "General Sherman's Conduct" "The Murder Fixed For the 4th of March" & "Le... See More
On Lincoln, and on the end of the Civil War...
Item #703870
April 20, 1865
WORCESTER DAILY SPY, Massachusetts, April 20, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln's assassination & funeral
* American Civil War ending events
This issue has a combination of Lincoln-related reports, and end of war items, front page reports including: "The Assassins--The Arrest of One of Them" "The President's Remains" "Paroled Rebels at Old Point"... See More
Lincoln is still alive at the time this edition went to press...
Item #703867
April 15, 1865
AMERICAN & COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER, Baltimore, Maryland, April 15, 1865 This is a rare, very early edition of this newspaper where Lincoln was still alive at the time it went to press.
Among the front page column heads are: "A NATIONAL CALAMITY" "President Lincoln Assassinated" "His Murder in Washington" "Particulars of the Sad Occurrence" and "... See More
Chasing after Jefferson Davis... On Lincoln's funeral...
Item #703862
May 04, 1865
UTICA MORNING HERALD, New York, May 4, 1865
* The hunt for Jefferson Davis
* Abraham Lincoln assassination
Among the reports on pages 2 and 3 are: "The Plot of the Assassins" "Matters In Richmond" "Proclamation By the President--Rewards Offered for Rebels--A Hundred Thousand for Jeff" "Flight of Jeff. Davis" "The Fugitives in South Carolin... See More
Anti-Republican political cartoons on the front page...
Item #703839
July 27, 1872
POMEROY'S DEMOCRAT, New York, July 27, 1872
* Anti Republican Party cartoons (elephant)
* Horace Greeley & Ulysses S. Grant
The newspaper publisher, Marcus M. Pomeroy, was staunchly against the administration of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War, and his newspaper's title identifies his political leanings.
The front page features a political cartoon mocking Horace Gre... See More
Lincoln steps upon the national stage... The Cooper Union speech...
Item #703677
February 28, 1860
* Abraham Lincoln address
* Cooper Institute Union speech
* New York City
The front page has over five columns devoted to coverage of this famous speech which is headed: "NATIONAL POLITICS" "A Speech Delivered at the Cooper Institute Last Evening, by Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois".
At this point Lincoln had not declared... See More
Front page print shows Lincoln being assassinated...
Item #703670
April 29, 1865
* Famous Abraham Lincoln assassination issue
This issue remains one of the most desired for this historic, tragic event, as it is one of the only newspapers which included a front page graphic showing the actual assassination of Abraham Lincoln.
Over half of the front page is taken up with a very dramatic print captioned: "A... See More
Civil War map... Lincoln plans for his Emancipation Proclamation...
Item #702657
August 22, 1862
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Aug. 22, 1862
* First Battle of Rappahannock Station close
* Abraham Lincoln prepares emancipation proclamation
The front page is dominated by a large Civil War map headed: "THE SEAT OF WAR IN VIRGINIA." Among the column heads on the front page are: "General Pope Falling Back" "Stonewall Jackson Advancing" "Richmond Abandoned... See More
Jeff Davis & fellow captives... Captured in women's clothes... Trial of the Assassins...
Item #702456
May 21, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, May 21, 1865
* Confederate President Jefferson Davis
* Mention of him wearing women's clothes
* Abraham Lincoln murder trial
First column heads include: "DAVIS & CO." "Arrival of the Rebel Leaders at Fortress Monroe" "Jefferson Davis, Wife, Son & Two Daughters" "Alexander H. Stephens, Vice President of the Confederacy&quo... See More
The 'dawn of peace'... Jeff. David escapes, and the assassination...
Item #702442
May 02, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, May 2, 1865 Among the front page column heads on the ending events of the Civil War: "DAWN OF PEACE" "Breaking Up of Sherman's Veteran Army" "The Army of Tennessee & the Army of Georgia to Go To Richmond" "Johnston's Army Deliver Their Effects at Greensboro" "The Assassination" "Jeff. Davis Escapes" "... See More
Jeff Davis in flight to the South... On the Lincoln assassination... G.A. Custer...
Item #702440
May 07, 1865
NEW YORK TIMES, May 7, 1865
* Closing events on the Civil War
* Abraham Lincoln assassination plot
Some fine front page heads on events at the end of the Civil War, including reports on Lincoln's assassination. Column heads include: "THE FLIGHT OF DAVIS" "He Was at Charlotte, N.C., on the 25th" "He Left in a; Hurry that Day, Bound for Texas" "Po... See More
First report on the assassination of Lincoln...
Item #701929
April 20, 1865
CHARLESTON COURIER, South Carolina, April 20, 1865 Keep in mind that Charleston fell to Union forces on February 18 and after that date was in Union control. So this is the volume 1, number 47 issue in the "new series" as noted.
Availability of paper must still have been a concern, for as can be seen in the photos the dimensions of the paper are larger than the print area, resulti... See More
Yankee newspaper from South Carolina... Lincoln's state-of-the-union address...
Item #701668
December 13, 1862
THE NEW SOUTH, Port Royal, South Carolina, Dec. 13, 1862 Here is an interesting newspaper established in March of 1862 at Port Royal after its capture by Union forces during the early part of the Civil War.
Issued in a "military command", the newspaper sought to provide mostly military but no political news for the soldiers, so as not to distract them from their mission which was ... See More
Lincoln's Proclamation calling for more troops for the Civil War...
Item #701665
May 09, 1861
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, May 9, 1861 This was an anti-war newspaper that insisted slavery should not be abolished, so consequently much content has an anti-North bias.
The top of page 5 has: "A Proclamation by the President of the United States". In this Proclamation Lincoln a further call for United States Volunteers to serve three years with regiments being organized by ... See More
In a pro-South newspaper: Lincoln's inaugural address on the front page...
Item #701259
March 08, 1865
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, March 8, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln's inauguration
* Inaugural address on the ftpg.
* Closing weeks of the Civil War - pro-Confederate title
Among the front page reports is: "Inauguration of President Lincoln--His Address" which contains his address in full, ending with the immortal words: "With malice towards none, with charity for all, wit... See More
Stephen Douglas accepts the nomination for President...
Item #701020
June 30, 1860
NEW YORK TIMES, June 30, 1860
* Stephen A. Douglas - Democrat Party
* Nomination for President of the U.S.
* Abraham Lincoln's opponent
The top of the front page hasL "Judge Douglas' Letter Of Acceptance" being Stephen Douglas' acceptance of the Democratic nomination for President. Page 2 includes: "The Last of the Richmond Convention---Attempt to Ratify ... See More
Abraham Lincoln is nominated for President...
Item #700434
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York, July, 1860 * Abraham Lincoln accepts presidential nomination
* Republican National Convention in Chicago
Near the back under the report: "Monthly Record of Current Events" is a quite lengthy report concerning the Republican National Convention which met recently in Chicago. Included is a lengthy abstract of the Republican platform... See More
President Lincoln among others at the White House... A Civil War print, New Zealand, Australia...
Item #700131
February 01, 1862
THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, Feb. 1, 1862 Among the prints within are a full page: "St. Andrews Harbour & Bay New Brunswick" in Canada; "The Confederate Sloop of War Sumter Capturing Two Federal Merchantmen Off Gibraltar"; a full page of: "New Year's Reception at the White House, Washington" which includes President Abraham Lincoln in the print;... See More
Death Of William Seward In 1872....
Item #700126
October 11, 1872
THE NEW YORK HERALD, October 11, 1872
* William H. Seward death (1st report)
* U.S. Secretary of State under Abraham Lincoln
The top of page 3 has a one column heading: "SEWARD" with subheads. (see images) A lengthy biography on him that takes up over 4 columns.
Complete with 12 pages, nice condition.
Abraham Lincoln is formally elected... Fort Moultrie in Charleston...
Item #700039
March 02, 1861
THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, March 2, 1861 Pages 2 and 3 contain an article headed: "United States" which has the latest news including a report that: "...the electoral vote for President...been formally counted... Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Hamlin were declared to be duly elected...Mr. Lincoln is on his way to Washington. At every town on his route he was received with the ... See More
A "Copperhead" newspaper: a wealth of war-related content...
Item #699991
March 20, 1865
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, March 20, 1865
* Final weeks of the Civil War
* Robert E. Lee and more
* Copperhead Democrats publication
Described as "The Hottest Rebel Sheet to be found in the North or the South", this newspaper opposed the war and attracted the hatred of the Republicans and the Lincoln administration. It insisted that slavery could not be prohibited by law. So obn... See More
Trial of the Lincoln conspirators... Capture of Jeff Davis...
Item #699011
May 15, 1865
THE WORLD, New York, May 15, 1865
* Jefferson Davis captured
* Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Trial of the conspirators
The front page is entirely taken up with reports of the Conspiracy trial for those involved in the assassination of Lincoln. "THE CONSPIRACY" "Official Report of Part of the Evidence Taken Before the Military court" "Reverdy Johnson Appears... See More
Signed by Beauregard and Lincoln...
Item #699007
December 24, 1864
DAILY EXAMINER, Richmond, Virginia, Dec. 24, 1864
* Capital of the Confederacy
* President Abraham Lincoln
* General P. G. T. Beauregard
Not just a newspaper from the Confederate states, but from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page has: "The War News--Affairs In the Valley & Around Gordonsville" which includes a dispatch signed in type by: G. T. Beauregard, ... See More
Lincoln accepts the nomination for the Presidential election...
Item #698523
June 29, 1864
* Abraham Lincoln nomination
* 2nd term as president
* Civil War reporting
Page 4 has an historic report headed: "The Presidential Nomination" "Mr. Lincoln's Acceptance" with the text taking over a full column and signed in type: Abraham Lincoln.
Obviously this was the step necessary for him to be on the Republican ballot... See More
Abraham Lincoln's remains in New York City...
Item #698507
April 25, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, April 25, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Remains in New York City
* Civil War closing events
All columns on all 8 pages are black-bordered in memory of Abraham Lincoln. Two-thirds of the first column are taken up with nice heads concerning the funeral of Abraham Lincoln including: "HONORS To the MARTYR PRESIDENT" "Our Tribute to the Lamented De... See More
Sherman returns... On the Lincoln assassination...
Item #698353
May 09, 1865
* Abraham Lincoln assassination
* Black mourning borders
* William T. Sherman returns
All columns on all pages area black-bordered due to the Lincoln assassination. The front page has: "SHERMAN" "His Army Homeward Bound" "The Quickest March on Record" "Scenes Along the Route" "Enthusiasm of the Colored People... See More
The editor is arrested for conspiracy...
Item #698334
May 25, 1864
THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, May 25, 1864
* Samuel Medary arrested
* "The Crisis" editor
A significant issue as page 4 has a notice: "To Our Subscribers" which comments on the arrest of Samuel Medary, this newspaper's editor & publisher, noting in part: "...about our being arrested on last Friday by Deputies U.S. Marshals Sands and Wheeler for conspir... See More
Early mention of Abraham Lincoln in a national newspaper...
Item #698145
December 27, 1843
* Very early Abraham Lincoln
* Springfield, Illinois
The top of page 3 has a report headed: "Illinois" being an account of activities in the state Whig Convention in Springfield, mentioning in part: "...The following gentlemen were chosen as the Whig candidates for Presidential Electors: ABRAHAM LINCOLN: S. LISLE SMITH of Coo... See More
Polygamy among the Mormons... John Wilkes Booth's horse...
Item #698143
January 14, 1881
* Polygamy & the Mormons
* John Wilkes Booth's horse
Page 2 has two interesting, brief items: "It is asserted that the horse which John Wilkes Booth rode to the place of his capture after President Lincoln's assassination, belongs to an Abington, Mass. man & is a good traveler, though 23 yrs old."
Also: ... See More
Capture of Jefferson Davis as he flees...
Item #698105
May 15, 1865
NEW YORK HERALD, May 15, 1865
* Confederate President Jefferson Davis caught
* Mention of him wearing women's clothes
* Abraham Lincoln murder trial
The front page first column heads include: "JEFF. DAVIS" "Details Of His Capture" "His Camp 'Surprised at Daylight on the 10th Instant" "He Disguises Himself in His Wife's Clothing, and, Lik... See More
A rare title from the Civil War, shortly after Lincoln's assassination...
Item #697404
April 26, 1865
* Very rare Civil War era publication
* William Gannaway "Parson" Brownlow
* re Abraham Lincoln assassination
W. G. Brownlow, or Parson Brownlow, was a fascinating personality to say the least. He regarded anyone who disagreed with him about religion or politics as an enemy. The circuit-... See More
Lincoln's Baltimore speech... Rare speech given outside of D.C.!
Item #697135
April 19, 1864
* President Abraham Lincoln - Lecture on Liberty
* Address at Sanitary Fair in Baltimore, Maryland
The most noteworthy content is found on page 4 under the heading, "The Baltimore Fair." which includes excerpts and commentary regarding President Lincoln's Speech in Baltimore, it being one of only three speeches he gave outside o... See More
Carl Sandburg's death... Recipient of 3 Pulitzer Prizes...
Item #697054
July 23, 1967
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 23, 1967
* Death announcement of Carl Sandburg
* Three-time Pulitzer Prize winner
* Biographer of Abraham Lincoln
The front page has the announcement of the death of Carl Sandburg which includes a photo. A 2nd article regrading his life also begins on the front page. Both continue on page 62 and include additional photos. Great to have this extensive coverage in su... See More
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