Web Results (215)



Woodrow Wilson is re-elected President...

Item #705528

November 10, 1916

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Nov. 10, 1916

* Woodrow Wilson election

* Charles Evans Hughes

The front page has a banner headline: "REPUBLICANS DEMAND RECOUNT" with subhead. (see images) Nice for display. Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era in paper. Rare as such.

... See More  

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Franklin Roosevelt wins a never-to-be-equaled 4th presidential election...

Item #701697

November 08, 1944


* Franklin D. Roosevelt - FDR

* 4th presidential election victory

The banner headline proclaims: "PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT WINNER" with subhead and photo. (see images) Nice for display. This was his 4th presidential election victory, a later change in the Constitution would make this an unprecedented event.

Complete with 8 pages, l... See More  

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Ronald Reagan is re-elected President...

Item #700229

November 07, 1984

THE NEW YORK TIMES, November 7, 1984 

* Incumbent Ronald Reagan landslide win

* 1984 United States presidential election

The front page has a banner headline that reads: "REAGAN THE APPARENT VICTOR; G.O.P. HEADS FOR GAINS IN HOUSE" with subheads and a few related photos. (see images)

Complete with 56 pages, address label within the masthead, light toning along the central f... See More  

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Warrant for Susan B. Anthony's arrest...

Item #700089

November 16, 1872

THE NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 16, 1872

* Susan B. Anthony arrest warrant

* Women's suffrage movement leader

* Illegal voting in Rochester, New York

Page 3 has a brief and somewhat discrete report with small heading: "Susan B. Anthony In Trouble" with subhead. She would be arrested two days later.

Complete with all 12 pages, nice condition.

wikipedia notes: Following the examp... See More  

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Raymond Poincaré elected president of France...

Item #699531

January 17, 1913

EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Jan. 17, 1913

* French statesman Raymond Poincare

* President of France election victory

The top of the front page has a four column headline: "RAYMOND POINCARE IS NAMED PRESIDENT OF FRANCE TODAY" with subheads and photo. (see images) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that ar... See More  

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Lincoln accepts the nomination for the Presidential election...

Item #698523

June 29, 1864


* Abraham Lincoln nomination

* 2nd term as president

* Civil War reporting

Page 4 has an historic report headed: "The Presidential Nomination" "Mr. Lincoln's Acceptance" with the text taking over a full column and signed in type: Abraham Lincoln.

Obviously this was the step necessary for him to be on the Republican ballot... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Short-lived campaign newspaper to elect Andrew Jackson...

Item #698008

July 19, 1828

UNITED STATES' TELEGRAPH--EXTRA, Washington, July 19, 1828  

* Rare campaign periodical

* General Andrew Jackson

This is the volume 1, number 19 issue. This was a campaign journal "...devoted exclusively to the Presidential election..." as stated in the masthead.

It was published by Duff Green, who had come to Washington to establish a newspaper to promote the candidacy ... See More  

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Horace Greeley's first successful publication...

Item #697731

April 13, 1839

THE NEW-YORKER, New York, April 13, 1839  This title was published by the famed Horace Greeley, begun some seven years before his more famous 'New York Tribune' would print its first issue. Although he would work at several newspapers prior to the 'New Yorker' this would be his first successful venture eventually reaching a circulation of 9,000.
Long active in politics, Gr
... See More  

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Federal Republic of Germany is born... Killer Howard Unruh - 2nd day report...

Item #697596

September 08, 1949

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Sep. 8, 1949

* Federal Republic of Germany is born

* Howard Unruh mass murders - day 2 update

Page one has the 2-line, 2 column heading: "Germans Open Parliament, Demand End to Dismantling", which includes a photo captioned: "Karl Arnild elected president of the Upper House." Additional coverage of this historic event is continued on page 7. ... See More  

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Nast Santa.... "Another Stocking to fill"...

Item #697509

January 03, 1880

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, January 3, 1880  The entire ftpg. is a Thomas Nast print captioned: "A Merry Christmas" showing Santa Claus dancing with Mother Goose (see). The doublepage centerfold is a very nice Thomas Nast Christmas print captioned: "Another Stocking to Fill" showing Santa Claus leaning over a sleeping baby (see). A full page shows: "Bringing Home C... See More  

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'Bleeding Kansas'...

Item #696520

April 29, 1856

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, April 29, 1856  

* Bleeding Kansas

* Missouri border invasion

* War on slavery

Page 4 has: "Questions Unanswered" which relates to the Kansas slavery issue. Also a report from Washington begins: "Every day's development and every hour's reflection and observation confirm the fact that Kansas is doomed to slavery unless she is rescued by the vot... See More  

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An incredibly graphic election issue...

Item #695744

November 09, 1892

THE STATE, Richmond, Virginia, Nov. 9, 1892  

* President Grover Cleveland

* Presidential election victory

* Amazingly displayable

The entire front page is a celebration of the election of Grover Cleveland as President. It is done in a very dramatic fashion, featuring a huge engraving of a rooster (once the symbol of the Democratic party) that stretches from just below the dateline to... See More  

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Great column heads announcing Lincoln's election...

Item #694593

November 09, 1864


* Abraham Lincoln elected president (2nd term)

* 1st report plus Civil War reporting

Certainly the most notable content would be the back page column heads on the election of Lincoln as President.

The second column has perhaps the nicest stack of heads on the election we have seen in any newspaper. They include: "PRESIDENTIAL And State ELECT... See More  

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Early reports on the Presidential election...

Item #693471

November 06, 1856

NEW YORK OBSERVER--Secular Department, Nov. 6, 1856  Page 2 begins with a report which takes most of the first column: "The Presidential Election" with various reports from cities and states. The text begins: "The election is over, and although at this moment the returns are not yet received from the whole country, it is conceded on all hands, in this city, that Fremont is not ... See More  

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Early election results for President: Pierce would win...

Item #693462

November 04, 1852

THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Nov. 4, 1852  

* President Franklin Pierce winning

Most of page 2 is taken up with results--and speculation--concerning the 1852 Presidential election which Franklin Pierce would win.

Early indications reflect this: "The Triumph and Its Teaching" begins: " It is now clear that the national democratic party has swept the country & th... See More  

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Much on the Presidential election of 1860... The Pony Express...

Item #693435

August 25, 1860

THE WORLD, New York, Aug. 25, 1860  Page 4 has a lengthy list of news items under: "THE PONY EXPRESS" with a dateline of St. Joseph, Missouri.

Over half of page 7 is taken up with much on the: "Political War" which has much commentary on the coming Presidential election, presented state-by-state, with much mention of Abraham Lincoln as well.

Eight pages, slightly irregul... See More  

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IKE Wins.....

Item #693034

November 05, 1952

THE DENVER POST, November 5, 1952

* Dwight Eisenhower - Ike

* Elected President of U.S.

The front page has a nice banner headline in bold lettering above the masthead: "IKE WINS" with: "It's a G. O. P. Landslide" with subheads and color photo. (see)

Incomplete issue containing the front and back leafs of the 1st section only (4 pages total), nice for display as such... See More  

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A treaty to end the Seminole War is reached, but not for long...

Item #692867

June 08, 1839

THE NEW-YORKER, New York, June 8, 1839  Page 10 has a report headed: "The Florida War Ended" noting in part: "Such is the official announcement from Gen. Macomb, and we ardently wish it may prove correct...terms of the agreement are very vague--the Indians manifestly understanding that they are to have undisturbed possession of the territory allowed them; while our government m... See More  

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The desert of California...

Item #692866

May 11, 1839

THE NEW-YORKER, New York, May 11, 1839  Inside has a report: "Desert of California". Keep in mind that California was part of Mexico at this time, so bits of the report include: "This immense plain, the existence of which was until very recently unknown, is situated in the central part of Upper or New California, in Mexico...Its area is equal to that of Virginia...this remarkab... See More  

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Mormon numbers are increasing in New Jersey...

Item #692853

August 17, 1839

THE NEW-YORKER, New York, Aug. 17, 1839  

* Early Mormons - Mormonism

The bottom of an inside page has a brief report on: "Mormonism" noting: "...this delusion has exhibited itself in this state [New Jersey], in the neighborhood of New Egypt & other places in Monmouth co. A number of the disciples appeared there...& have succeeded in making coverts of several pers... See More  

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Much on Pensacola, Florida...

Item #692848

November 23, 1839

THE NEW-YORKER, New York, Nov. 9, 1839  Taking half a column on the front page and all of page 2 is a very detailed article: "Pensacola, West-Florida". It becomes with some history, then delves into life there, its beauty, its commercial enterprises, etc. Bits include: "The Bay of Pensacola was discovered in the early part of the 16th century...Pensacola now contains 2,400 inha... See More  

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The famous slave ship Amistad...

Item #692847

November 23, 1839

THE NEW-YORKER, New York, Nov. 23, 1839  

* La Amistad slave ship case

Near the back is a brief item concerning the famous slave ship Amistad, about which Stephen Spielberg directed a movie of the same name.

The report notes: "The case of the Amistad has been again before the U.S. Court in session this week at Hartford, and was further postponed by the Court to January, to give ti... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Abraham Lincoln is elected President of the United States...

Item #692531

November 10, 1860

HARTFORD WEEKLY TIMES, Connecticut, Nov. 10, 1860 

* President Abraham Lincoln

* First presidential election win

* Civil War on the horizon

The top of page 2 has a column headed: "The Presidential Contest" "Election Of Lincoln and Hamlin" "The North for Lincoln - The South Mostly For Breckinridge" "Lincoln Comes In With A Congress Against Him!"... See More  

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The crisis in the South...

Item #692523

December 19, 1860

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 19, 1860 

* Tensions increasing in the South

* Abraham Lincoln to divide a nation

* History about to be made

Page 4 has an interesting article: "The Popular Vote" which begins: "A great deal is attempted to be made of the fact that though Mr. Lincoln has been chosen President of the United States, he had only a minority of the popular vote in his ... See More  

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War is on the horizon... Election results by Pony Express...

Item #692521

December 20, 1860

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Dec. 20, 1860 

* Pony Express re. Abraham Lincoln's election win

* Pre Civil War Southern tensions - secession ?

Considerable reporting on national events that would soon lead to the Civil War.

Inside page reports include one beginning: "The Pony Express passed Fort Kearney early on Tuesday...with later California news. The official result of the Presidentia... See More  

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1960 controversial interracial marriage...

Item #691539

November 15, 1960


* Sammy Davis Jr. & May Britt photo

* Controversial interracial marriage

* John F. Kennedy connection ?

The front page has a two column photo with small heading: "May Britt Weds Sammy Davis" See below for some history on this event.

Complete with 10 pages, light toning at the margins, generally very nice.

wikipedia notes: M... See More  

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On the Presidential election, in a Confederate newspaper...

Item #691526

November 12, 1864

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Nov. 12, 1864  

* re. Abraham Lincoln 2nd election victory

A wealth of war-related reports on the front page including: "THE WAR NEWS" with subheads: "From Petersburg--From the Valley--Georgia". Also: "The Yankee Presidential Elections" notes frustration in not knowing the outcome.

Other front page reports: "Additio... See More  

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Nice headlines on Lincoln's first election...

Item #691442

November 08, 1860

THE LITCHFIELD ENQUIRER, Connecticut, Nov. 8, 1860

* Abraham Lincoln elected president

* America about to change

Page 2 begins with one of the nicest stack of column heads on Lincoln's first election we have seen. They included: "VICTORY ! VICTORY !! " "Great Republican Victory!" " 'Old Abe' the Next President!!" "Secession And Fusion Simmered... See More  

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Grover Cleveland wins the Presidency...

Item #691404

November 10, 1892

NEWBURYPORT EVENING HERALD, Massachusetts, Nov. 10, 1892  

* President Grover Cleveland

* Presidential election victory

The top of a front page column has heads: "THE ELECTION" "Grover Cleveland Will Be Next President" "Republican & Democratic Reports From Headquarters" "Figures From Many Western States Are Still Incomplete".

Four pages, som... See More  

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Garfield wins the Presidency...

Item #691399

November 04, 1880

CHRONICLE & NEWS, Allentown, Pennsylvania, Nov. 4, 1880

* President James A. Garfield

* Election victory (1st report)

 The top of the front page has column heads on the Presidential election: "VICTORIOUS GARFIELD ! " "A Decision that Cannot be Set Aside" "Electoral Votes Backed by Great Majorities" "The Next Congress Surely Republican" with m... See More  

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James Garfield is elected President...

Item #691384

November 03, 1880

CHRONICLE & NEWS, Allentown, Pennsylvania, Nov. 3, 1880

* General James A. Garfield

* Presidential election win (1st report)

 The front page haw a treat stack of first column headlines taking over three-quarters of the column, including: "OVERWHELMING!" "The Greatest Political Battle!" "The Grandest Republican Victory" "GARFIELD VINDICATED" &... See More  

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Eisnehower's "Crusade of Freedom"... Man convicted of "leering"...

Item #691351

November 12, 1952

THE NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 12, 1952

* Convicted of "Leering" from a distance

* Yanceyville, Caswell County, North Carolina

* President Eisenhower's "Crusade of Freedom" speech

The front page has: "Negro in North Carolina Convicted Of Assault by 'Leer' at White Girl", which continues on page 21. It tells of sharecropper Mack Ingram's conviction of... See More  

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A landslide victory for LBJ...

Item #691190

November 04, 1964

LOS ANGELES TIMES--Election Extra, Nov. 4, 1964  

* Lyndon B. Johnson presidential election

The bold, banner headline announces: "LBJ LANDSLIDE ! " with a photos of Lyndon Johnson and wife.

The complete first section (of 6) with pages 1-34. Very nice condition.... See More  

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Kennedy-Nixon Presidential run ends... It's election day...

Item #691185

November 08, 1960


* The day JFK was elected president of the U.S.

This was the day of the Presidential election, with the front page headline noting; "Campaign Ends in TV Crescendo As Rivals Trade Blows All the Way" with many related subheads, including: "Nixon on TV 4 Hours In Campaign Climax" and much more.

Photos include Nixon plus Kennedy&#... See More  

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Herbert Hoover wins the Presidency...

Item #691050

November 07, 1928

NEWPORT HERALD, Rhode Island, Nov. 7, 1928  

* Herbert Hoover elected President

Nice front page headlines announce: "HOOVER AND CURTIS WIN; LANDSLIDE IS INDICATED" with photos of both. Other election results as well.

Complete in 12 pages, irregular at the spine margin from disbanding, a little other margin wear, should be handled with care.... See More  

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Nixon is elected President of the United States...

Item #690986

November 06, 1968

HERALD EXAMINER, Election Extra, Los Angeles, November 6, 1968

* Richard Nixon elected president of United States

The front page has a nice banner headline: "NIXON'S THE ONE" with subhead and related photo. Nice for display. Nice to have in a California publication, the state that Nixon over the top for the win.

Complete 1st section only with 24 pages, light toning and minor w... See More  

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Woodrow Wilson wins the Presidency...

Item #690157

November 06, 1912


* 1912 United States presidential election

* Woodrow Wilson - Theodore Roosevelt & more

The front page announces: "WOODROW WILSON SWEEPS COUNTRY FOR PRESIDENCY" with subheads: "Democratic Victory Carried Into Both Houses of Congress" "Col. Roosevelt Comes in Second..." with a photo of "Woodrow Wilso... See More  

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Short-lived campaign newspaper to elect Andrew Jackson...

Item #689737

August 02, 1828

UNITED STATES' TELEGRAPH--EXTRA, Washington, Aug. 2, 1828  

* Rare campaign periodical

* General Andrew Jackson

This was a campaign journal "...devoted exclusively to the Presidential election..." as stated in the masthead.

It was published by Duff Green, who had come to Washington to establish a newspaper to promote the candidacy of Andrew Jackson. Mott says: "Gree... See More  

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Samuel Tilden elected... False report...

Item #689664

November 08, 1876

THE DAILY BEE, Sacramento, Nov. 8, 1876 

* President Rutherford B. Hayes

* Presidential election false victory reporting

Page two of this issue contains the column headline "THE NEXT PRESIDENT" and reports "If he shall live until that time Samuel J. Tilden will become President of these United States on the 5th day of March as appears by the election returns at hand as w... See More  

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Results of the presidential election...

Item #689429

November 23, 1844

NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 23, 1844  The top of the first column of the front page has the results of the Presidential election, headed: "Presidential" with a count by state for Henry Clay and James K. Polk. Much more on the results of the election on inside pages.

Page 2 has a letter from President Tyler to H. M. Kamehameha III, king of Hawaii.

Also inside: &qu... See More  

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Latest results on the presidential election...

Item #689415

November 27, 1824

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Nov. 27, 1824  The front page features a chart headed: "Presidential Election - Returns so far as they are known" showing votes for Adams, Clay, Crawford, and Jackson, with Adams having a commanding lead. Much related text as well carrying over to pages 2, 3, 4 & 5 with additional charts.

Inside has a fine letter signed in type: Bolivar&nb... See More  

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Harrison wins the Presidential election...

Item #688512

February 03, 1841

KENDALL'S EXPOSITOR, Washington, D.C., Feb. 3, 1841 

* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential election victory

The back page has a chart noting the: "Official - Popular Vote For President" for both Harrison and Van Buren, listed by state, showing a close election: 11,268,752 vs. 1,123,057.

This was an uncommon title which lasted but 4 years. The prospectus (not here) note... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln wins the Presidential election...

Item #688054

November 07, 1860

NEW YORK HERALD, November 7, 1860 

* Abraham Lincoln's 1st election victory

The entire front page is taken up with reports of the election, with first column heads including: "THE RESULT" "End Of The Great National Contest" "Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, Elected President" "And Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, Vice President of the United States" &q... See More  

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Great account on counting the votes for President...

Item #687997

February 24, 1821

BOSTON RECORDER, Feb. 24, 1821  

* James Monroe elected president

Page 3 has a nice account of the proceedings in "Congress - Election of President and Vice-President" datelined February 14. It details the procedure, snd the opening of the packets: "...containing the certificates and votes...handing them to the tellers who read...In this manner the vortex of the several s... See More  

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Harrison wins the election: in a Washington, D.C. newspaper...

Item #687962

November 09, 1840

THE GLOBE, Washington, D.C., Nov. 9, 1840

* William Henry Harrison

* Presidential election victory

Perhaps there can be no better newspaper to report a Presidential election than one from the nation's capital.

Page 3 begins with: "The Election" "It becomes our duty to announce to the public that we have received returns of the elections in a sufficient number of the stat... See More  

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From the War of 1812...

Item #687500

October 17, 1812

BOSTON PATRIOT, Oct. 17, 1812  The front page has a lengthy article headed: "Presidential Election". Inside includes: "Presidential Election" "A Proclamation" relating to the War of 1812, signed in type: James Madison. Following this are several reports relating to the War of 1812 including: "Army Movements".

Page 3 has much under: "War Intelligen... See More  

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Abraham Lincoln is elected president...

Item #687250

November 12, 1864


* Abraham Lincoln elected president (2nd term)

* 1st report plus Civil War reporting

 Page 3 has a nice illustration headed: "Prison At Andersonville, Georgia" with related text with one column heads: "Rebel Cruelties To Prisoners" "The Horrors of Andersonville, of Libby Prison, and of Relic Isle" "Plunde
... See More  

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Eisenhower wins the White House...

Item #687020

November 07, 1956


* General Dwight D. Eisenhower

* Elected president of the United States

The banner headline accounts: "Eisenhower Landslide" along with: "Solid South Broken, Congress in Doubt; Wagner Concedes to Javits; Bush Wins". The Bush mention is Senator Prescott S. Bush of Connecticut, father of President George H.W. Bush, and grandfather of P... See More  

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Bill Clinton elected president of the United States...

Item #687019

November 04, 1992

NEW YORK TIMES, Nov. 4, 1992  

* President Bill Clinton

* Wins presidential election (1st)

The three line banner headline announces: "CLINTON WINS DECISIVE MARGIN IN VOTER POLL ACROSS NATION AFTER 12 YEARS OF G.O.P. RULE" with subheads and related photos. 

The complete issue with all 3 sections, nice condition.... See More  

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Constitutional Convention begins & Washington is elected its President...

Item #686742

June 01, 1787


* Constitutional Convention begins

* George Washington elected president

 An exceedingly historic issue as this newspaper reports the formal beginning of the Constitutional Convention.

Page 2 has a report from Philadelphia datelined May 26 with the historic report: "Yesterday, at the State House in this city, seven states were ful... See More  

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