A great contemporary quote from Lincoln's famous speech - "A House divided against itself cannot stand."...
Item #707504
January 24, 1860
THE NEW YORK TIMES, Jan. 24, 1860
* Abraham Lincoln as a senatorial candidate
The front-page has a rare quote of a portion of Lincoln's very famous speech from 1858 during the Lincoln-Douglas debates. During a speech on the Senate floor, Senator Douglas, speaking of Lincoln, states in part: "...When he returned to Illinois in 1858, to canvas the state, he had to meet this... See More
Stan Musial's first Major League game....
Item #704492
September 18, 1941
SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE, Sept. 18, 1941 The front page of the sport's section has a five column headline: "CARDS PICK UP HALF GAME" with a subhead. Coverage continues on page 4 with: "...Rookie Stan Musial, just up from Rochester, doubled in the Cardinals' first two runs in the third inning of the nightcap..." with the box scores as well.
Complete in 28 pag... See More
The President addresses the discovery of gold in California...
Item #704174
December 07, 1848
* President James K. Polk
* State of the Union Address
* Discovery of California gold
All of the front page & most of page 2 are taken up with the "PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE!" being the annual state-of-the-union address, signed in type: James K. Polk.
Within his message, and on the front page, he devotes much space to Californ... See More
Susan B. Anthony petitions for woman's rights...
Item #702685
October 22, 1855
NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Oct. 22, 1855
* Activist Susan B. Anthony
* Women's rights petition
Page 6 has an article headed: "Woman's Rights" concerning the appeal--led by Susan B. Anthony--to the law-makers of New York to work for the: "...restoration of woman's legal and political rights..." and notes that: "...Forms of petition, also woman's rights, ... See More
The late Charles Dickens...
Item #702218
June 18, 1870
THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, England, June 18, 1870 The prime feature is the very nice, full page portrait of: "Charles Dickens" with a full page article on him headed: "The Late Charles Dickens". Included as well is a halfpg. print of: "Gads Hill Place, Near Rochester, the Home of Charles Dickens" and there is also a print: "The Great Fire at Quebec.
Nic... See More
Warrant for Susan B. Anthony's arrest...
Item #700089
November 16, 1872
THE NEW YORK HERALD, Nov. 16, 1872
* Susan B. Anthony arrest warrant
* Women's suffrage movement leader
* Illegal voting in Rochester, New York
Page 3 has a brief and somewhat discrete report with small heading: "Susan B. Anthony In Trouble" with subhead. She would be arrested two days later.
Complete with all 12 pages, nice condition.
wikipedia notes: Following the examp... See More
Black soldiers in the military... focus on Louisiana...
Item #698362
March 07, 1863
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 7, 1863 The front page has a large print showing Black soldiers captioned: "Pickets of the First Louisiana 'Native Guard' Guarding the New Orleans...Railroad" with a related article, plus: "The Old Slave Laws".
The back page has the illustration: "A Queer Rencontre", which shows a black soldier being ... See More
"The North Star" becomes "Frederick Douglass' Paper"...
Item #697755
May 20, 1852
FREDERICK DOUGLASS' PAPER, Rochester, New York, May 20, 1852
* Extremely rare publication
We are pleased to offer this exceedingly rare--and highly desirable--newspaper by the famed Frederick Douglass. This weekly title is the continuation of his newspaper "North Star" which began in 1847.
Much of page 2 is taken up with: "The Annual Meeting of the American Anti-Sl... See More
Black soldiers in the military... focus on Louisiana...
Item #697665
March 07, 1863
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 7, 1863 The front page has a large print showing Black soldiers captioned: "Pickets of the First Louisiana 'Native Guard' Guarding the New Orleans...Railroad" with a related article, plus: "The Old Slave Laws".
The back page has the illustration: "A Queer Rencontre", which shows a black soldier being ... See More
Robert Kennedy's death & funeral...
Item #697260
June 07, 1968
DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE, Rochester, New York, June 7, 1968 The front page has a headline: "RFK's Body Lies in State" with various subheads & reports including; "Coroner's Report: He Suffered Brain Damage". The front page photo shows Ted, Ethel and Joseph Kennedy leaving St. Patrick's Cathedral.
Sixteen pages, very nice condition.
Black soldiers in the military... focus on Louisiana...
Item #697029
March 07, 1863
FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, March 7, 1863 The front page has a large print showing Black soldiers captioned: "Pickets of the First Louisiana 'Native Guard' Guarding the New Orleans...Railroad" with a related article, plus: "The Old Slave Laws".
The back page has the illustration: "A Queer Rencontre", which shows a black soldier being ... See More
Baseball on skates...
Item #695719
January 28, 1860
WILKES' SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, New York, Jan. 28, 1860 It is subtitled in the masthead: "A Chronicle of the Turf, Field Sports, Literature and the Stage".
Page 6 has a report: "Base Ball" "A Game of Base Ball On Skates" with the report from Rochester, New York. Included is a list of players.
Also within is most of a page taken up with: "Life And B... See More
Corvallis, Oregon...
Item #695579
March 06, 1885
THE CORVALLIS GAZETTE, Oregon, March 6, 1885
* Rare old West publication
An uncommon title from this Western Oregon city. Among the articles: "A Bright Outlook for the Pacific Coast" "The Boundary Line Between British Columbia and Alaska" "In The Little Rockies" "Excitement In Rochester" "Jumping On Moving Trains" and more.
Eight page... See More
Niblo's Garden, Broadway... Castle Garden (Battery Park)...
Item #694919
March 06, 1852
GLEASON'S PICTORIAL, Boston, Massachusetts, March 6, 1852
* Niblo's Garden, Broadway
* Castle Garden (now Castle Clinton, Battery Park, NY)
* Prints of Albany and the Genesee Falls
Included within this issue are prints of the following: Niblo's Garden, Broadway; Castle Garden Theater; Albany, New York; Genesee Falls at Rochester, New York; the Great Fire At Portland, M
... See More
* Niblo's Garden, Broadway
* Castle Garden (now Castle Clinton, Battery Park, NY)
* Prints of Albany and the Genesee Falls
Included within this issue are prints of the following: Niblo's Garden, Broadway; Castle Garden Theater; Albany, New York; Genesee Falls at Rochester, New York; the Great Fire At Portland, M
"The North Star" becomes "Frederick Douglass' Paper"...
Item #689770
June 17, 1852
FREDERICK DOUGLASS' PAPER, Rochester, New York, June 17, 1852 We are pleased to offer this exceedingly rare--and highly desirable--newspaper by the famed Frederick Douglass. This weekly title is the continuation of his newspaper "North Star" which began in 1847.
Douglass was perhaps the most famous 19th century African-American abolitionist who escaped from slavery and then ri... See More
The Mormon Legion... Tyler's annual address... The Millerites...
Item #685113
December 09, 1843
NILES' NATIONAL REGISTER, Baltimore, Dec. 9, 1843
* Nauvoo Legion militia - Illinois - Mormons
* John Tyler - state of the union address
* William Millerites - Millerism
Inside has a small heading: "The Nauvoo Legion" which notes: "...that the Nauvoo Legion numbers some four or five thousand men. They are thoroughly disciplined, and well acquainted with the use of ... See More
Editorial commentary on Seward's "irrepressible conflict" speech...
Item #683708
October 28, 1858
NEW YORK HERALD, Oct. 28, 1858
* William H. Seward on slavery
* re. Irrepressible Conflict speech
Page 4 contains a lengthy editorial on Seward's "irrepressible conflict" speech given just 3 days prior at Rochester. In his speech Seward took the opportunity to characterize the United States as divided between two opposing political systems, one based on slavery and the ... See More
The famous "irrepressible conflict" speech...
Item #683605
November 13, 1858
DAILY NATIONAL INTELLIGENCER, Washington, D.C., Nov. 13, 1858
* William H. Seward on slavery
* Irrepressible Conflict speech
Nearly three columns on page 2 are taken up with the: "Speech Of Mr. Seward, of New York, delivered at a political meeting held in Rochester on the 25th of October, 1858".
This speech, although harmful to his political career, put the slavery issue on... See More
The very first train robbery in the United States...
Item #681318
May 08, 1865
ROCHESTER DAILY DEMOCRAT, New York, May 8, 1865 Quite inconspicuously reported is a notable event in the history of crime in American history--the very first U.S. train robbery.
A column head notes: "Great Robbery In Ohio" with the report further down the column, datelined at Cincinnati, and reporting: "The train on the Ohio and Mississippi road last night was robbed near Nor... See More
End of war events...
Item #681171
June 19, 1865
ROCHESTER DAILY DEMOCRAT, New York, June 19, 1865 Among the front page column heads relating to the Civil War are: "Lee Applies For Pardon" "The Occupation of Brownsville" "Ben Wood Arrested" "The Fourth at Gettysburg" "Confiscation in Richmond" "A Speech by Gen. Butler" "Pillaging the Rebels' Stores at Houston".
Four... See More
Susan B. Anthony petitions for woman's rights... 'Inside View of Slavery...'
Item #680991
October 23, 1855
* Susan B. Anthony
* African slave trade
The bottom of the front page has an article: "Woman's Rights" concerning the appeal--led by Susan B. Anthony--to the law-makers of New York to work for the: "...restoration of woman's legal and political rights..." and notes that: "...Forms of petition, also woma... See More
Jack Nicklaus wins his 17th major in 1980.....
Item #679991
August 11, 1980
LOS ANGELES TIMES, Aug. 11, 1980
* Jack Nicklaus "The Golden Bear"
* 1980 PGA Championship - golf
* Oak Hill Country Club - Rochester
* His 17th of 18 major wins
The top of the front page of the sport's section has a banner headline: "Play It Again, Jack! He Wins Fifth PGA Championship" with 2 photos. (see) First report coverage continues on page 5 with anot... See More
Death of the Queen's occultist, an itinerant quack...
Item #679719
May 26, 1715
THE POST BOY, London, May 26, 1715
* Rare & early 18th century issue
* Nice masthead engravings
A handsome issue with the two nice, detailed engravings in the masthead. The back page has a brief item: "The same day, Sir William Read, his Majesty's Ocultist in Chief, died at Rochester; he was the most expert of all those of his profession." Wikisource calls Willi... See More
1901 Corn Hill Orphanage fire disaster...
Item #678338
January 08, 1901
THE EVENING TRIBUNE, San Diego, Jan. 8, 1901
* Corn Hill Orphanage fire disaster
* Rochester, New York children deaths
The top of the front page has a two column headline: "ORPHAN ASYLUM DESTROYED BY FIRE" with subheads. (see) Surprisingly this issue is in good condition being from the "wood pulp" era. Very hard to find issues that are not totally fragile from this era i... See More
Death of Mao Tse-tung...
Item #673517
September 10, 1976
DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE, Rochester, NY, Sept., 10, 1976 This issue contains a front page banner headline: "MILLIONS OF CHINESE MOURN" with, "Mao Tse-tung dead at 82". Included is a picture of Mao as he appeared a year earlier. This issue continues with 2 full pages of coverage on pgs. 2A and 3A including epitaphs by world leaders Henry Kissinger, Richard Nixon ... See More
Charles Horace Mayo death... Mayo Clinic founder...
Item #654329
May 27, 1939
THE NEW YORK TIMES, May 27, 1939
* Charles Horace Mayo death
* American medical practitioner
* Mayo Clinic founder
* Rochester, Minnesota
The top of page 15 has a one column heading: "DR. CHARLES MAYO DIES OF PNEUMONIA" with subheads and photo. (see) Lengthy first report coverage on the death of Charles Horace Mayo, one of the founders of the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.... See More
George Eastman demonstrates color home movies...
Item #652158
July 31, 1928
THE NEW YORK TIMES, July 31, 1928
* George Eastman - Kodak camera fame
* Color home film movies demonstration
The top of the front page has a two column headline: "HOME MOVIES IN COLORS, LONG AN EASTMAN DREAM, ARE SHOWN TO NOTABLES" with subheads. (see) Lengthy first report coverage continues inside with 3 related photos.
Other news, sports and advertisements of the day. Complet... See More
The Modoc Indian War, and the massacre...
Item #647421
June 10, 1873
ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE, New York, June 10, 1873 The top of the ftpg. has column heads on the Modoc Indian War, with: "THE MODOCS" "A Cruel Massacre" "A Train of Prisoners Attacked by Oregon Volunteers" "Little John, Tehee Jack, Pony Mooch and Others Killed". Page 3 has an interesting article: "Abraham Lincoln's Duel--Forgotten Inci... See More
Much on the Modoc Indian War...
Item #646076
April 30, 1873
ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE, New York, April 30, 1873 The top of the ftpg. has nice column heads on the Modoc Indian War with: "ANOTHER BATTLE" "A Detachment of Troops Caught In a Trap" "Galling Cross Fire from the Modocs" "A Complete Rout" "19 Men Killed" "Gallant Conduct of Captain Thomas" "He Dies a Brave Soldier"... See More
Jimmy Hoffa guilty...
Item #637802
July 27, 1964
THE PRATT TRIBUNE, Pratt, Kansas, July 27, 1964
* Jimmy Hoffa found guilty
* Teamsters leader
This 8 page newspaper has a two column headline on the front page: "Hoffa Guilty in Union Pension Fraud Case".
Other news of the day including much on the Rochester NY race riots. A few small binding holes along the spine, otherwise good.
wikipedia notes: In 1964, Hoffa was convicte... See More
Bombardment of Ft. Pillow...
Item #619419
May 03, 1862
MOORE'S RURAL NEW YORKER, Rochester, New York, May 3, 1862
* Fort Pillow, Tennessee
* Small diagram
Mostly farm & home-related content but also news of the day, plus several war reports inside, including "Bombardment of Ft. Pillow" which features a small map/diagram of the fort.
Other war related news as well as other topics throughout. Has an ornate masthead. Uncommon ... See More
1883 Rochester, Minnesota tornado...
Item #616976
August 23, 1883
ST. LOUIS GLOBE-DEMOCRAT, Missouri, August 23, 1883
* Rochester MN Minnesota
* Tornado disaster (1st report)
The front page has one column headings: "Wrecked By The Wind" "Rochester, Minn., Desolated by a Cyclone" "Twenty-Four Lives Lost and Forty Persons Seriously Injured" and more. Text takes up almost two full columns.
Other news of the day throughout. Comp... See More
Lincoln's Tomb dedication...
Item #605803
October 16, 1874
* Abraham Lincoln's Tomb dedication
* Oak Ridge Cemetery - Springfield, Illinois
The front page has one column headings: "LINCOLN" "Unveiling the Statue--A Nation's Tribute--25,000 People and Distinguished Army and Civic Officers Present--Unveiling Ceremonies" See images for text here.
Other news and ... See More
On Susan B. Anthony being allowed to vote...
Item #605288
March 02, 1874
NEW YORK TIMES, March 2, 1874 Page 2 has: "A Woman Suffrage" "the Arrest of the Rochester Inspectors for Accepting Miss Anthony's Vote--Gen. Butler's Opinion" which concerns Susan B. Anthony voting at a Rochester election. It includes an encouraging note signed by General Benjamin Butler (see). Page 5 has: "The Temperance Meet5ing at Harry Hill's".
... See More
The Modoc Indian War...
Item #598463
January 21, 1873
ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE, New York, Jan. 21, 1873 The top of the first column has a nice stack of headlines, many concerning the Modoc Indian War, including: "DESPERATE BATTLE" "With the Modoc Indians" "Ten Hours of Conflict with a Concealed Foe" "Defeat of the Troops" "Outnumbered, Five to One" plus heads on other events of the day... See More
Great Boston fire...
Item #594426
November 12, 1872
ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT AND CHRONICLE, Rochester, New York, November 12, 1872
* The great Boston Fire
* One of most costly fires in U.S. history
The front page has one column headlines: "THE BOSTON FIRE", "It Breaks Out Afresh", "But is Promptly Suppressed", "The Fire Now Confined To The Ruins", "Many Persons Buried Therein&q... See More
1st Creedmoor international rifle match...
Item #594407
September 28, 1874
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, September 28, 1874
* 1st Creedmoor black powder match
* 1st Grand International rifle match
* United States vs. Ireland
The front page has one column headlines:
"The American Beats the Irish Team by Three Scores--Colonel Bodine Gets Great Glory--Presentation of Prizes"
with smaller subheads: "The Rifle Match"... See More
The Boston fire... 1st report...
Item #594398
November 11, 1872
ROCHESTER DEMOCRAT & CHRONICLE, New York, November 11, 1872
* The great Boston Fire (1st report)
* One of most costly fires in U.S. history
More than half of the first column is taken up with heads on the disastrous Boston fire, which caused $75 million in damage in 65 acres, beginning: "FIRE ! ", "BOSTON", "Meets The Fate of Chicago!", &... See More
An uncomon title from Wisconsin...
Item #584611
October 18, 1866
THE DAILY WISCONSIN UNION, Madison, October 18, 1866
* Uncommon title
Among the front page items are: "The Alabama Claims to be Urged", "Run On A Canadian Bank", "A Great Fenian Meeting in Rochester, N.Y." and more. Four pages, very nice condition.
Kodak Camera founder George Eastman in 1931..
Item #577303
February 10, 1931
NEW YORK TIMES, February 10, 1931
* George Eastman... guest of honor
* Kodak camera inventor - roll film
This 44 page newspaper has one column headlines on page 4 that include: "EASTMAN IS HONORED FOR GIFTS TO WORLD", "Hoover, Coolidge, Mussolini and Ortiz Rubio Join in Tribute to Philanthropist", "Two Nations Decorate Him", and more which includes a photo of E... See More
1968 U.S. Open... Lee Trevino...
Item #572267
June 17, 1968
LEOMINSTER ENTERPRISE, Massachusetts, June 17, 1968
* U.S. Open Golf Championship
* Lee Trevino wins (1st report)
This 12 page newspaper has a three column headline on page 6: "Last Years 'Poor Boy' Lee Trevino Shot First Ever Four Sub-par Rounds"
Tells of the 1968 U.S. Open in which Lee Trevino won the title for the first time.
Other news of the day. Sm... See More
Copper discovered in Northern Michigan...
Item #562994
January 02, 1844
* Early Michigan
* Copper mining
Page 3 has a report from a Rochester newspaper about "Copper Mines" that says:
* ...331 veins of copper and lead ore have been discovered in Northern Michigan, bordering on Lake Superior, by an exploring party of miners,and that applications have been made to the...Govenment for...permits...compan... See More
Item #177579
October 08, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York City, October 8, 1910
This issue's front page is an illustration of "The Political Chantecler" by Kemble.
This issue has illustrations of "At the Conventions" by Kemble and full page photos of "The Democrats' Choice for Governor of New York" and "The Roosevelt Candidate for Governor." There are photos of "A Me... See More
The Death of Mark Twain....
Item #177563
May 07, 1910
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, dated May 7, 1910 The front page of this issue has a photo of "The Nation's Leading "Fan."" which shows President Taft throwing out the first ball at the Washington Nationals vs. Philadelphia Athletics game.
In this issue, there is an illustration of "Training the Cabinet Birds" by Kemble. There is an article with photos of ... See More
Wanted: Soldiers....
Item #177488
March 21, 1908
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 21, 1908
Rear-Admiral Evans....
Item #177472
November 30, 1907
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, November 30, 1907
Dreadnoughts's 9 Bull's-Eyes in 12 shots....
Item #177462
September 14, 1907
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, September 14, 1907
The "Montagu"... H.G. Wells...
Item #177413
October 06, 1906
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, October 6, 1906 There is a front page illustration, "The Wizard of Ooze" by W. A . Rogers. There is an article, "The Future in America" by H. G. Wells, author of War of the Worlds, and illustrations by Vernon Howe Bailey in this issue. There is an article on "The High Comedy of Cuban Strategy and Warfare" by 
... See More
Building Ten Torpedo-Boats in 15 weeks...
Item #177385
March 31, 1906
HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, March 31, 1906
1871 Rochester, New York...
Item #221553
November 28, 1871
* Rochester, New York
This large sized 4 page newspaper has news of the day with several interesting advertisements. Some of the one column headlines include: "Concerning the Completion of the New Court House", "Suicide", "Connolly Still Under Arrest", and more. This newspaper measures 30 x 23
... See More
* Rochester, New York
This large sized 4 page newspaper has news of the day with several interesting advertisements. Some of the one column headlines include: "Concerning the Completion of the New Court House", "Suicide", "Connolly Still Under Arrest", and more. This newspaper measures 30 x 23
If you are searching for a newspaper from a specific date, please note that we have a vast selection available for purchase by using the date picker on our
gifts and birthday newspapers page.