Web Results (120)



Rare Confederate title from Mississippi on the Battle of Perryville...

Item #698726

October 17, 1862

DAILY MISSISSIPPIAN, Jackson, Oct. 17, 1862  Certainly one of the more rare Confederate titles we have offered. This is a volume one issue.

Among the front page articles are: "Abolition Meetings at the North" "Resolutions" "Yankee Officers Marrying Negroes" "List of Casualties in the 40th Mississippi Reg. at the Battle of Corinth, Oct. 4trh, 1862".

Pa... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Full page Winslow Homer print... Custer and the Indians...

Item #698675

January 16, 1869

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Jan. 16, 1869  The prime print would be the full page by famed artist Winslow Homer: "Winter At Sea--Taking in Sail Off The Coast" with a related article. This print is in great condition.

The front page shows: "Winter Sports--Ice Boats on the Hudson" and; "Destructive Conflagration at Lynn, Massachusetts".

Among other prints... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Niles' eight essays on the "Mitigation of Slavery"...

Item #698392

May 08, 1819

NILES WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore (8-issue set)

* The "Mitigation of Slavery" - 8 issues
* Serialized essay by Hezekiah Niles'

* His plan to abolish slavery in America

 A set of 8 issues which contain all eight essays by publisher Hezekiah Niles titled the: "Mitigation of Slavery" in which he puts forth five propositions to that end.

The issues ar... See More  

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1856 Bleeding Kansas border war...

Item #697933

June 13, 1856

THE NEW YORK TIMES, June 13, 1856

* Bleeding - Bloody Kansas - Border War

* Sacking of Osawatomie & Palmyra

* Free-Staters vs. Border Ruffians

* Fight for pro and anti-slavery

The front page has one column headings that include: "The War In Kansas" "Osawatomie and Palmyra Sacked by a Pro-Slavery Mob" "Gross Outrages--Women Robbed of their Jewels" and mor... See More  

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"The North Star" becomes "Frederick Douglass' Paper"...

Item #697755

May 20, 1852

FREDERICK DOUGLASS' PAPER, Rochester, New York, May 20, 1852 

* Extremely rare publication

We are pleased to offer this exceedingly rare--and highly desirable--newspaper by the famed Frederick Douglass. This weekly title is the continuation of his newspaper "North Star" which began in 1847.

Much of page 2 is taken up with: "The Annual Meeting of the American Anti-Sl
... See More  

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1856 Battle of Osawatomie... Johm Brown...

Item #696783

September 10, 1856

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Sept. 10, 1856

* Battle of Osawatomie, Kansas

* Abolitionist John Brown

* Free-Staters vs. Border Ruffians

* Fight for pro and anti-slavery

The top of the back page has one column headings: "THE KANSAS NEWS" "The Fight at Osawatomie-Mob Murders at Leavenworth..." and more. Text takes up over a full column.

Complete with 8 pages, a little spine we... See More  

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'Bleeding Kansas'... P.T. Barnum's misfortunes...

Item #696541

April 25, 1856

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 25, 1856 (due to printing error the year is missing on page 1 but appears at the top of pages 2-8) 

* Bleeding Kansas

* Missouri border invasion

* War on slavery

* P.T. Barnum

Page 5 has over a column of reporting concerning the slavery vs. anti-slavery factions in Kansas as they work towards statehood.

The article is headed: "The Prospects Of Kansas&quo... See More  

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'Bleeding Kansas'...

Item #696520

April 29, 1856

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 29, 1856  

* Bleeding Kansas

* Missouri border invasion

* War on slavery

Page 4 has: "Questions Unanswered" which relates to the Kansas slavery issue. Also a report from Washington begins: "Every day's development and every hour's reflection and observation confirm the fact that Kansas is doomed to slavery unless she is rescued by the vot... See More  

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'Bleeding Kansas' and the Osawattamie Massacre

Item #696517

June 06, 1856

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 6, 1856 

* Battle of Osawatomie, Kansas

* Abolitionist John Brown

* Free-Staters vs. Border Ruffians

* Fight for pro and anti-slavery

Scattered throughout the issue are various reports on the growing tensions within Kansas over the slavery issue. Shall Kansas be a free or slave state?

One great letter datelines from Osawattamie begins: "The plot thickens... See More  

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1856 'Bleeding Kansas'...

Item #696516

May 19, 1856

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 2, 1856  

* Bleeding Kansas

* Missouri border invasion

* War on slavery

Pages 4, 5 and 6 have a terrific wealth of content concerning the slavery/anti-slavery tensions in Kansas. Page 8 has related content as well.

Some articles are headed: "From Kansas" which reports from Lecompton: "For the time being, Kansas is relieved from the immediate peri... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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The famous anti-slavery newspaper...

Item #695947

March 20, 1851

THE NATIONAL ERA, Washington, D.C., March 20, 1851

* Rare abolitionism publication

An anti-slavery newspaper that is best known for its link to the best selling novel of the 19th century, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This historic work first appeared as a 41-week serial in The National Era, starting on June 5, 1851.

The complete serialization appeared almos
... See More  

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On a fugitive slave case... News from California...

Item #695946

March 27, 1851

THE NATIONAL ERA, Washington, D.C., March 27, 1851  

* Rare abolitionism publication

An anti-slavery newspaper that is best known for its link to the best selling novel of the 19th century, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This historic work first appeared as a 41-week serial in The National Era, starting on June 5, 1851.

The complete serialization appeare
... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Great & descriptive letter from Santa Fe on the famed Kit Carson...

Item #695945

April 03, 1851

THE NATIONAL ERA, Washington, D.C., April 3, 1851  An anti-slavery newspaper that is best known for its link to the best selling novel of the 19th century, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This historic work first appeared as a 41-week serial in The National Era, starting on June 5, 1851.

The complete serialization appeared almost entirely in the National Era be
... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Caracas & Carthagena independence... rare mention of The Inquisition...

Item #694925

February 01, 1812

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Feb. 1, 1812 

*  Carthagena's independence

*  Rare mention of The Inquisition

*  Report from Caracas re: their independence

Page 7 has under the heading "South America" mention of the manifesto of Carthagena, stating in part that in the previous November, they had declared themselves to be: "A FREE, SOV... See More  

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Uncommon woman suffrage paper from Syracuse...

Item #693888

January 01, 1879

THE NATIONAL CITIZEN & BALLOT BOX, Syracuse, New York, January, 1879  

* Rare Woman's suffrage publication

A quite rare women's suffrage newspaper which lasted less than 3 1/2 years under this title.

Mott notes in his "History Of American Magazines" that this publication was financed in part by Susan B. Anthony, and that having failed with The Woman's Campaign... See More  

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Civil War map of a naval battle near Fort Pillow...

Item #693805

May 18, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, May 18, 1862

* U.S. naval operations near Fort Pillow

* Mississippi River - Andrew H. Foote

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "Important From South Carolina" "Effects of the Abolition Edict of General Hunter" "The Contrabands Eschew a military Life" "Heroism Of Nine Colored Seamen" and more.

Perhaps the best con... See More  

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Very historic report on the fugitive slave case of Anthony Burns: he had to return to his owner... On the recent Kansas-Nebraska Act...

Item #693267

June 08, 1854

NEW YORK OBSERVER, Secular Department (there was also a 'Religious Department' edition), June 8, 1854  

* Fugitive slave Anthony Burns

* Escape - capture and trial verdict

Page 3 has a very notable report with a small head: "The Boston Fugitive Slave Case" which was an historic event in Boston. Most of this report relates to the verdict of the case.

 This was th... See More  

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On the Kansas-Nebraska Act...

Item #693265

May 25, 1854

NEW YORK OBSERVER, Secular Department (there was also a 'Religious Department' edition), May 25, 1854  

* Kansas-Nebraska Act - slavery ?

Page 2 has a: "Letter From Washington" which is a nice editorial concerning he controversial Kansas-Nebraska Act, which would become law in just 5 days: May 30.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was an 1854 bill that mandated “popular s... See More  

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In three days the Kansas-Nebraska Act would be the law of the land...

Item #693263

May 27, 1854

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 27, 1854  

* Kansas-Nebraska Act - slavery question

The front page begins some reports from "Congress" relating to the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Then further on there are reports from the Senate with a subhead: "Nebraska and Kansas Bill".

Over half of page 2 is taken up with the: "Debate In Senate - The Nebraska Question... See More  

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Final discussions on the Kansas-Nebraska Act...

Item #693261

May 23, 1854

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., May 23, 1854

* Kansas-Nebraska Act - slavery question

Pages 2 and 3 have considerable discussion in the U.S. House of Representatives, which includes talks of the: "Nebraska-Kansas Bill" which was very controversial at the time. It would become law in 7 days: May 30, 1854.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act was an 1854 bill that mandated “popul... See More  

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One of the more fascinating publishers from the Civil War...

Item #690641

April 23, 1864


* Very rare Civil War publication

* William Gannaway "Parson" Brownlow

W. G. Brownlow, or Parson Brownlow, was a fascinating personality to say the least. He regarded anyone who disagreed with him about religion or politics as an enemy. The circuit-riding Methodist parson turned to t... See More  

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Lincoln repeals Hunter's controversial order emancipating slaves...

Item #690313

May 20, 1862

NEW YORK WORLD, May 20, 1862 

* General David Hunter order

* Emancipation of slaves

* Abraham Lincoln rebuffs

The front page begins with column heads: "PRESIDENT'S PROCLAMATION" "Gen. Hunter's Proclamation Void" "The Power of Declaring Slaves Free Belongs to the President" "An Appeal To The Border States" "Gradual Abolition of Slave... See More  

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Brigham Young awaits a revelation from God on polygamy...

Item #689975

July 24, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, July 24, 1865 

* President Brigham Young

* Sign from God on polygamy

* Mormons - Mormonism

The bottom of page 4 has a very curious article: "Brigham Young--A New Revelation On Polygamy" which notes: "It is reported that Brigham Young, the Prophet, High Priest and Grand Turk of Great Salt Lake, recently stated, in a conversation with Speaker [of the Hous... See More  

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Anti-slavery newspaper...

Item #689789

August 12, 1846

EMANCIPATOR, Boston, Aug. 12, 1846  A newspaper focused on emancipation: the freedom for slaves. Articles include: "Another Suicide by a Slave" "Results of Emancipation" "Law vs. Philanthropy" "The Great N.W. Liberty Convention" "Texas" and much more.

Four pages, good condition.

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"The North Star" becomes "Frederick Douglass' Paper"...

Item #689770

June 17, 1852

FREDERICK DOUGLASS' PAPER, Rochester, New York, June 17, 1852  We are pleased to offer this exceedingly rare--and highly desirable--newspaper by the famed Frederick Douglass. This weekly title is the continuation of his newspaper "North Star" which began in 1847.

Douglass was perhaps the most famous 19th century African-American abolitionist who escaped from slavery and then ri
... See More  

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The Monitor versus the Merrimac... Lincoln's strategy for emancipation...

Item #689605

March 15, 1862


* Abraham Lincoln on Emancipation

* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia

* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)

* Civil War ironclads

A wonderful issue on the historic naval battle between the Monitor & the Merrimack, with much on other war reports as well.

The front page has a nice Civil War map: "Field Of Operations On th... See More  

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Early woman's suffrage newspaper...

Item #688972

July 19, 1879

THE WOMAN'S JOURNAL, Boston, July 19, 1879 

* Rare publication

* Women's suffrage

Uncommon women's suffrage paper produced by--among others--Lucy Stone, Alice Blackwell, Julia Ward Howe, and Mary Livermore.

Among the articles: "Concerning Women" "The Coming Women" "Anti-Slavery Reminiscences" "Women & School Boards" "Letter ... See More  

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Enforcing the historic Fifteenth Amendment...

Item #688450

May 22, 1870

NEW YORK HERALD, May 22 and June 1, 1870  Sold as a pair of issues.  Page 3 of the May 22 issue has the heading: "WASHINGTON" "The New Fifteenth Amendment Bill Passed by the Senate" "Petitions for the Abolition of National Banks". This is actually the 1870 Enforcement Act, created to enforce the proper enforcement of the historic 15th Amendment to the Consti... See More  

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Harrison wins the election: in a Washington, D.C. newspaper...

Item #687962

November 09, 1840

THE GLOBE, Washington, D.C., Nov. 9, 1840

* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential election victory

Perhaps there can be no better newspaper to report a Presidential election than one from the nation's capital.

Page 3 begins with: "The Election" "It becomes our duty to announce to the public that we have received returns of the elections in a sufficient number of the stat... See More  

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Dr. Joseph Priestley... France eliminates knighthood...

Item #686807

September 28, 1791

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Sept. 28, 1791  A page 3 report says: "A subscription was opened in London, before Capt. Scott sailed, for the purpose of building a large and elegant Chapel for the Rev. Dr. Priestley." Joseph Priestley is credited with the discovery of oxygen.

There is much concerning the French Revolution including a page 2 item: "National Assembly - Abolition Of... See More  

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On the Treasury Bill and compensations for various officers...

Item #686040

July 25, 1789

THE MASSACHUSETTS CENTINEL, Boston, July 25, 1789  Half of the front page is taken up with an article headed: "Slave Trade" which is a report from a French society for the abolition of the trade. One bit notes: "...The abolition, therefore, of negro slavery was esteemed by the general United States & by the convention in which they were represented, not only a measure condu... See More  

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Adventures of a gold digger... Slave trade abolished in the District of Columbia...

Item #684246

September 18, 1850

SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE, New York, Sept. 18, 1850 

* Slavery trade abolished

* District of Columbia

* Fugitive Slaves Act of 1850

* Passes the United States Senate

The front page has most of a column headed "Abolition of the Slave Trade in the District of Columbia--Bill Ordered to be Engrossed--All the Amendments Rejected--Fremont's California Indian Bill..." with much det... See More  

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Denouncing Lincoln and his policies...

Item #683717

December 23, 1863

THE WORLD, New York, Dec. 23, 1863  The front page has a full column report--and carrying over to page 2--with heads: "SPEECH OF WENDELL PHILLIPS" "Mr. Lincoln's Proclamation of Freedom" "Ferocious Abolition Tirade Against Abolition Party Leaders" "Seward, Chase and Lincoln Denounced" "Horace Greeley Avows His Preference for Chase".

An in... See More  

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Slaves and their African homeland...

Item #683185

June 24, 1820

NILES WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, June 24, 1820  Page 2 has: "Colony of Free Blacks in Africa" which is: "...an asylum for such of our free blacks as are willing to return to the country of their ancestors..." taking about 3/4 of a column.

Also: "Piracies begins: "Three persons have just suffered death at Boston for piracy & murder...". Further on is a ... See More  

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Mehmed VI... last Sultan of Ottoman Empire....

Item #682912

November 19, 1922


* Mehmed VI - last sultan of Ottoman Empire

* Abolition of the Ottoman Sultanate

The front page has a one column heading: "ABDUL MEDJID CHOSEN CALIPH" with subhead. (see)

Complete 1st section only with 14 pages, light toning and a little wear the margins, generally good.... See More  

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"Memphis" newspaper printed in Atlanta, Georgia... Jefferson Davis' stirring address to his soldiers...

Item #680889

February 14, 1864

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Atlanta, Georgia, Feb. 14, 1864 

* Very rare Confederate title

* Publisher on the run

See the bottom of this listing for the fascinating history of this newspaper.

Among the front page items are: "President Davis' Address to the Army" which is rather lengthy & signed in type: Jefferson Davis. This is a very nice, rousing address to his sold... See More  

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A racist newspaper on the post-war events...

Item #680220

September 02, 1865

NEW YORK WEEKLY DAY-BOOK CAUCASIAN, Sept. 2, 1865  A decidedly racist newspaper which began well before the Civil War & lasted a few years after. As such their reporting on events of the day provide a contrasting perspective beyond most other Northern newspapers.

Among the articles: "A Voice from the Returned Soldier" "The Soldiers for the Constitution as it Is and the Uni... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Relating to Uncle Tom's Cabin... The Fugitive Slave bill...

Item #679337

August 19, 1852

THE NATIONAL ERA, Washington, D.C., Aug. 19, 1852  Among the reports in this anti-slavery newspaper are: "Gen. Pierce and the Fugitive Slave Law". The back page has an ad for: "Little Eva, Uncle Tom's Guardian Angel. A song composed & dedicated to Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Poetry by John G. Whittier..." with more.

This newspaper ... See More  

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Early anti-slavery themed newspaper...

Item #678309

August 03, 1843

NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY STANDARD, New York, Aug. 3, 1843  As the title would suggest, an anti-slavery newspaper from 18 years before the Civil War.

Among the articles: "Church Action On Slavery" "Acquisition of Territory By the United States" "Convention At Utica" and various reports under the heading: "Anti-Slavery Items", plus more.

Four pages, mi
... See More  

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Early anti-slavery themed newspaper...

Item #678308

July 20, 1843

NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY STANDARD, New York, July 20, 1843  As the title would suggest, an anti-slavery newspaper from 18 years before the Civil War.

The entire front page is taken up with a lengthy article: "Position & Duties of the North With Regard to Slavery". Inside includes: "Colored Infant School" "A Dialogue Between Pompey, a Colored Lad, and Charles, A S
... See More  

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The capture of Monterey, driven by false rumors...

Item #678287

February 02, 1843

NATIONAL ANTI-SLAVERY STANDARD, New York, Feb. 2, 1843  As the title would suggest, an anti-slavery newspaper from 18 years before the Civil War.

Although there is anti-slavery content here, perhaps the best article is on page 2: "The Recent Capture of Montrerey" with the report beginning: "The capture of Monterey by our squadron under Commodore Jones is an occurrence that out... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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The famous anti-slavery newspaper... Fugitive slave Daniel Webster...

Item #678150

April 15, 1859

THE LIBERATOR, Boston, April 15, 1859  This is the famous anti-slavery newspaper by famed abolitionist publisher William Lloyd Garrison with a masthead engraving showing slaves being sold, then emancipated.

Articles include: "The Slave Case at Harrisburg" followed by: "Proceedings in the Fugitive Slave Case, being that of fugitive slave Daniel Webster, about whom various repor... See More  

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The famous anti-slavery newspaper...

Item #678147

February 04, 1859

THE LIBERATOR, Boston, Feb. 4, 1859 

* Rare anti-slavery publication

* Early pre-Civil War era

This is the famous anti-slavery newspaper by famed abolitionist publisher William Lloyd Garrison with a masthead engraving showing slaves being sold, then emancipated. This is from shortly before the outbreak of war when the slavery issue was a source of much political tension.

Articles incl... See More  

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The famous anti-slavery newspaper...

Item #678144

December 16, 1864

THE LIBERATOR, Boston, Dec. 16, 1864  This is the famous anti-slavery newspaper by William Lloyd Garrison, featuring a terrific masthead with 3 vignettes including a slave auction and slaves being emancipated.

Among the articles are: "Negro Suffrage" "The Destruction of Slavery in Kentucky" "The Object of the Rebel War" "On American Slavery" "Unio... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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America prohibits the importation of slaves (1807)...

Item #677725
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, March, 1807  Under: "Abstract of Foreign Occurrences" is a brief yet notable report: "The American Congress has passed a bill for the abolition of the slave trade, by a majority of 24---the numbers being ayes 73, noes 49." This refers to the significant "Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves" which was signed into la... See More  

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Panama... Diamond mines... Stephen A. Douglas on slavery...

Item #676822
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, New York,  September, 1859  This issue contains "Something About Diamonds" which takes 12 pages and contains many illustrations on mining and cutting. Also included are: "Tropical Journeyings - Panama" (which includes content and an image related to General Morgan's capture of Panama along with several other related prints of Old... See More  

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Death of anti-slavery publisher William Lloyd Garrison...

Item #675525

May 28, 1879

THE SAN DIEGO UNION, California May 28, 1879  The front page includes: "Death Of Lloyd Garrison", who was publisher of the famous anti-slavery newspaper 'The Liberator'. Much on his life.

Four pages, tiny binding indents at the blank spine, slightly fragile, very nice condition.

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Follow-up to the historic Somersett slave case... Bougainville in Tahiti...

Item #674940

* James Somersett's case

* Slaves - slavery

The most significant articles in this issue would be two which are follow-up commentaries concerning the landmark James Somersett slave case. Somerset was a slave purchased in Virginia then taken to England, escaped & eventually recaptured. This case concerned whether he was free or re... See More  

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1870 Anti-Slavery Society... Wendell Phillips...

Item #669451

April 11, 1870

THE NEW YORK HERALD, April 11, 1870

* Anti-Slavery Society at Apollo Hall

* Wendell Phillips - Lucretia Mott

The top of page 4 has one column headings: "Anti-Slavery's Wake" "Wendell Phillips' Farewell..." (see)

Complete with 12 pages, some spine wear, generally in good condition.... See More  

A June, 2024 Discount Item (50% Off) - Offer extended through July 22nd.

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"Trail of Tears"... Abolishing slavery in Virginia...

Item #667248

July 25, 1829

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, July 25, 1829 

* Abolition of slavery in Virginia

* Trail of Tears - Southeastern Indians

Nearly half of the ftpg. is taken up with: "Abolition of Slavery" which concerns Virginia, noting: "...revise the constitution of the commonwealth, praying for the adoption of some provisions in the new constitution by which the slave populatio... See More  

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