Web Results (245)



Apostle Wilford Woodruff's Sermon - Salt Lake City pre-Utah Statehood 1882 Newspaper...

Item #699039

December 18, 1882

DESERET EVENING NEWS, Salt Lake City, (Utah Territory), June 10, 1882  

* Mormons - Mormonism

* Wilford Woodruff sermon

The front page has 4 1/2 columns dedicated to: "Discourse by Apostle Wilford Woodruff Delivered In The Tabernacle, May 14th, 1882". The topics include: "Liberty of Conscience", "Man Accountable to God", "The Fall of Adam an... See More  

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An American magazine from 1792...

Item #698706
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, February, 1792  The bulk of the issue is taken up with a wide range of eclectic articles as noted on the full title/contents page. Among the articles are: "Topographical Sketches of the County of Essex" "On the Necessity of Caution" "Arithmetick Recommended to the Ladies" "On the Sleep of Plants" "Ceremony of a P... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Hermann & Emmy Göring wedding.... Black Sunday Dust Storm - 3 days prior...

Item #698649

April 11, 1935

THE NEW YORK TIMES, April 11, 1935

* Hermann Göring wedding - marriage

* German actress Emma Sonnemann

* "First Lady of the Third Reich"

* Dust Bowl - 3 days prior to "Black Sunday"

The top of page 7 has a one column heading: "GOERING MARRIED IN NAZI SPLENDOR" with subhead and photo. Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World fa... See More  

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Very first of the advice column newspapers...

Item #698149

March 04, 1692

THE ATHENIAN MERCURY, London, March 4, 1692 

* Rare 17th century publication

This was the very first of the "agony aunt" newspapers, a newspaper providing personal advice to its readers.

In creating this format of responding to questions from readers, the publisher, John Dunton, did so as a result of feeling guilty for cheating on his wife. He thought that people like himself... See More  

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Very first of the advice column newspapers...

Item #697414

March 05, 1692

THE ATHENIAN MERCURY, London, March 5, 1692 

* Rare 17th century publication

This was the very first of the "agony aunt" newspapers, a newspaper providing personal advice to its readers.

In creating this format of responding to questions from readers, the publisher, John Dunton, did so as a result of feeling guilty for cheating on his wife. He thought that people like himself... See More  

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Rev. J.W.C. Pennington letter - purchase of a slave...

Item #696770

June 02, 1854

NEW YORK DAILY TIMES, June 2, 1854  Page 3 provides an exchange of letters between Rev. Dr. J. W. C. Pennington, Jacob Grove, and Stephen Pennington. The content relates to the purchase of a slave and is quite interesting. 

Other reports include: "Southern Views on Foreign Emigration", "Alexander Hamilton on the Powers of the Government", "Arrival of the Asia&qu... See More  

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Marriage of John Jacob Astor IV...

Item #694570

February 18, 1891

THE DAILY JOURNAL, Philipsburg, Pennsylvania, Feb. 18, 1891  

* John Jacob Astor IV wedding

The back page has a full column taken up with a detailed report of the first marriage of John Jacob Astor IV, headed: "HYMEN'S GOLDEN CHAINS" "They Link the Lives of John Jacob Astor and Miss Willing" "Married in Philadelphia". There are printers of both J.J. Ast... See More  

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Clark Gable & Carole Lombard marry in 1939....

Item #693464

March 30, 1939

SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, 6 A.M. Extra, March 30, 1939 

* Actor Clark Gable

* Actress Carole Lombard

* Marriage - wedding

The top of the front page, above the masthead is a seven column headline: "Clark Gable Weds Carole Lombard!" with subhead. Page 3 has a related photo. (see)

Complete with all 28 pages, light toning at the margins, small binding holes and a little wear al... See More  

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Dr. Alice Wynekoop arrested for murder...

Item #692745

November 24, 1933


* Dr. Alice Wynekoop arrested for murder

* Rheta Gretchen Gardner Wynekoop killing

* Best publication to be had (rare as such)

The front page has a nice banner headline: "DR. WYNEKOOP AND SON HELD" with subheads. More on  pages 2 & 3. Nice related photos are on the back page.

Complete with 36 pages, rag edition in great condition. A ... See More  

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Jenny Dolly suicide death... "Dolly Sisters"....

Item #692615

June 02, 1941


* Jenny Dolly suicide death

* "The Dolly Sisters" fame

* Hungarian-American dancer & actress

The top of page 19 has a one column heading: "Find Jenny Dolly Hanged In Home In West Coast" with subhead and photo. (see) First report coverage on Hungarian-American dancer and actress, Jenny Dolly, committing suicide.

Complete with 32 p... See More  

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1960 controversial interracial marriage...

Item #691539

November 15, 1960


* Sammy Davis Jr. & May Britt photo

* Controversial interracial marriage

* John F. Kennedy connection ?

The front page has a two column photo with small heading: "May Britt Weds Sammy Davis" See below for some history on this event.

Complete with 10 pages, light toning at the margins, generally very nice.

wikipedia notes: M... See More  

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Exploring the vicinity of Alaska...

Item #689611
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, March, 1754 

 Perhaps the most interesting item is a very nice, detailed article titled: "Some Account of a Chart lately published by M. de l Isle, with the different Conjectures and Opinions it has produced; from a Tract called, A Letter from a Russian Sea Officer to a Person of Distinction at Petersborough, &c."

This artic
... See More  

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Marriage of Ben Franklin's daughter... Colonists distressed by duties..

Item #687574

January 19, 1768

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, January 19, 1768  Page 2 has a letter from Pittsburgh mentioning: "It is feared here that an Indian war will break out in the Spring...on an act of hostility committed by a party of Indians on their return to their settlements among the six nations, from an unsuccessful war in which they had been engaged with the Cherokees...they plundered & murdered ten of... See More  

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1908 Woman serial killer Belle Gunness...

Item #687459

May 11, 1908

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, May 11, 1908

* Woman serial killer Belle Gunness

* La Porte, Indiana murder farm case

The top of the front page has a four column headline: "LA PORTE MYSTERY IS NOT YET COMPLETELY SOLVED" with subheads. (see). Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile ... See More  

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1849 Jenny Lind... opera singer...

Item #686988

May 09, 1849

DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington D.C., May 9, 1849  Over half of the front page is taken up with a lengthy: "Speech of Mr. J. G. Chapman Upon the Bill to Establish a Territorial Government in California..." in the House of Representatives.

Page 3 has: "Jenny Lind's Rumored Marriage", known as the "Swedish Nightingale", the singing sensation of the da... See More  

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John Tyler's second marriage...

Item #684810

June 29, 1844

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., June 29, 1844  Page 3 has a brief & inconspicuous report announcing that: "The President of the United States, with the lady to whom he has just been united in marriage, returned to this city on Thursday evening."

An interesting curiosity: John Tyler, who served as President from 1841-1845, has a living grandson to this day. He had 8 ch... See More  

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The immigrant issue in America in 1787...

Item #682214

May 01, 1787

GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1787  Included is a brief section headed: "American News" which references the end of the Shays' Rebellion in Massachusetts, and also mention that: "...from Philadelphia...that thirty thousand emigrants have arrived there since the war; that twenty thousand Germans and Dutch occupy a tract of 50 miles; and that grants have been made of... See More  

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The Supreme Court rules on same-sex marriage...

Item #680291

June 27, 2013

THE SAN DIEGO UNION-TRIBUNE, California, June 27, 2013

* Obergefell v. Hodges - same-sex marriage

* Supreme Court of the United States - LGBT

A rarely saved yet significant report with the banner headline announcing: "HIGH COURT BOLSTERS SAME-SEX MARRIAGES" with related subheads and photos.

The complete issue with all 4 sections, nice condition.... See More  

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Washington's state-of-the-union address...

Item #676806

November 01, 1792


* President George Washington

* State of the Union Address

Certainly the most notable content is President Washington's state-of-the-union address, found in its entirety at the back of the issue.

Headed: "THE PRESIDENT'S SPEECH" it is prefaced with a paragraph reading in part: "...the national legislatur... See More  

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Exploring the vicinity of Alaska...

Item #676540
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, England, March, 1754 

 Perhaps the most interesting item is a very nice, detailed article titled: "Some Account of a Chart lately published by M. de l Isle, with the different Conjectures and Opinions it has produced; from a Tract called, A Letter from a Russian Sea Officer to a Person of Distinction at Petersborough, &c."

This artic
... See More  

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Amelia Earhart weds George Putnam in 1931...

Item #672999

February 08, 1931


* Amelia Earhart

* George Putnam

* Marriage - Weds

The front page has a one column heading: "Miss Earhart, Ocean Flyer, Putnam, Wed" Related photo on page 5. (see)

Complete 1st section only with all 26 pages, rag edition in nice condition. A few small binding holes along the spine.

... See More  

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First White House wedding...

Item #672505

March 18, 1820

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, March 18, 1820  Listed under the page 2 "Marriages" is one that reads: "In Washington city, Samuel Lawrence Gouverneur, Esq. of N. York, to Miss Maria Hester Monroe, youngest daughter of James Monroe, President of the U. States." This was first wedding to be held at the White House.

Other news of the day includes: "Royal Funeral" &quo... See More  

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Duke of Windsor Weds in 1937...

Item #672132

June 03, 1937



* Duke of Windsor (King Edward VIII)

* Wallis Warfied Simpson , Duchess of Windsor

* Wedding - marriage

The front page has a nice banner headline: "HURRY TO HONEYMOON HAVEN" with subheads. (see) Nice for display. A few related photos on the back page.

Complete with all 44 pages, this is the "rag edition" printed on v
... See More  

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Pope Pius XI's Casti connubii.....

Item #671930

January 09, 1931

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 9, 1931

* Pope Pius XI

* Casti connubii

* Papal encyclical

The top of the front page has a two column headline: "POPE PIUS XI, IN ENCYCLICAL, CONDEMNS TRIAL MARRIAGE, DIVORCE AND BIRTH CONTROL" with subheads. (see) Full text of the papal encyclical takes up pages 14 & 15 with photo of Pope Pius XI. Too much to photograph all.

Other news, sports an... See More  

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Child actress Shirley Temple gets married..

Item #666047

September 20, 1945


* Child actress Shirley Temple

* Gets married to actor John Agar

* From the home of the entertainment industry


The top of the front page has a photo of Shirley Temple in a wedding dress with heading "Shirley Temple Wed to Soldier" with subhead. (see) More photos on the back. This was Temple's 1st marriage at the ag... See More  

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Study of UFOs ends... Project Blue Book... "Tiny Tim" weds...

Item #664414

December 18, 1969

FITCHBURG SENTINEL, Mass., December 18, 1969

* Project Blue Book ends

* Study of UFOs - U.S. Air Force

* Tiny Tim weds Miss Vicki

The bottom of the front page has a two column heading: "And, No Flying Saucers" First report coverage on termination of Project Blue Book, the systematic study of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) conducted by the United States Air Force.

The t... See More  

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Joe DiMaggio plans to enlist in U.S. Army...

Item #663064

January 14, 1943


* Joe DiMaggio decides to enlist in U.S. Army

* New York Yankees - MLB baseball

* Marriage troubles with Dorothy Arnold

* From his hometown & where he played minor league

The front page has a one column heading: "DiMaggio Harmony" with subhead. (see) The front page of the sport's section has a two column headline: "DiMaggio,... See More  

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Actress Mae West declared married in 1937...

Item #655957

July 17, 1937


* Actress Mae West

* Frank Wallace marriage

The front page has a one column heading: "Court Decides Mae West Is Mrs. Wallace" with photo. (see) Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.

Complete with all 24 pages, this is the "rag edition" printed on very high quality newsprint meant for... See More  

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President G. W. Bush speaks before the Israeli Knesset...

Item #653772

May 16, 2008

LOS ANGLES TIMES, May 16, 2008

* President Bush speaks before the Israeli Knesset

* Condemns Hamas and Hezbollah - labels as terrorists

* Uses language similar to that used to Nazis before WW2

Page 17 has, "Bush derides terrorism 'appeasement'," which tells of his speech before the Israeli Knesset, and includes excerpts and a photo. Page 4 has the related, "In Israel... See More  

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Much action near Charleston...

Item #651171

February 06, 1863

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 6, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "The Removal of Gen. Butler" "The Affair Off Charleston Harbor" "The Affair at Fort Donelson" "The Rebels Driven in Great Disorder" "The Blockade of Charleston" "They were To Attack the City" "The Defeat of Pryor on the Blackwater" "... See More  

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Very uncommon title...

Item #650341

October 13, 1753

THE WESTMINSTER JOURNAL OR NEW WEEKLY MISCELLANY, London, Oct. 13, 1753  A rather rare title with basically British reporting with some news from elsewhere including a small report from Boston headed "Plantation News". Page 3 reports on "Robberies & Commitments" "Accidents" "Marriages" and "Deaths".

Four pages, never-trimmed margins, red ... See More  

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Death of famed actress Lana Turner...

Item #644806

June 30, 1995

LOS ANGELES TIMES, June 30, 1995

* Lana Turner death (1st report)

* Hollywood movie - film actress

* World War II era pin-up model

* Best title to be had ?

The bottom of the front page has a heading: "Lana Turner, Glamorous Star of  50 Films, Dies at 75" with subhead: " 'Sweater Girl' was a favorite GI pinup. Tragedy and seven marriages marred her private life.... See More  

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Barton Booth's obituary...

Report from the American colonies... Lord Baltimore...

Item #642689

* The death report of Barton Booth

* Poem (extracts) written by Lord Baltimore

* Value of crops in the American colonies

Probably the most notable item is the obituary of Barton Booth (page 269), one of the most celebrated dramatic actors of the early-mid 1700's.

Another interesting article has: "Extracts of a Poem to Lord Baltimo... See More  

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Marilyn Monroe & Arthur Miller wed...

Item #636646

June 30, 1956

LEOMINSTER DAILY ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, June 30, 1956 

* Marilyn Monroe & Arthur Miller

* Marries - weds - marriage - 1st report

Page 4 has a one column head: "Actress and Playwright Are Married" which reports the marriage of Marilyn Monroe and famed playwright Arthur Miller. (see)

Eight pages,  minor margin wear, generally nice.... See More  

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A pair of issues on the White House wedding...

Item #632842

February 18, 1906

THE FREE PRESS, Feb. 18, 1906  The ftpg. has two photos headed: "Magnificent Apartments In White House Where the Wedding Ceremony Took Place" and also heads: "Fair Alice Is Happy Bride of Rep. Longworth" with related subheads on the marriage of Alice Roosevelt, daughter of Teddy Roosevelt.

Also included is: HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, Feb. 17, 1906  Front page&nbs... See More  

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Rudolph Valentino bigamy trial begins...

Item #629176

May 16, 1922

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 16, 1922

* Rudolph Valentino - The Sheik

* Marriage to Natacha Rambova

Page 10 has a one column heading: "VALENTINO'S MARRIAGE INVALID, JUDGES SAY" with subhead. (see) He would be arrested arrested for bigamy shortly after this.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 40 pages, light toning, some margin wear, generally good.... See More  

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Rudy Vallee weds Fay Webb...

Item #625918

July 09, 1931

THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 9, 1931

* Rudy Vallee weds

* Fay Webb

Page 25 has one column headings that include: "RUDY VALLEE WED TO CALIFORNIA GIRL" "Secret Marriage Monday at West Orange Announced by Broadcasting Company" and more with photo of Webb. (see) Always nice to have notable events in history reported in this World famous publication.

Other news, sports and adve... See More  

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Marriage of Charles Lindbergh...

Item #619791

May 28, 1929

THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 28, 1929.


* Charles Lindbergh Gets Married

* Anne Morrow

The front page has a two column headline: "COLONEL LINDBERGH WEDS ANNE MORROW IN HER HOME; MAY FLY ON HONEYMOON" with subheads that include: "Pair Slip Away In Auto""Only 20 Present at Surprise Wedding in Englewood  and more with related photos on page 3.

Other news, sp... See More  

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Amelia is the first woman to fly the Atlantic...

Item #618981

June 21, 1928

THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, Massachusetts, June 21, 1928 

* Woman aviator Amelia Earhart makes history
* Flight across the Atlantic Ocean

* Airplane "Friendship"

The front page has one column headings: "'CRANKS MENACE GIRL FLIER'S LIFE; LONDON ALARMED" "Scotland Yard Will Have Special Agent Guard Miss Earhart; One European Proposes Marriage" and... See More  

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Joe DiMaggio plans to enlist in U.S. Army...

Item #617326

January 14, 1943

THE NEW YORK TIMES, January 14, 1943

* Joe DiMaggio decides to enlist in U.S. Army

* New York Yankees

* Marriage troubles with Dorothy Arnold

This 42 page newspaper has a banner headline on page 27: "Joe DiMaggio, Reconciled With Wife, Plans to Enlist; Reiser, Dodgers, in Army" with subheads that include: "YANKEES WILL LOSE THEIR OUTFIELD ACE" "DiMaggio, After Sett... See More  

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Clark Gable & Carole Lombard marry....

Item #610182

March 30, 1939

THE NEW YORK TIMES, March 30, 1939 

* Actor Clark Gable

* Actress Carole Lombard

* Marriage - wedding

Page 19 has one column headings: "Clark Gable Weds Carole Lombard" "Screen Stars Are Married by an Arizona Minister" See image for text here.

Other news, sports and advertisements of the day throughout. Rag edition in great condition.... See More  

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Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein...

Item #610002

February 27, 1881

ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, February 27, 1881

* Augusta Victoria of Schleswig-Holstein

* German Empress and Queen of Prussia

* Marriage to Prince Wilhelm of Prussia

This uncommon Midwestern title has news of the day with many interesting advertisements. Page 2 has an article headed: "BERLIN IN A BLAZE" "The Princess Augusta Warmly Welcomed to the Capital" "... See More  

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Victoria, Princess Royal wedding...

Item #606509

February 12, 1858

NEW YORK DAILY TIMES, February 12, 1858

* Victoria, Princess Royal

* Frederick III, German Emperor

* Wedding - marriage

The front page has an article headed: "The Marriage of the Prince of Prussia to the Princess Royal of England" "Description Of The Ceremonies And Festivities" "The Royal Wedding" and more. Very lengthy text here.

Other news of the day. Compl... See More  

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Ward Hill Lamon on Abe Lincoln......

Item #604736

June 05, 1872

WORCESTER EVENING GAZETTE, Worcester, Massachusetts, June 5, 1872

* Ward Hill Lamon

* Abraham Lincoln

This issue has news of the day with several interesting advertisements throughout.

The front page has one column headings: "Lincoln's Loves" "The Story of His Courtship and Marriage as Told by His Latest Biographer". The text takes up almost 1 1/4 columns.

Larger t... See More  

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A White House wedding..

Item #602635

May 22, 1874


* President Ulysses S. Grant's Daughter

* White House Wedding

This uncommon title has news of the day with several interesting advertisements.

The front page has one column headings: "The Marriage of Nellie Grant" "A Brilliant Affair, with a Deal of Flunkeyism...." Lengthy text here.

Complete in 8 pages, irregular alo... See More  

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Tate & LaBianca murders...

Item #598873

August 12, 1969

THE NEW ANS OBSERVER, Raleigh, North Carolina, August 12, 1969 

* Sharon Tate - LaBianca murders

* Charles Manson & followers

The front page has a three column heading:"Caretaker at Estate Released; More Bizarre Slayings Studied"

with photo of a scene in front of the LaBianca home. Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complete in 24 pages, very min... See More  

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Harvey Firestone in 1938...

Item #598736

February 08, 1938

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, February 8, 1938

* Harvey Firestone death

* Rubber manufacturer

The front page has two column headings: "Harvey S. Firestone Funeral to Be Held Friday at Akron" "Pioneer Rubber Maker Dies Unexpectedly at 69 on His Estate in Florida"

Coverage continues inside with photo (see photos). This issue contains other news, sports and advertise
... See More  

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The Civil War... Marriage of the Prince of Wales...

Item #596234

April 11, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, April 11, 1863  The full front page has 3 prints captioned: "Bayou Navigation in Dixie." Inside includes a full page of: "The Prince & Princess of Wales"; a three-quarter page: "Queen Victoria & the Princess Beatrice"; a doublepage centerfold: "Marriage of the Prince of Wales at St. George's Chapel, Windsor."; ... See More  

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The Wright brothers fly... A nice first report...

Item #177848

January 02, 1904

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 2, 1904  The significance of this issue is the lengthier-than-most report on page 10 headed: "A Flying-Machine That Flies" which is the great and very historic report of the first successful flight of the Wright brothers at Kitty Hawk. 

The article begins with a cautious note: "Stories of flying machines that fly are to be received w... See More  

Please Read Note Concerning HW Images & Supplements!

Alert! This item is currently unavailable in 1st-rate condition and may also not be available in 2nd-rate condition. If you would like to be placed on a no-obligation waiting list for this issue, or are interested in having us explore whether we have an issue in 2nd-rate condition, please call (570-326-1045) or e-mail us at: guy@rarenewspapers.com

(Alert: Jan. & Dec. HW's have more than typical wear.)

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Elizabeth Taylor...

Item #584845

February 02, 1958

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS - PARADE, Detroit, Michigan, February 2, 1958  The front of this issue contains a photo of Elizabeth Taylor and her husband, Mike Todd, and children with an accompanying article entitled "Mike and Liz: After one year of marriage". Additional stories and advertisements are within.

This is complete in 40 pages and is in very nice condition.... See More  

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