One of the earliest newspapers from the colonies...
Item #710010
May 15, 1735
THE AMERICAN WEEKLY MERCURY, Philadelphia, May 15, 1735
* Among the earliest of American newspapers
* Very early & rare colonial publication
As any serious collector of newspapers knows, it is exceedingly difficult to find any colonial American newspapers from before 1760, let alone an issue from 1735. It began in 1719 and only published through 1749. It was the very first newspa... See More
Italy enters World War II in 1940....
Item #706306
June 10, 1940
HERALD EXPRESS, Los Angeles, 4th WAR EXTRA, June 10, 1940
* Italy enters World War II - WWII (1st report)
* Benito Mussolini's announcement
The front page has a great banner headline above the masthead in large, bold lettering: "MUSSOLINI DECLARES WAR AGAINST ALLIES" and more with subhead. (see images) Nice for display.
Complete 1st section only with all 16 pages, light toni... See More
1856 - "Men and Times of the Revolution; Or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson"...
Item #705302
January 01, 1839
Book: "Men and Times of the Revolution; Or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson", 1856
The full title is: "Men and times of the revolution; or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, including journals of travels in Europe and America, from 1777 to 1842, with his correspondence with public men and reminiscences and incidents of the revolution.", by Elkanah Watson, edited by his son, Winslow C. Wa... See More
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The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #704881
March 10, 1744
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), March 10, 1743,4 (year noted as such as it was 1743 or 1744 depending on which calendar was used).
This was the very first successful magazine in America, preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short years.
As the subtitle reads: "Containing Accounts of t... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #704880
May 07, 1743
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), May 7, 1743 This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short y... See More
Benjamin Franklin's lightning rod experiment...
Item #704721
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1752 Inside has an extremely significant article titled: "A Cut and Description of a Machine, easily constructed, for making the Experiment by which Franklin's new Theory of Thunder is demonstrated" with descriptive text showing how this experiment works. Each piece of the illustration is identified as well. A great and early conte
... See More
George Washington, Ben Franklin, & Alexander Hamilton...
Item #704525
July 21, 1790
* President George Washington
* John Adams & Thomas Jefferson
* Benjamin Franklin & Alexander Hamilton
Page 2 has a nice Act of Congress headed with an engraving of a heraldic eagle & signed in type by the president: George Washington, as well as by John Adams and Thomas Jefferson.
Page 3 has an item headed: "Por... See More
Ben Franklin the weatherman: an early landmark work on meteorology...
Item #704434
October 01, 1766
THE LONDON MAGAZINE, England, October, 1766
* Benjamin Franklin as 1st weatherman ?
* Meteorological - climatologist - climate
Inside has four pages taken up with a paper written by Ben Franklin, read by him at the Royal Society in London in 1756. It was not put to print until 1765.
The essay is headed: "Physical and Meteorological Observations, Conjectures, and Suppositio... See More
Death of Ben Franklin...
Item #704390
April 24, 1790
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, April 24, 1790
* Benjamin Franklin death (1ST REPORT)
Our records indicate it has been over 12 years since we have been able to offer a newspaper with some report on the death or funeral of Ben Franklin. Such issues have been very elusive.
The back page has a very notable--and early--report headed datelined at "Philadelphia, April 20, 1790... See More
Broadside edition of this famous title, with good content...
Item #704385
January 08, 1782
* Very rare Broadside edition from the Revolutionary War
Apparently a quite unusual broadside edition as the issue is a single sheet with the back page blank. If page 2 had text I would suspect that the back leaf was missing, but the front page text concludes on the front page and the reverse is entirely blank.... See More
Creating the Bank of the United States...
Item #704193
THE UNIVERSAL ASYLUM & COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, February, 1791 * First Bank of the United States creation
Certainly the most notable content is at the back where is found a significant report headed: Congress of the United States" with the text of the creation of the Bank of the United States.
It is titled: "An Act to Incorporate the Subscribers to the Bank of ... See More
Mention of Ben Franklin... Slave trade... Establishing a penal colony in Australia...
Item #704117
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, May, 1788 * Early chess - Benjamin Franklin mention
* Penal Colony, Botany Bay, Australia
Two pages have considerable detail regarding the game of chess which includes a mention of Benjamin Franklin. Near the back under the "Domestic Occurrences" heading is a report reading: "By the last accounts received from the fleet from B... See More
Franklin Pierce's son killed shortly before his father's inauguration...
Item #703829
January 13, 1853
THE DAILY UNION, Washington, D.C., Jan. 13, 1853
* President-elect Franklin Pierce
* Son Benjamin train accident death
Page 3 has an unfortunate report taking half a column headed: "Obsequies of Master Benjamin Pierce" beginning: "Yesterday forenoon the funeral ceremonies over the remains of Master Benjamin Pierce, only son of the President elect, were performed...&quo... See More
1968 Martin Luther King Jr. benefit concert at MSG...
Item #703828
June 27, 1968
THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, June 27, 1968
* Martin Luther king Jr. benefit concert
* Madison Square Garden advertisement
* Aretha Franklin - Sonny & Cher and more
* "Mr. Bojangles" song release - Jerry Jeff Walker
The back page has a 6 x 4 inch advertisement for "Soul Together" benefit concert for Martin Luther King Jr.'s memorial f... See More
Letters signed by Jefferson and Adams...
Item #703777
December 16, 1789
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, New York, Dec. 16, 1789 The back page includes a letter signed by John Adams from when he was in Amsterdam in 1780, followed by a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the mayor & aldermen of Norfolk, Virginia, signed in type: Thomas Jefferson.
The back page also includes reports from the "Proceedings of Congress" from July 1-18, 1789, an historically s... See More
Georgetown to be the nation's capital?
Item #703549
THE UNIVERSAL ASYLUM & COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Philadelphia, October, 1790 The issue begins with the continued: "History of the Life & Character of Benjamin Franklin, L.L.D." which takes 6 pages & includes 4 letters signed by him in type from 1753 & 1754: B. Franklin.Other articles include: "On the Invention of Porcelain in Europe" "Thoughts on Educatio... See More
Thanks to John Dickinson for his famous "Letters From A Farmer" series...
Item #703498
March 31, 1768
THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, Philadelphia, March 31, 1768 The newspaper was made famous by Ben Franklin, its owner & printer several years previous. His name appeared on the imprint through 1765.
Page 2 has various reports which reference John Dickinson's famous "Letters from a Farmer" series, which appeared in the newspaper, as well as others. A report from Boston includes: ... See More
Criticizing Thomas Paine's writings...
Item #703477
January 23, 1779
THE PENNSYLVANIA PACKET OR THE GENERAL ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Jan. 23, 1779 Two-thirds of the front page and most of page 2 are taken up with an interesting, critical article on Thomas Paine's works. It is headed: "To The Respectable Public of America, On the Veracity of Common Sense" in which the authors points out 20 "falsehoods" on the Paine's works, with th... See More
Unrest among the nations along the Mississippi River... Ben Franklin...
Item #703437
November 04, 1791
THE WORLD, London, Nov. 4, 1791 Page 2 has a brief item: "Greater jealousies than ever subsist between the French, Spanish, and American Colonies on the banks of the Mississippi; each party complains of the encroachments of the other, although each has more ground than they can possibly occupy."
The top of page 3 has an: "Anecdote of Dr. Franklin".
Four pages, a few min... See More
First known U.K. printing...
Ben Franklin's historic/collectible essay: "The morals of Chess"...
Item #703114
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1787 * Benjamin Franklin - Morals of Chess
* re. U.S. Constitution - George Washington
The most notable content is the historic/collectible essay: "The Morals Of Chess, By Dr. Franklin of Philadelphia", which takes nearly two pages. The article begins: "The game of chess is not merely an idle amusement; several very valuable q... See More
Ben Franklin's historic/collectible: "The Morals of Chess"...
Item #703113
THE AMERICAN MUSEUM, Philadelphia, April, 1792 * Benjamin Franklin - morals of chess
By far the most significant content is the historic/collectible essay: "The Morals of Chess. By Dr. Franklin", which takes 2 1/2 pages. Note: This essay was first printed in the Columbian Magazine in the Dec. 1786 issue. Regardless, this contemporary printing is among the few publications whi... See More
Ben Franklin creates a medal honoring the end of the Revolutionary War...
Item #702586
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1783 Near the beginning are 15 pages of: "Summary Proceedings in the Third Session of the Present Parliament" which include some discussions concerning America. Another article concerns the tune Yankee Doodle, particularly details on the presumed author of the famous tune (questionable) who had recently died. It notes: "Your readers, &a... See More
Nice, detailed letter from Dr. Benjamin Rush...
Item #702244
April 23, 1787
* Founding father Dr. Benjamin Rush letter
* Declaration of Independence signer
Page 2 features a full column that includes a letter from Benjamin Rush, a Founding Father and signer of the Declaration of Independence.
The letter was sent to Dr. Richard Price in the UK, a political reformer active in the cause of... See More
Washington responds to Congress' reaction to his annual address... On the death of Ben Franklin...
Item #701539
December 25, 1790
THE COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Dec. 25, 1790
* President George Washington
* re. State of the Union Address
* United States Congress reaction
* re. death of Benjamin Franklin
The front page begins with the Senate's response to Washington's state-of-the-union address, followed by his response signed in script type: George Washington. This is then followed by the House of Re... See More
Maryland's non-importation resolution...
Item #701324
July 03, 1769
PENNSYLVANIA CHRONICLE & UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, July 3, 1769 The front page includes an illustration relating to a new kind if water-powered mill. Page 3 has an interesting report of: "A bill for a charitable lottery for the relief of distressed Virgins in Great Britain" which begins: "Whereas, by the great & melancholy disuse of holy matrimony in the king... See More
Four documents signed by George Washington... Significant pronouncement by Franklin on slavery...
Item #701210
November 25, 1789
* Benjamin Franklin re. slavery - slaves
* Newly elected President George Washington
It contains: An Address to the Public" by Benjamin Franklin as President of the: "Pennsylvania Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery and the Relief of Free Negroes, Unlawfully Held in Bondage".
This is an extremely notewor... See More
Map of the Hudson River region... Franklin on the exchange of prisoners...
Item #701099
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, January, 1778 * Rare Revolutionary War New York map
* Benjamin Franklin letter - Ethan Allen
Of great significance is the very nice foldout map headed: "Map of Hudson's River with the Adjacent Country", which shows from Crown Point & Ticonderoga, south to Philadelphia, & also from Long Island to Lake Ontario with consi... See More
The (1775) Restraining bill, and reaction to it...
Item #701076
May 17, 1775
* Retraining Acts of 1775
* Colonial trade restrictions
* American Revolutionary War
The entire front page and part of page 2 are taken up with: "Lord Camden's Speech on the New England Fishery Bill".
Page 2 has a report headed: "Provisions in the Restraining Bill for the Provinces of New Jersey, Pennsylva... See More
Ben Franklin celebrates the 7th anniversary of the 4th of July...
Item #700871
August 01, 1783
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, Aug. 1, 1783
* Declaration of Independence anniversary
* Benjamin Franklin celebrates - celebration
Page 2 has a few bits concerning the tobacco trade in Virginia. Page 3 has: "...Advices from Paris...mention that it years since Congress declared the independence of the United States of America, Dr. Franklin celebrated that anniv... See More
The Act creating the Bank of the United States...
Item #698020
THE MASSACHUSETTS MAGAZINE, Boston, March, 1791* First Bank of the United States creation
The issue begins with textual: "Sketches of the President Of the United States" which is nearly a 4 1/2 page biography of George Washington (the plate called for is lacking). Also inside is the conclusion of: "Description of Cape Cod & the County of Barnstable" which takes 2 1/2... See More
Political observations by Benjamin Franklin...
Item #697976
September 04, 1759
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, September 4, 1759
* "Political Aphorisms...", by Benjamin Franklin (?)
The first and a portion of the second column on page 7 has "Political Aphorisms concerning Population", signed "F", which has recently been attributed to Ben Franklin (see Swann Auctions for more information).
Another London Chronicle from 10 days later,... See More
Very lengthy letter by Ben Franklin... British generals say America cannot be conquered...
Item #697886
September 09, 1779
THE AMERICAN JOURNAL & GENERAL ADVERTISER, Providence, Rhode Island, Sept. 9, 1779
* Very rare American Revolutionary War publication
* Lengthy letter from Benjamin Franklin
A truly rare title from the Revolutionary War, as it lasted for less than 1 1/2 years from March, 1779 to August, 1781.
The entire front page and a bit of the back page are taken up with a very lengthy: &quo... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #697762
May 07, 1743
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, (Boston), May 7, 1743
* Very rare 18th century magazine
* 1st successful magazine in America
This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of iss... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #697098
April 30, 1743
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, Boston, April 30, 1743 This was the very first successful magazine in America, preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short years.
As the subtitle reads: "Containing Accounts of the Propagation & Revival of Religion in Great Britain & America", th... See More
Anger over the Trail of Tears...... Franklin quote...
Item #695078
August 01, 1829
NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Aug. 1, 1829 The top of the ftpg. has a small bit about Martin Van Buren, Secretary of State at the time, being granted an honorary doctorate of law degree from Rutgers' College.
Inside has an article: "Slavery In Colombia" as well as: "Georgia And The Cherokees" being a letter from the brother of a chief and his anger at their ... See More
Broadside "Extra" of the Pennsylvania Gazette...
Item #694986
May 17, 1771
* Very rare "extra" edition broadside
* Pre-Revolutionary War America
A very handsome broadside (printed on one side only) "Extra" edition of the famous newspapers, owned by Ben Franklin during the previous decade.
The reports are news items from London brought over in the ships L... See More
Social Security bill ratification in 1935...
Item #694975
August 10, 1935
THE NEW YORK TIMES, August 10, 1935.
* Social Security bill ratification
* Passes Senate vote & to be signed
* Franklin D. Roosevelt - FDR
The top of the front page has a two column heading announcing: "Social Security Bill Voted; Will Benefit 30,000,000" with subhead. (see) Page 4 has a summary of the benefits. Always nice to have notable events in history rep
... See More
* Social Security bill ratification
* Passes Senate vote & to be signed
* Franklin D. Roosevelt - FDR
The top of the front page has a two column heading announcing: "Social Security Bill Voted; Will Benefit 30,000,000" with subhead. (see) Page 4 has a summary of the benefits. Always nice to have notable events in history rep
Single sheet "Supplement" to the Pennsylvania Gazette...
Item #694917
August 03, 1769
SUPPLEMENT TO THE PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE, No. 2119 (Philadelphia, Aug. 3, 1769)
* Rare colonial publication
This "Supplement" issue came with the Aug. 3, 1769 (date not printed here) issue of the Gazette but has since been separated. As was typically the purpose of Supplement issues, this single sheet is entirely taken up with advertisements that could not fit in the reg... See More
G. I. Bill of Rights is signed by FDR...
Item #694318
June 23, 1944
* G. I. Bill of Rights is signed
* Franklin D. Roosevelt - FDR
* World War II veteran benefits
Page 7 has a one column heading: "Veterans' Aid Bill Signed By Roosevelt", with 4 paragraphs of supporting text. See images for details.
The front page has: "Large Japanese Naval Force Routed; Americans Fight Way... See More
Very early from Maryland: the French & Indian War... Money owned to Ben Franklin...
Item #694150
March 13, 1755
THE MARYLAND GAZETTE, Annapolis, March 13, 1755
* Very rare & early American publication
A very scarce and early newspaper from the early period of the French & Indian War. Rarely are we able to offer Maryland newspapers from such an early year.
Page 2 has a report from Halifax, Nova Scotia, that: "...they are building two new batteries upon the beach...That the three gu... See More
Early advertisement for the historic Cape May Congress Hall hotel...
Item #693275
July 17, 1851
THE DAILY UNION, City of Washington, D.C., July 17, 1851 Among the advertisements on page 3 is one for the Congress Hall Hotel, headed: "Sea Bathing, Cape May, N.J." and beginning: "Congress Hall is now open for the reception of visitors..." with various detail.
Congress Hall is a very historic hotel in Cape May, first constructed in 1816 as a wooden boarding house at th... See More
Early advertisement for the historic Cape May Congress Hall hotel...
Item #693273
July 11, 1851
THE DAILY UNION, City of Washington, D.C., July 11, 1851 Among the advertisements on page 2 is one for the Congress Hall Hotel, headed: "Sea Bathing, Cape May, N.J." and beginning: "Congress Hall is now open for the reception of visitors..." with various detail.
Congress Hall is a very historic hotel in Cape May, first constructed in 1816 as a wooden boarding house at th... See More
Early advertisement for the historic Cape May Congress Hall hotel...
Item #693269
July 09, 1851
THE DAILY UNION, City of Washington, D.C., July 9, 1851
* Congress Hall Hotel advertisement
* Pre Civil War Cape May, New Jersey
Among the advertisements on page 2 is one for the Congress Hall Hotel, headed: "Sea Bathing, Cape May, N.J." and beginning: "Congress Hall is now open for the reception of visitors..." with various detail.
Congress Hall is a very histori... See More
Closing events of the Revolutionary War...
Item #690374
April 29, 1783
THE EDINBURGH ADVERTISER, Scotland, April 29, 1783
* American Revolutionary War - closing events
The front page has some reports concerning the negotiations for a treaty of peace to end the Revolutionary War. Also reports headed: "America" which carry over to page 2 concerning various events in America, one bit noting: "...In January last, Col. Willet, with about 600 men... See More
The first successful magazine in the country...
Item #690181
April 28, 1744
THE CHRISTIAN HISTORY, Boston, April 28, 1744 This was the first successful magazine in America although formatted unlike typical magazines. It was exclusively a chronicle of the Great Awakening in America, exclusively of secular news reports. It was preceded by just a few magazines which lasted but a couple of issues--one of which was by Ben Franklin. Even this title lasted but a few short ... See More
Map of Canada, Hudson Bay & other portions of North America...
Item #689565
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, March, 1790 * Map of Canada, Hudson Bay & other portions of North America
Certainly the prime feature of this issue is the nice, attached fold-out map: "A Map showing the communication of the Lakes and the Rivers between Lake Superior and Slave Lake in North America."
The map shows the extreme western parts of Lake Superior and "Hud... See More
Plan (print) for a colonial town... Canton (Guangzhou), China...
Item #688743
THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, February, 1770 Perhaps the most intriguing item in this issue is a fascinating article titled: "New Plan for an American Town" which takes over a full page and which includes an interesting and unusual print of it.
A legend of the various parts of the town is included as well, including the "common land" the "public squares&
... See More
A legend of the various parts of the town is included as well, including the "common land" the "public squares&
On paying Callender $50 to publish his book attacking Washington, Adams & Hamilton...
Item #688619
October 09, 1802
GAZETTE OF THE UNITED STATES, Philadelphia, Oct. 9, 1802 Page 2 has two letters written by Thomas Jefferson to James Callender regarding their controversial relationship. One of the letters, the rather famous letter dated September 6, 1799 (found on many websites) mentions: "...directs his agent to call on ;ou with this and pay you 50 dollars on account of the book you are about to publ... See More
Marriage of Ben Franklin's daughter... Colonists distressed by duties..
Item #687574
January 19, 1768
THE LONDON CHRONICLE, January 19, 1768 Page 2 has a letter from Pittsburgh mentioning: "It is feared here that an Indian war will break out in the Spring...on an act of hostility committed by a party of Indians on their return to their settlements among the six nations, from an unsuccessful war in which they had been engaged with the Cherokees...they plundered & murdered ten of... See More
Last issue published before his presses were destroyed by the Sons of Liberty...
Item #687444
November 23, 1775
* American Revolutionary War
* Extremely rare publication
* James Rivington - spy publisher
James Rivington, the famous printer of this newspaper, had an interesting career.
He began this newspaper in 1773 initially with an impartial sta... See More
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