Web Results (1387)



1961 Bob Dylan's breakthrough performance ad....

Item #712770

September 28, 1961

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Sept. 28, 1961

* Very early Bob Dylan's performance advertisement

* Gerde's Folk City music venue in Greenwich Village

* Considered his breakthrough performance (20 yrs. old)

* Before his very first concert at Carnegie Chapter Hall

Page 8 has a small but historic advertisement for what is considered Bob Dylan's breakthro... See More  

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1961 Bob Dylan's breakthrough performances ad....

Item #712449

October 05, 1961

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Oct. 5, 1961

* Very early Bob Dylan's performances advertisement

* Gerde's Folk City music venue in Greenwich Village

* Considered his breakthrough performance (20 yrs. old)

* Before his very first concert at Carnegie Chapter Hall

Page 14 has a small but historic advertisement for what are considered Bob Dylan's breakthr... See More  

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An early 1873 wine country newspaper...

Item #710865

October 15, 1873

THE NAPA REGISTER, Napa City, California, Oct. 15, 1873  

* Rare old West publication

* From the wine country

Although in the heart of the wine region, for which this city is famous today, its beginnings were centered more on the California Gold Rush of 1849. This city became a refuge for miners during the first severe winter of mining & later became an important center for lu... See More  

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1882 Gunnison, Colorado original...

Item #709859

January 27, 1882

GUNNISON DAILY REVIEW, Colorado, Jan. 27, 1882

* Rare Old West title

* Volume 1 issue

An uncommon title from this boom mining town in the southwestern quadrant of Colorado, tucked in a valley amidst the Rocky Mountains.

Gunnison boomed in the late 1870's and early 1880's and was once the home of Wyatt Earp and "Texas Jack". Today there are some 5500 residents of Gunnison.... See More  

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1882 Gunnison, Colorado original...

Item #707957

May 10, 1882

GUNNISON DAILY REVIEW, Colorado, May 10, 1882

* Rare Old West title

* Volume 1 issue

An uncommon title from this boom mining town in the southwestern quadrant of Colorado, tucked in a valley amidst the Rocky Mountains.

Gunnison boomed in the late 1870's and early 1880's and was once the home of Wyatt Earp and "Texas Jack". Today there are some 5500 residents of Gunnison.

... See More  

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The Big Springs, Union Pacific Railroad robbery...

Item #706230

September 29, 1877


* Union Pacific Big Springs robbery

* Old West outlaw - train robber Sam Bass

The front page has over a full column taken up with reports of the Big Springs train robbery of the Union Pacific Railroad, with heads including: "Daring Detectives" "How the Western Train Robbers Were Hunted Down" "The Leader Identified in Sp... See More  

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Rare Old West isssue.....

Item #706023

June 18, 1876

THE SALT LAKE DAILY HERALD, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 18, 1876

* Rare Old West publication

* Mormons - Utah territory

This 4 page newspaper has news of the day with several interesting advertisements. With newspapers West of the Mississippi being very rare prior to 1900, here is an opportunity to get a issue from the old West back when cowboys, Indians, saloons, gold miners & gunfights... See More  

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Rare, short-lived Texas newspaper from its first capital...

Item #704747

March 10, 1888

THE OLD CAPITOL, Columbia, Texas, March 10, 1888  Yes, Columbia--now known as West Columbia--was the first formal capital of Texas, established in 1836. A quite rare title which existed for less than 2 years. Only one institution has a substantial holding of this title and its file is not complete.

The content is primarily concerning Texas, with a wealth of ads as well.

Four pages, evenly t... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Beginning work on the Washington Monument... Nauvoo, the Mormon city...

Item #704692

January 08, 1853

ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, Jan. 8, 1853

* Nauvoo, Illinois - Mormons

* Washington monument

A short-live newspaper which preceded the first issue of "Harper's Weekly". This is the volume 1, number 2 issue. P.T. Barnum was a "Special Partner" in this publication.

The front page shows: "The Late Collision on the Mississippi--Loss of the Steamer Western World&quo... See More  

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From rough & tumble Deadwood, Dakota Territory...

Item #704652

May 25, 1889

DEADWOOD DAILY PIONEER, Black Hills, (South Dakota) May 25, 1889  This city would arguably be--along with Tombstone & Dodge City--one of the more famous of all the towns from the rough & tumble days of the Old West, and only rarely do such issues come to light. It attracted larger-than-life Old West figures including Wyatt Earp, Calamity Jane, and Wild Bill Hickok (who was killed ther... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Great Tombstone newspaper printed ten days before the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral...

Item #704629

October 16, 1881

THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Cochise County, Arizona, October 16, 1881 Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept this town in popular culture. This issue was printed just ten days prior to... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Apaches on the war-path...

Item #704573

June 05, 1867

DAILY ALTA CALIFORNIA, San Francisco, June 5, 1867 

* Rare old West publication

The very first title in the Golden State was the "Californian" begun in 1846, followed the next year by the "California Star". These two titles merged and in 1849 the combined enterprise was called the "Alta California", becoming a daily in July. It became the first successful n... See More  

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Rare, short-lived Texas newspaper from its first capital...

Item #704352

January 14, 1888

THE OLD CAPITOL, Columbia, Texas, Jan. 14, 1888 

* Very rare 19th century Southwest publication

Yes, Columbia--now known as West Columbia--was the first formal capital of Texas, established in 1836. A quite rare title which existed for less than 2 years. Only one institution has a substantial holding of this title and its file is not complete.

Content includes: "TEXAS ITEMS" ... See More  

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The first newspaper published in Modesto, California...

Item #704341

March 11, 1881

STANISLAUS COUNTY WEEKLY NEWS, Modesto, California, March 11, 1881 

* Rare Old West publication

An early newspaper from this city in North-central California which when it began in 1868 was the first newspaper in Modesto. In 1881 the population of the town was less than 1000.

Various news events of the day, local, regional and national, with a wealth of advertising.

Four pages, large ... See More  

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Longest continuously published Mormon periodical...

Item #704307

August 22, 1892

THE LATTER DAY SAINTS' MILLENNIAL STAR, Liverpool, England, Nov. 20, 1846  

* One of the oldest Mormon periodicals

This periodical, typically shortened to "Millennial Star", was the longest continuously published periodical of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, being printed from 1840 until 1970. This is the earliest issue we have offered.

Articles include: ... See More  

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From rough & tumble Deadwood, Dakota Territory...

Item #704260

May 24, 1889

DEADWOOD DAILY PIONEER, Black Hills, (South Dakota) May 24, 1889 

* Rare publication

* Famous wild West town

* "Wild Bill" Hickok fame

This city would arguably be--along with Tombstone & Dodge City--one of the more famous of all the towns from the rough & tumble days of the Old West, and only rarely do such issues come to light. It attracted larger-than-life Old West... See More  

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From rough & tumble Deadwood, Dakota Territory...

Item #704229

June 20, 1882

BLACK HILLS DAILY PIONEER, Deadwood City, Black Hills, Nov. 24, 1878  

* Rare publication

* Famous wild West town

* "Wild Bill" Hickok fame

This city would arguably be--along with Tombstone & Dodge City--one of the more famous of all the towns from the rough & tumble days of the Old West, and only rarely do such issues come to light.

This issue is from the "hey... See More  

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Wild Bill Hickok...

Item #704224
HARPER'S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE, (New York), February, 1867 

* Wild Bill Hickok

* Folklore hero of Old West

* Gunfighter & scout

Featured on the front page is a great full-figure print of "Wild Bill" Hickok, one of the most notable names from the Old West who was very much a legend in his own time.

Such a print of him is rarely found in newspapers or magazines, and in... See More  

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Great Tombstone newspaper printed 3 months before the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral...

Item #704222

July 26, 1881

THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Cochise County, Arizona, July 26, 1881 

* Best Old West title to be had

* Pre Gunfight at the O.K. Corral

Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept... See More  

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Billy the Kid, Pat Garett, Virgil & Wyatt Earp, Frank Stilwell, Johnny Behan...

Item #704204

August 10, 1881

THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Arizona, August 10, 1881 

* Best Old West title to be had

* Pre Gunfight at the O.K. Corral

Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies done concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral have kept this town in ... See More  

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"The Beatles" press conference in 1966 NYC...

Item #703877

August 25, 1966

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Aug. 25, 1966

* The Beatles press conference at Warwick Hotel - NYC

* Liverpool, England rock band - counterculture music

* The Beatles' 1966 US tour - Shea Stadium

* John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr & George Harrison

Starting on the front page with a heading: "John, Paul, George, Ringo: Cool Duel with the Press... See More  

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1902 Outlaw Harry Tracy on the run...

Item #703468

July 11, 1902

THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, July 11, 1902

* Old West outlaw Harry Tracy

* Hunted in the Northwest by posse

* Hole-in-the-Wall Gang member

The top of the front page has a two column heading: "TRACY'S TRAIL AGAIN FOUND" with subhead. (see images) Harry Tracy was an outlaw from the closing days of the Old West and is said to have run with Butch Cassidy & the Hole In The ... See More  

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1902 Outlaw Harry Tracy commits suicide...

Item #703399

August 08, 1902

ALLEGHENY COUNTY REPORTER, Wellsville, New York, Aug. 8, 1902

* Old West outlaw Harry Tracy suicide

* Hole-in-the-Wall Gang member death

The top of the front page has a one column heading: "BANDIT TRACY DEAD" with subheads and illustration of Tracy. (see images) Harry Tracy was an outlaw from the closing days of the Old West and is said to have run with Butch Cassidy & the Hol... See More  

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San Jose California... Woodhull, Claflin & Col. Blood trial...

Item #702556

May 24, 1871

SAN JOSE DAILY PATRIOT, California, May 24, 1871 

* Rare Old West title from the Santa Clara Valley
* Victoria Woodhull, Colonel James Harvey Blood, Tennie Claflin scandal

In 1850 San Jose became just the 2nd incorporated city in California (Sacramento was first) & was on the Butterfield mail route. The ftpg. is mostly ads with news items & more ads inside, many of which ... See More  

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Buffalo Bill's Wild West tour goes to Germany...

Item #701822

October 14, 1890

BUFFALO BILL'S WILD WEST JOURNAL, Stuttgart, Germany, Oct. 14, 1890  

* Rare Buffalo Bill illustrations

* William Frederick Cody

* Soldier, hunter & showman

* American Old Wild West icon

This is a promotions newspaper on one of Buffalo Bill's Wild West tours in Europe. He & his entourage toured Europe eight times, the first four tours between 1887 and 1892, and the l... See More  

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From the capital of Oregon in 1877...

Item #701016

February 16, 1877

WEEKLY OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, Feb. 16, 1877  

* Rare Old West publication

From the capital of Oregon, this issue has various reports from across the country.

Complete in 8 pages, never bound nor trimmed, toning to a back leaf margin, news agent's stamp in the masthead, good condition.... See More  

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Only published for four years... Military action in South America...

Item #700831

July 22, 1736


* Very rare publication

* Early 18th century original

This is a very rare title, publishing for only 4 years with various news reports from Europe. A few bits on page 3 include: "...that the governor of Buenos Ayres, with 1000 regular troops and Indians innumerable, had laid siege in form to the new settlement of ... See More  

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Great masthead from Oakland in 1884...

Item #700268

July 19, 1884

OAKLAND WEEKLY TRIBUNE, California, July 19, 1884  See the photos for the nice engraving in the masthead, which features a great view of the skyline of Oakland--at that time!

Various news of the day and a wealth of ads. Single-column headings include: ""The Scollard Trial", "For His Life - The Preliminary Struggle om Behalf of George T. Lynch", "Pacific Gro... See More  

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Longest continuously published Mormon periodical...

Item #699166

August 01, 1892

THE LATTER DAY SAINTS' MILLENNIAL STAR, Liverpool, England, Aug. 1, 1892 

* One of the oldest Mormon periodicals

This periodical, typically shortened to "Millennial Star", was the longest continuously published periodical of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, being printed from 1840 until 1970.

During its 130-year history the Millennial Star varied from bein... See More  

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Rare, short-lived Texas newspaper from its first capital...

Item #699045

January 07, 1888

THE OLD CAPITOL, Columbia, Texas, Jan. 7, 1888  

* Very rare 19th century Southwest publication

Yes, Columbia--now known as West Columbia--was the first formal capital of Texas, established in 1836. A quite rare title which existed for less than 2 years. Only one institution has a substantial holding of this title and its file is not complete.

Content includes: "HOUSTON--Terrible ... See More  

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Early Arizona newspaper...

Item #699022

July 09, 1887

PRESCOTT MORNING COURIER, Arizona (Territory), July 9, 1887  

* Very rare publication

* Wild Old West

From 25 years before Arizona would become a state. Articles include: "The Opium Habit" "Lynching in Oregon" "Two Men Killed by Caving Earth" and more.

Four pages, never bound nor trimmed, new agent's stamp in the masthead, tape at the inside spine, go... See More  

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A boom & bust mining town in Colorado...

Item #699018

December 11, 1885

WHITE PINE CONE, White Pine, Gunnison County, Colorado, Dec. 11, 1885  

* Very rare old West publication

* Ghost town - silver mining

An interesting newspaper from a fascinating town which went through two boom & bust periods.

White Pine
began in 1880 as a fledgling mining camp just west of the Continental Divide, boomed in the mid-1880's then went bust by 1893. But in 1930 t... See More  

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1875 execution of the bandit Vasquez...

Item #699005

March 20, 1875


* Tiburcio Vasquez execution death (1st report)

* Los Angeles, California outlaw bandit

At the bottom of the front page is: Executions", an inconspicuous report headed: "Last of Vasquez--The Bandit Hanged At San Jose". The report, which describes the execution of the infamous bandit Tiburcio Vasquez., states in part: "The bandi... See More  

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From Arizona 19 years before statehood...

Item #698773

May 02, 1893

ARIZONA DAILY GAZETTE, Phoenix, May 2, 1893  

* Rare old West title

* Maricopa County

This issue is from the Arizona Territory, 19 years before it joined the Union. Varied news reports both local & national with a nice wealth of ads as well, many of which are illustrated.

The front page has: "Killed His Mother--The Act of a Young Man Crazed by Drink" and: "Her Skull... See More  

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From the Arizona Territory...

Item #698720

March 06, 1875

ARIZONA CITIZEN, Tucson, Arizona Territory, March 6, 1875 

* Very rare old Western publication

Many years ago we had a reasonable inventory of this title, but today this issue is among our last.

A nice assortment of news articles including: "Removal of the Chiricahuas" "Local; Mining Affairs" "Arizona Railway System" "Rich Ores in Pima County" &q... See More  

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Newspaper from the ghost town of Crystal, Colorado...

Item #698609

November 10, 1888

CRYSTAL RIVER CURRENT, Crystal, Colorado, Nov. 10, 1888

* Very rare old West ghost town publication

* Abandoned silver mining camp town

 A rare newspaper from a bonafide ghost town.

Crystal was a mining camp established in 1881 & after several decades of robust existence, was all but abandoned by1917. Many buildings still stand in Crystal, but its few residents live there only in ... See More  

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1877 Truckee, California, near Lake Tahoe...

Item #698592

October 27, 1877

TRUCKEE REPUBLICAN, California, Oct. 27, 1877  

* Wild Old West era

* Rare publication

From this town at the "elbow" of California near the Nevada border at an elevation of 5800 ft. Historically well known for the Donner Party tragedy which happened nearby in 1846.

Four pages, nice condition.... See More  

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Early from Salem, Oregon ...

Item #698570

March 05, 1866

THE OREGON STATESMAN, Salem, March 5, 1866  

* Rare old Northwest publication

* Post Civil War reconstruction era

This 4 page newspaper has news of the day with several interesting advertisements.

With newspapers west of the Mississippi being uncommon before 1900, here is an opportunity for an issue from the Old West when cowboys, Indians, saloons, gold miners & gunfights were oft... See More  

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First use of the popular term "Ivy League"...

Item #698511

February 07, 1935


* Very 1st use of the term "Ivy League"

* Collegiate athletic conference

* Harvard, Yale, Brown, Princeton, etc.

* One of a kind item here ?

Page 6 contains a rather mundane, one-column article headed: "Brown Seems to Have Been Taken Into 'Ivy League' " but it is significant for being the very first use of the... See More  

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The most famous newspaper from the Old West...

Item #698453

January 06, 1882

THE TOMBSTONE EPITAPH, Tombstone, Arizona, Cochise County, January 6, 1882  

* Best Old West title to be had

* Post Gunfight at the O.K. Corral

Few could argue for a more recognizable title from the Old West, nor could any town be more linked to the romance of the West than this one. Tombstone is steeped in Western lore, and the several movies concerning the gunfight at the O.K. Corral... See More  

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Rare, short-lived Texas newspaper from its first capital...

Item #698431

December 31, 1887

THE OLD CAPITOL, Columbia, Texas, Dec. 31, 1887  

* Very rare 19th century Southwest publication

Yes, Columbia--now known as West Columbia--was the first formal capital of Texas, established in 1836. A quite rare title which existed for less than 2 years. Only one institution has a substantial holding of this title and its file is not complete.

Content includes: "TEXAS FIRES"... See More  

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This town was founded during the California Gold Rush...

Item #698355

December 02, 1878

THE MOUNTAIN MESSENGER, Downieville, California, Dec. 21, 1878 

* Rare Old West title

* Gold mining town

* Sierra County

Downieville is a very small town at 3,000 ft. elevation in Northwestern California. It was founded in late 1849 during the California gold rush & was first known as "The Forks" for its location at the confluence of the Downie River and the North Fork o... See More  

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A boom & bust mining town in Colorado...

Item #698352

September 11, 1885

WHITE PINE CONE, White Pine, Gunnison County, Colorado, Sept. 11, 1885 

* Very rare Old West publication

* Ghost town - silver mining

An interesting newspaper from a fascinating town which went through two boom & bust periods.

White Pine
began in 1880 as a fledgling mining camp just west of the Continental Divide, boomed in the mid-1880's then went bust by 1893. But in 1930... See More  

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Truckee, California, near Lake Tahoe...

Item #698345

March 24, 1875

TRUCKEE REPUBLICAN, California, March 24, 1875 

* Wild Old West 

* Uncommon publication

From this town at the "elbow" of California near the Nevada border at an elevation of 5800 ft. Historically well known for the Donner Party tragedy which happened nearby in 1846.

Four pages, some ink stains, never bound nor trimmed, minor margin teras, good condition.... See More  

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Great article on the Bear Flag Revolt...

Item #698195

June 14, 1879

THE PIONEER, San Jose, California, June 14, 1879 

* Rare Old West publication

* Santa Clara Valley

* Nice masthead for display

The masthead notes: "Devoted To The Interests Of The Pioneers of California And the Resources of the Golden State." The masthead is one of the more graphic we have seen, featuring three vignettes: one of settlers traveling, one of a bear, and another... See More  

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1930 death of Poker Alice Ivers....

Item #698126

February 28, 1930

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Feb. 28, 1930

* Poker Alice death (first report)

* Alive Ivers Duffield Tubbs Huckert

* American old West poker - faro player

* Rapid City, South Dakota

Near the top of the front page is a one column heading: "'Poker Alice' Coppers Last Bet, Dies At 77" with subhead. (see images)

Complete with 26 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins,... See More  

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One of our last...

Item #698046

September 15, 1879

DAILY ARIZONA CITIZEN, Tucson, Pima County, Sept. 15, 1879  

* Very rare Old West publication

Many years ago we had a reasonable inventory of this title, but today this issue is among our last. And it is a volume one issue in nice condition.

A nice assortment of news articles and ads. The front page is mostly taken up with ads although it does have a "Grand Jury Report". Page... See More  

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Very first issue of a California title which existed just five months...

Item #697764

November 09, 1871

GRASS VALLEY REPUBLICAN, Nevada County, California, Nov. 9, 1871

* First issue of a very rare old West publication

This is the volume 1, number 1 issue. The very first published.

Grass Valley, which was originally known as Boston Ravine and later named Centerville, dates from the California Gold Rush. Gold was discovered at Gold Hill in October, 1850 and population grew around the mine.
... See More  

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Early Ulysses S. Grant well before he was famous... Assaults upon the Mormons...

Item #697530

July 20, 1839

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, July 20, 1839 

* Very early Ulysses S. Grant

* West Point cadet admission

* Mormons in Nauvoo, Illinois

A fascinating and extremely early mention of Ulysses S. Grant, as the front page contains a "...list of cadets admitted into the institution in June last:..." and what follows are those admitted from each of the states amo
... See More  

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Nast Santa.... "Another Stocking to fill"...

Item #697509

January 03, 1880

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 3, 1880  The entire ftpg. is a Thomas Nast print captioned: "A Merry Christmas" showing Santa Claus dancing with Mother Goose (see). The doublepage centerfold is a very nice Thomas Nast Christmas print captioned: "Another Stocking to Fill" showing Santa Claus leaning over a sleeping baby (see). A full page shows: "Bringing Home C... See More  

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