Web Results (1407)



1862 Battle of Fredericksburg....

Item #705343

December 16, 1862

EVENING STAR, Washington, D.C., December 16, 1862.

* Battle of Fredericksburg - Virginia

* General Burnside vs. Robert E. Lee

The front page has a few reports headed: "From Burnside's Army" "Graphic Account Of Saturday's Battle" "On The Battlefield-Fourth Day" and more.

Presumed complete with 4 pages, some creasing at the folds, a little margin wear, ... See More  

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Rare Confederate title with good war content...

Item #705331

September 17, 1863

WESTERN SENTINEL, Winston, North Carolina, September 17, 1863 

* Rare Confederate title from the Civil War

This is a very rare title from the Confederacy. According to Brigham only four institutions in the United States have any holdings of this title from the Civil War, most just a few scattered issues. The American Antiquarian Society has no issues recorded from this era.

The entire ... See More  

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Jamestown Rediscovery in 1996... Colonial Virginia...

Item #704985

September 13, 1996

LOS ANGELES TIMES, Sept. 13, 1996

* Jamestown Rediscovery announced

* Virginia Colony - English settlement

The top of page 24 has a three column heading: "Dig Into Past Unearths Legendary Fort" with subhead an related photo. (see images)

Complete 1st section only with all 42 pages, nice condition.

wikipedia notes: Jamestown Rediscovery is an archaeological project of Preserva... See More  

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Thomas Jefferson letter... Creating the University of Virginia...

Item #704594

December 15, 1821

NILES' WEEKLY REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 15, 1821 

* Thomas Jefferson on founding the University of Virginia

Perhaps the best item in this issue is the nice & lengthy letter under the heading: "University of Virginia", signed by him in type: Th. Jefferson, as Rector of the University of Virginia. It was this letter that sets out the founding of this institution by Jeff... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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1963 Farmville, Virginia Civil Rights protests...

Item #704338

August 01, 1963

THE VILLAGE VOICE (weekly), Greenwich Village, New York, Aug. 1, 1963

* Farmville, Prince Edward County, Virginia

* Racial segregation in schools - civil rights protests

Page 3 has a heading: "It's A Long, Hot Summer In Prince Edward County" with lead-in: "Teachers to Virginia" and related photo. (see images) Article continues on a inside page.

wikipedia notes: As a... See More  

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The Articles of Confederation...

Item #703335

April 29, 1778

THE NEW JERSEY GAZETTE, Trenton, April 29, 1778  This was the very first newspaper in New Jersey, having begun in December, 1777. This is issue number 22.

There are only a handful of documents in American history which can be considered cornerstones in the creation of our national government, which would include the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitu... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Huge front page Tennessee Battle map...

Item #702879

April 21, 1863

THE NEW YORK HERALD, April 21, 1863

* Large Tennessee Civil War map

* Battle of Suffolk - Virginia

The front page has an 11 1/2 by 14 inch map: "IMPORTANT CONTEMPLATED OPERATIONS IN TENNESSEE." "The Great Battle Field of the Rebels Under General Joe Johnston and the Union Forces Under General Rosecrans." Relates heads on pg. 2: "The Coming Struggle" "Tenne... See More  

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Battle of Shiloh... A Confederate report...

Item #702871

April 09, 1862

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, April 9, 1862  

* Reporting on the Battle of Shiloh

* From the capital of the Confederacy

Page 3 begins with a very historic report headed: "The Great Victory In Tennessee" which reports on the Battle of Shiloh (or Pittsburg Landing) which begins: "Since the issue of our paper yesterday morning, we have received few additional particul... See More  

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The (1775) Restraining bill, and reaction to it...

Item #701076

May 17, 1775


* Retraining Acts of 1775

* Colonial trade restrictions

* American Revolutionary War

The entire front page and part of page 2 are taken up with: "Lord Camden's Speech on the New England Fishery Bill".

Page 2 has a report headed: "Provisions in the Restraining Bill for the Provinces of New Jersey, Pennsylva... See More  

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Sir Barton, Triple Crown winner...

Item #700739

May 10, 1919

THE WORLD, New York City, May 10, 1919

* 1st winner of the American Triple Crown

* Kentucky Derby (1st of 3 wins)

This 28 page newspaper has a two column headline on page 18: "Eternal Slight Favorite for the Kentucky Derby" with subhead: "Billy Kelly and Sir Barton, the Ross Entry..." and list of horses entered into the great race. This would be the 1st of 3 historic wi... See More  

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An attempted early demonstration of a parachute ends comically... News from America...

Item #699820

July 14, 1785

THE LONDON CHRONICLE, England, July 14, 1785  The back page has a report concerning the early use of a parachute, bits noting: "...persons were assembled...late Blanchard's Aerobatic Academy near Vauxhall, to be spectators of an experiment made by a Italian with a parachute, who was to have let himself down from a prodigious altitude and to manifest his composure by playing on a viol... See More  

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Portrait of Admiral Daivd Farragut... Natural Bridge, Virginia... Caledonian Games - Jones' Woods...

Item #699564

July 20, 1867

LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, July 20, 1867  Inside is a very nice full-page portrait: "Frank Leslie's National Portrait Gallery -- Admiral David Farragut". Another page has a large illustration: "Natural Bridge Over Cedar Creek, Virginia", which is the preceded by the related article, "Summer Rambles Through the Country - A Trip to Lynchburg, Va, via James ... See More  

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General Howe proclamations in a Tory newspaper.....

Item #698852

November 19, 1777

THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER OR THE WEEKLY ADVERTISER, Philadelphia, Nov. 19, 1777  This was a strongly Tory newspaper published in Philadelphia when the British were in occupation. It began in 1775 and ended when the British evacuated the city in May of 1778. Not surprisingly, the masthead features an engraving of the Royal coat-of-arms.

The first two columns on the front page feature three &quo... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Much on the Civil War from the Confederacy...

Item #698788

February 12, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 12, 1863  Not only a nice Confederate newspaper, but one from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page includes: "City Intelligence" "Latest News From The North--Yankee Account of the Charleston Naval Victory" "Another Brutal Order of the Enemy--The Sick & Wounded Forced On Families & Their Own Personal Liberty &am... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Sherman descending upon Savannah...

Item #698734

December 19, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Dec. 19, 1864  Not just a newspaper from the Confederate, but from the capital of the Confederate states.

The front page has an editorial beginning: "The accounts from Nashville are the statements of the enemy, & must be received with much caution. It is probable that the real facts are somewhat coloured..." with much more. Also: "Latest ... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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"Memphis" newspaper printed in Atlanta, Georgia... Jeff Davis rallies the troops...

Item #698733

January 20, 1864

THE MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL, Atlanta, Georgia, Jan. 20, 1864  See the bottom of this listing for the fascinating history of this newspaper.

Among the front page items are: "Strahl's Brigade" "The Horrors of the Cold" "Measure for Restoration of the State of Arkansas to the Union" "The Virginia Army" and more. The back page includes: "A Voice from... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Letter from Washington to the people of Brunswick, Virginia...

Item #698723

October 24, 1795

COLUMBIAN CENTINEL, Boston, Oct. 24, 1795  Page 2 has the: "Answer Of the President to the Brunswick, Virginia, Proceedings" relating to the Jay Treaty, which is signed by him in type: G. Washington.

Four pages, a bit of foxing, generally nice condition.

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Early mention of George Washington...

Item #698715
GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, London, July, 1755  There are no less than two high points in this issue, the first being an article headed: "Gov. Dinwiddie's Speech to the Assembly of Virginia" in which he relates various reports from the French & Indian War, including mention of  "...general Braddock, commander in chief of all his majesty's forces on this continent... See More  

Item from Catalog 344 (released for July, 2024)

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Published by P.T. Barnum...

Item #698663
ILLUSTRATED NEWS, New York, Nov. 5, 1853  Phineas T. Barnum was the co-owner of this early illustrated newspaper which preceded both "Leslie's Illustrated" and "Harper's Weekly", the latter two becoming immensely more successful. This effort by Barnum and the Beach brothers would last for only 48 issues, or less than one year.

Among the prints are: "Crater of... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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General George Custer.. Black Hills' gold expedition...

Item #698640

August 22, 1874

RICHMOND DAILY WHIG, Virginia, Aug. 22, 1874

* General George Armstrong Custer

* Black Hills gold - South Dakota expedition

* Tensions with the Native Americans - Indians

Page 2 has an article with a small one column heading: "General Custar (sic) And The Indians" (see images) A printing flaw slightly affects the text here.

Complete with 4 pages, nice condition.... See More  

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1957 Amonate, Virginia coal mine explosion...

Item #698634

December 28, 1957

THE TIMES-PICAYUNE, New Orleans, December 28, 1957 

* Amonate, Tazewell County Virginia

* Pocahontas Fuel Company disaster

* Coal mine No. 31 gas explosion

The front page has a one column heading: "BLAST TRAPS 21 IN MINE, 14 SAFE" with subhead. (see images) First report coverage on the coal mine gas explosion in mine No. 31 of the Pocahontas Fuel Company in Amonate, Virginia... See More  

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On the Bowley-Jones political feud in South Carolina...

Item #698618

August 21, 1874

RICHMOND DAILY WHIG, Virginia, Aug. 21, 1874  Page 2 has a report concerning the Bowley-Jones feud within the Republican party of South Carolina. Both are African-Americans. Much can be found about them on Wikipedia. James Bowley had escaped slavery in Maryland with the help of Harriet Tubman.

"The Negro Quarrel At Georgetown, South Carolina" begins: "The disturbances at Georg... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Much on the Civil War from the Confederacy...

Item #698605

January 24, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 24, 1863  The front page includes: "The Intercepted Correspondence", "Notes Of The War--Affairs at Vicksburg--The Several Attempts of the Enemy Against the City--A Renewed Attack Expected--The Spirit of Our Army" "City Intelligence" "The Charge of Breckinridge's Division in the Battle of Murfreesboro" "... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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The death of Commodore Uriah P. Levy...

Item #698598

March 25, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, March 25, 1862  The most notable content within this issue is the very brief, but historic page 7 report of the death of Commodore (Admiral) Uriah P. Levy, the first U.S. Jewish Commodore, war of 1812 war hero, and credited as to having abolished the disciplinary procedure of flogging.

The front page has a map titled: "WHAT GENERAL BURNSIDE HAS ACCOMPLISHED, Scene of Op... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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The Confederates on the Battle of Gettysburg...

Item #698576

July 11, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 11, 1863  

* Battle of Gettysburg

* Rebel account

The front page includes: "Charleston" "Yankee Agents In England" "The Courts" "City Intelligence" "Prisoners" "Sale of Negroes in Georgia" with a list of names, ages and prices--fascinating; "Another Attack On Charleston" "... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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The Queen of the West... another Confederate naval victory!

Item #698573

February 27, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 27, 1863 

* A Splendid [Confederate] Naval Victory... Queen of the West

* Much on the (slow) movement of Northern Troops

* Newspaper from the capital of the Confederate States

Not just a newspaper from the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederates states. Among the front page reports are: "The American War In Europe--Opinions of... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Editorial paints a positive picture for the Confederacy...

Item #698572

May 21, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, May 21, 1863 

* Lengthy Confederacy editorial

The front page has much reporting from the "The Courts" and "City Intelligence" as well as several Acts from the Confederate Congress including: "An Act to Establish a Volunteer Navy". There are also military reports from Mobile & Wilmington.

The back page has a lengthy ed... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Confederate newspaper from Louisiana...

Item #698565

September 22, 1861

SUNDAY DELTA, New Orleans, Sept. 22, 1861  

* Rare rebel publication

* From the deep South

Among the front page items are: "First Engagement In Kentucky" which includes: "An engagement took place on the 19th in Easter Kentucky between 800 Confederates and 1800 Federals, in which the Federals were completely routed." with a bit more.

Also: "Northern Reports fro... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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From the Confederate capital...

Item #698518

January 14, 1862

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 14, 1862 

* Rare rebel publication

Half of the front page is taken up with ads and notices, with most of the balance taken up with war-related items but some "Foreign Miscellany" as well.

Page 2 begins with the always interesting editorial, taking over a full column, & beginning: "New York has supplied the sinews of the war to the... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Fine issue on the Monitor vs. the Merrimac...

Item #698508

March 10, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, March 10, 1862 

* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia

* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)

* Civil War ironclads

Front page first column heads report on the most famous naval battle of the Civil War: "Important From Fortress Monroe" "The Merrimac Out of Norfolk" "Tremendous Naval Conflict" "The Union Frigate Cu
... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Civil War map on the rebel defenses at Port Hudson...

Item #698505

March 20, 1863

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 20, 1863 

* Port Hudson, Louisiana map

* Battle of Kelly's Ford - Virginia

The front page is dominated by a nice & detailed Civil War map headed: "REBEL DEFENSES AT PORT HUDSON". Among the column heads on the Civil War are: "Late Rebel News" "Averill's Cavalry Expedition" "Rosecrans on the War Patch" "Clos... See More  

Item from Catalog 343 (released for June, 2024)

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Celebrations: Gettysburg... Negroes in Washington... Williamsburg... Society of the Cincinatti...

Item #698419

July 05, 1865

THE NEW YORK HERALD, July 5, 1865 

* Cornerstone laid for the Gettysburg monument 

* The Negro Celebration in Washington, D.C.

* Much on the Society of the Cincinatti

Page 5 has: "Gettysburg", "The Celebration Yesterday on the Great Battle Field", "General Howard's Tribute to the Veterans", "Miles O'Reilly's Poem of the Day and Plac... See More  

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Luray Caverns... Horseracing and hunting pigeons on Coney Island...

Item #698417

July 02, 1881

LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York City, July 2, 1881 

* Luray Caverns... 

* Sportsman's Tournament on Coney Island... hunting pigeons...

* Coney Island horseracing

One-third page inside: "Virginia--The Labyrinth In The Famous Luray Cave, Page County".

Full page has 4 scenes: "Sportsmen's Tournament At Coney Island--Methods Of Trapping and Transporting ... See More  

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Monitor versus Merrimac... Map of New Madrid...

Item #698416

March 15, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, March 15, 1862    

* Battle of Hampton Roads, Virginia

* Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack (CSS Virginia)

* Civil War ironclads

Page 5 contains some historic one column headlines including: "The Damages To The Merrimac," "The Condition of the Minnesota," "The Merrimac Hemmed In,"  "The War In the South-West," "... See More  

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Amonate, Virginia coal mine explosion...

Item #698390

December 28, 1957

THE DETROIT FREE PRESS, December 28, 1957 

* Amonate, Tazewell County Virginia

* Pocahontas Fuel Company disaster

* Coal mine No. 31 gas explosion

The front page has a banner headline: "MINE BLAST TRAPS 21" with subheads. (see images) First report coverage on the coal mine gas explosion in mine No. 31 of the Pocahontas Fuel Company in Amonate, Virginia. 

Complete with ... See More  

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The North says the war is hopeless...

Item #698347

January 27, 1863

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, January 27, 1863  

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* The North claims the war is hopeful

The front page includes: "From Fredericksburg" "The Courts" "Virginia Legislature" "Additional From the North--The Situation at Fredericksburg--The Peace Movement in the New Jersey Legislature--The Administration Denounced--The W... See More  

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Large Civil War map of Virginia: Battle of Spotsylvania...

Item #698341

May 16, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 16, 1864 

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Civil War Overland Campaign w/ map

Over half of the front page is taken up with a large & detailed Civil War map headed: "GEN. GRANT'S ADVANCE TO RICHMOND."

Among the first column heads on the war are: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Gen. Lee's Retreat... See More  

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From the capital of the Confederacy...

Item #698340

March 11, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, March 11, 1863

* Confederate capital

Among the front page items are: "Disaffection in the Yankee Army" "The Recent Terrible Railroad Accident in the South" "The Mineral Wealth of the South" "Capture of the Indianola From an Eye Witness" "Affairs in New Orleans" and other items.

The back page includes a leng... See More  

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Confederate reports on the Seven Days' Battles...

Item #698338

July 05, 1862

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, July 5, 1862  

* Capital of the Confederacy

* Seven Days Battles

* Lee vs. McClellan

Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "List of Casualties in the Recent Battle Before Richmond" "On to Richmond--What a Paroled Prisoner Said" "The Capture of the Battery at Eilyson's Mills" "Retaliation for Northe... See More  

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Map shows the Cumberland River...

Item #698337

January 09, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, Jan. 9, 1862  The front page features a Civil War map headed: "The Rebel General Zollicoffer's Position On the Cumberland River.", plus several columns have war-related heads including: "Great Activity at the Headquarters of the Army" "Gen. Sherman's Report of Gen. Stevens' Operations on the Coosaw River" "Important From Western ... See More  

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Three Civil War maps...

Item #698336

May 06, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 6, 1862  

* Battle of Williamsburg, Virginia

* Camden NC North Carolina

The front page is dominated by a large Civil War map headed: "The Seat Of War In Eastern Virginia".

There are also first column heads on the Civil War including: "From General McClellan's Army" "THE REBELS OVERTAKEN" "The Rebels Driven Through Williamsbu... See More  

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Capture of New Orleans, Louisiana...

Item #698330

April 30, 1862

NEW YORK HERALD, April 30, 1862  

* Capture of New Orleans, Louisiana

* Mississippi River naval engagement

* Siege of Yorktown, Virginia

Among the one column headlines on the Civil War are: "THE CAPTURE OF NEW ORLEANS" "Desperate Naval Engagement on the Mississippi River" "THE UNION LOSS VERY HEAVY" "Evacuation of the City by the Rebel Forces" &... See More  

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Confederate newspaper from Louisiana...

Item #698274

September 15, 1861

SUNDAY DELTA, New Orleans, Sept. 15, 1861 

* Rare Confederate publication

* From the deep South

Among the front page items are: "The War On the Potomac" "The War in Missouri" "The War in Western Virginia" "The Civil War in America".

Inside includes: "The Fight In Western Virginia" 'Rosecranz's Army Badly Whipped" "Fed... See More  

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Beauregard's lengthy report on Shiloh...

Item #698273

May 10, 1862

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, May 10, 1862 

* Battle of Shiloh - Pittsburg Landing

* General P. G. T. Beauregard's official rpt.

* From the capital of the Confederacy

The front page has much on: "YORKTOWN" "Our Former Position & Strength There--The State of our Whole Line--Daily Picket Fights--Brilliant Affair at Dam No. 2--Vast Preparations & Expectat... See More  

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From Fredericksburg... The enemy in Virginia...

Item #698271

February 01, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Feb. 1, 1864 

* Rare rebel publication

The front page has some nice war-related content including items headed: "The Farmers & the New Conscription" "City Intelligence" "The Spring Campaign of the Enemy in Virginia--Important Developments" which takes over 2 columns, plus 3 letters concerning battles.

The back page ha... See More  

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Stirring words from the President of the Confederacy...

Item #698270

February 13, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, February 13, 1864 

* Jefferson Davis rallies Confederates

* From the capital of the Confederacy

Among the front page items are: "A Victory Near Charleston" "The enemy Again Advancing on The Peninsula" "Important Movement In Mississippi", "The Courts", "City Intelligence" "A Picture of Charleston U... See More  

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1791 Creating the District of Columbia...

Item #698230

February 01, 1791


* Creating the District of Columbia

* Early United States government

* President George Washington

Over 3 1/2 pages are taken up with a: "Description of Cape Cod & the Country of Barnstable", continued in a future issue. Also: "Picture of Jamaica" which curiously begins: "Jamaica is the dunghill of the universe... See More  

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1942 Osage, West Virginia coal mine explosion....

Item #698208

May 13, 1942

THE NEW YORK TIMES , May 13, 1942

* Osage, West Virginia

* Near Morgantown

* Coal mine explosion disaster

The top of page 20 has a one column heading: "53 BELIEVED DEAD IN MINE EXPLOSION" with subheads. (see) First report coverage on the Christopher Coal company mine explosion near Morgantown, West Virginia.

Complete with 38 pages, rag edition in great condition..... See More  

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The Gunpowder Incident: in a Williamsburg newspaper... And so much more!

Item #698138

April 28, 1775

THE VIRGINIA GAZETTE, Williamsburg (with Supplement), April 28, 1775  

* Very rare Colonial Virginia title

* Gunpowder Incident - Affair

This newspaper was published by Alexander Purdie, a distinction to be made since there were three newspapers of this title printed in Williamsburg during the early period of the Revolutionary War.

This issue was printed 9 days after the battle of Lex... See More  

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A wealth of content on the John Brown raid at Harper's Ferry...

Item #698120

November 22, 1859

NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 22, 1859  

* John Brown's insurrection - invasion - raid

* Harpers Ferry, West Virginia - John E. Cook

The front page has some nice coverage of the Harper's Ferry insurrection led by John Brown. Column heads include: "New Trial for Brown Refused" "Harper's Ferry Alarms & Rumors" "Special to the Alex... See More  

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