Web Results (159)



Confederate title - "Negro Equality in the North"... "Yankee Accounts of Forrest's Raid"...

Item #709861

April 06, 1864

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, April 6, 1864

* From the capital of the Confederacy

Among the many articles are "Yankee Accounts of Forrest's Raid" and ""Negro Equality in the North". Also present is: "Miscegenation--What it Means--Remarkable Confession of a Republican Journal" which begins: "The Yankees are running mad in their love for th... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

(Added to Catalog #351 after the hardcopy was released - only available on-line.)

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1862 Battle of Fredericksburg....

Item #705343

December 16, 1862

EVENING STAR, Washington, D.C., December 16, 1862.

* Battle of Fredericksburg - Virginia

* General Burnside vs. Robert E. Lee

The front page has a few reports headed: "From Burnside's Army" "Graphic Account Of Saturday's Battle" "On The Battlefield-Fourth Day" and more.

Presumed complete with 4 pages, some creasing at the folds, a little margin wear, ... See More  

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Terrific issue on the surrender of Lee at Appomattox...

Item #704765

April 11, 1865

THE SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES, New York, April 11, 1865  Page 2 begins with: "The Crowning Victory" "Victory--Peace" with the leading dispatch reading: "This department has received the official report of the SURRENDER, THIS DAY, OF GEN. LEE AND HIS ARMY TO LIEUT. GENERAL GRANT, on the terms proposed by Grant. Details will be presented as speedily as possible."

This is ... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Much news from the Revolutionary War...

Item #704210

September 28, 1776

THE PENNSYLVANIA LEDGER, Philadelphia, Sept. 28, 1776

* Rare Revolutionary War era title

* Tory issue from Pennsylvania

* Great year to have (1776)

This was a decidedly Tory newspaper, supportive of the British efforts in America. This newspaper ended publication in June, 1778 when the British evacuated the city.

The front page has an ad for the desertion of two soldiers from military ser... See More  

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British soldiers are deserting to Washington's camp...

Item #701135

January 29, 1778

THE INDEPENDENT CHRONICLE & UNIVERSAL ADVERTISER, Boston, Jan. 29, 1778  A nice issue for display, as the masthead features an engraving taken from one done by Paul Revere for colonial currency at the time. It is a very patriotic device showing a soldier with a sword in one hand and a scroll with 'Independence' in the other, with the words 'Appeal To Heaven" above him.&nb... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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A "Copperhead" newspaper: a wealth of war-related content...

Item #699991

March 20, 1865

THE CRISIS, Columbus, Ohio, March 20, 1865

* Final weeks of the Civil War

* Robert E. Lee and more

* Copperhead Democrats publication

Described as "The Hottest Rebel Sheet to be found in the North or the South", this newspaper opposed the war and attracted the hatred of the Republicans and the Lincoln administration. It insisted that slavery could not be prohibited by law. So obn... See More  

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Huge Civil War map is very displayable...

Item #699323

May 07, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 7, 1864 

* Battle of Spotsylvania (EVE)

* Robert E. Lee & large map

Most of the front page is taken up with a huge map headed: "THE SCENE OF THE IMPENDING CONFLICT. Virginia from Fredericksburg to Richmond--The Fords, Rivers, Railroads, Turnpikes, etc. between Our Army & the Rebel Capital."  Half of the first column is taken up with related ... See More  

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Signed by Beauregard and Lincoln...

Item #699007

December 24, 1864

DAILY EXAMINER, Richmond, Virginia, Dec. 24, 1864 

* Capital of the Confederacy

* President Abraham Lincoln

* General P. G. T. Beauregard

Not just a newspaper from the Confederate states, but from the capital of the Confederacy. The front page has: "The War News--Affairs In the Valley & Around Gordonsville" which includes a dispatch signed in type by: G. T. Beauregard, ... See More  

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Editor has a gloomly outlook on the war...

Item #699000

November 12, 1862

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Nov. 12, 1862  

* Confederate editor gives a pessimistic outlook

The front page has much on the Civil War with items headed: "The Enemy Of James River", "From Northern Virginia", "Fredericksburg--The Recent Yankee Raid", "The Navigation of The Mississippi", "Latest News From The North", and many subhead... See More  

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The Confederates on the Battle of Gettysburg...

Item #698576

July 11, 1863

DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 11, 1863  

* Battle of Gettysburg

* Rebel account

The front page includes: "Charleston" "Yankee Agents In England" "The Courts" "City Intelligence" "Prisoners" "Sale of Negroes in Georgia" with a list of names, ages and prices--fascinating; "Another Attack On Charleston" "... See More  

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Large Civil War map of Virginia: Battle of Spotsylvania...

Item #698341

May 16, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 16, 1864 

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Civil War Overland Campaign w/ map

Over half of the front page is taken up with a large & detailed Civil War map headed: "GEN. GRANT'S ADVANCE TO RICHMOND."

Among the first column heads on the war are: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Gen. Lee's Retreat... See More  

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"Confederate States of America" in the masthead...

Item #698185

June 09, 1864

CHARLESTON DAILY COURIER, South Carolina, June 9, 1864 

* From the origin of the American Civil War

This was one of just a few Confederate newspapers which printed: "Confederate States Of America" in the masthead.

The front page has a wealth of content concerning this late stage of the Civil War and includes: "From General Lee's Army--Grant's Position--Enemy'... See More  

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Text and prints on the Battle of Gettysburg...

Item #698154

July 25, 1863

HARPER'S WEEKLY, New York, July 25, 1863 

* Battle of Gettysburg conflict scenes

* General Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

The full front page is a nice portrait of: "Major-General Ulysses S. Grant ("Unconditional Surrender" Grant)". Inside has a full page: "The Siege of Vicksburg--View Upon the Extreme Right, Showing the Mississippi River Above and Belo... See More  

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On Robert E. Lee as commander-in-chief...

Item #698099

January 05, 1865

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, Jan. 5, 1865 

* General Robert E. Lee becomes commander in chief

* Rare Confederate title from the rebel capital & slave state

Not just a nice newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy, but one from near the end of the Civil War.

The front page has: "The War News" with various items & including near the end: "...that Lincoln was ... See More  

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Battle of Green Spring... Great reports on the Revolutionary War...

Item #698072

August 14, 1781


* Battle of Green Spring

* James County, Virginia

* American Revolutionary War

The front page has news from captured correspondence including: "The revolt of the Pennsylvania line & Jersey brigade...are certainly events of very great importance, & must have very extensive effects both in reduc... See More  

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Great account of the siege of Fort Schuyler...

Item #697860

September 04, 1777


* Siege of Fort Stanwix - Schuyler

* American Revolutionary War

Page 3 has Revolutionary War content including an item reading: "We hear Sir William Howe has requested his Majesty, for very essential reasons, to allow him to exchange General Lee for some British officers; but that such a measure has been stro... See More  

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What Robert E. Lee's plans are...

Item #697466

March 29, 1865

NEW YORK TIMES, March 29, 1865 

* Battle of Fort Stedman

* Nearing the end of Civil War

* Lee's surrender less than two weeks away

Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "GEN. GRANT'S ARMY" "The Victory of Saturday" "Further & Interesting Particulars" "Extend & Importance of Lee's Designs" "Position of the Li... See More  

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The South to force slaves into the military...

Item #694453

December 20, 1864

DAILY EXAMINER, Richmond, Virginia, Dec. 20, 1864  

* Rare rebel publication

Not just a newspaper from the Confederacy, but from the capital of the Confederate states.

The front page has: "The War News" with subheads "Southwestern Virginia" & "Savannah". Also: "City Intelligence" "A Timely Invention" "The Soldiers' Christma... See More  

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Lee's army... Lengthy letter signed by Jefferson Davis...

Item #694423

June 01, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, June 1, 1864  A very nice Confederate title from the Confederate capital, so a wealth of the latest war-related news, from the Confederate perspective.

The front page includes: "The War News" which begins: "There were rumours yesterday of considerable fighting along the lines of Lee and Grant's armies..." Also: "General Lee's Army... See More  

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Evacuation of Fredericksburg... Lee, Grant, Butler, and more...

Item #694420

June 07, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, June 7, 1864  

* Fredericksburg evacuated

* General Robert E. Lee

* Rare from the Confederacy

Not only a nice newspaper from the Confederacy, but from its capital as well.

The front page has: "The War News" with various reports from different theaters of operation, beginning: "The news of the day yesterday was the report that got noised aro... See More  

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Letter from Robert E. Lee...

Item #694417

June 16, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, June 16, 1864

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* Rebel General Robert E. Lee Letter

Among the front page war reports in this newspaper from the capital of the Confederacy are: "The War News" which begins with a letter to the Secretary of War, signed in type: R. E. Lee, General; "The Transportation of the Wounded" "From the Raiding ... See More  

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Much from Robert E. Lee's army...

Item #694398

May 06, 1864

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, May 6, 1864  Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "From General Lee's Army" "Grant's Forces Across the River--The Battle Likely to Take Place at Mine Run--The Yankee Strength" "The Very Latest" "The Impending Battle on the Rapidan--The Enemy on the Peninsula..." "Later From the North" a... See More  

Item from Catalog 350 (released for January, 2025)

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Civil War news from the Confederate capital...

Item #694395

May 12, 1864

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, May 12, 1864  

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* General Robert E. Lee letter signed

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "Contrabands--Their Sad Fate" 'The Quartermaster General" "A Description of Richmond" "Yankee Cavalry" "Price's Victory&quo... See More  

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News From Robert E. Lee's army...

Item #694389

May 23, 1864

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, May 23, 1864  

* Generals Robert E. Lee vs. Ulysses S. Grant

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House - Virginia

* Rare Confederate title from the rebel capital

Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "From General Lee's Army" "Additional From the South" "The Very Latest From the North" "More Fighting on... See More  

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Much Confederate news from Robert E. Lee's army...

Item #694388

May 25, 1864

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, May 25, 1864  

* General Robert E. Lee's Confederate Army

Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "The War News--Operations on the Southside--From Gen. Lee's Army" "Death of Gen. Albert G. Jenkins" "From General Lee's Army" which takes nearly a full column; "President Davis and Chaplains"... See More  

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News from Robert E. Lee's army...

Item #694386

May 27, 1864

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, May 27, 1864  Among the Civil War reports on the front page are: "The War News" "Confederate States Congress" "The Ancient Boundaries Of Virginia" "Losses In Alexander's Battalion Light Artillery" "Army of Northern Virginia" "From General Lee's Army" "A Scene in the Yankee Congress&quo... See More  

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1864 Battle of Spotsylvania...

Item #694223

May 30, 1864

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, May 30, 1864  

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Rare Confederate capital publication

Among the front page reports on the Civil War in this Confederate newspaper are: "The War News" "From General Lee's Army "Army of Northern Virginia" "From Fredericksburg" "Corresp... See More  

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News from the Confederacy...

Item #694159

June 22, 1863

THE CHARLESTON MERCURY, South Carolina, June 22, 1863  Among the front page reports on the Civil War are: "General Johnston's Dispatch--Ewell's Exploits--Stuart's Cavalry--Lincoln and Co. Investing..." "The Situation of Affairs in Mississippi" "Yankee Conjectures in Regard to the Movements & Designs of General Lee" "The Victory at Winchester-... See More  

Item from Catalog 351 (released for February, 2025)

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Confederate New Orleans... This is war, but not a "civil" war...

Item #694099

April 25, 1861

THE DAILY DELTA, New Orleans, April 25, 1861  

* Rare Confederate title

* From the deep South

* Civil War beginning

Truly Confederate newspapers from New Orleans are very difficult to find, as Admiral Farragut entered the mouth of the Mississippi in mid-April, 1862 and finally took New Orleans on April 28. Shortly thereafter Benjamin Butler moved in and took control of the city, it su... See More  

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Grant, Butler, and Sherman...

Item #693797

May 31, 1864

NEW YORK HERALD, May 31, 1864  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "BUTLER" "GRANT!" "SHERMAN!" "The Entire Grand Army in Motion En Route for Richmond" "Engagement Between McPherson's Corps & the Rebels" "The Rebels Defeated & Driven Back" "General Lee's Daughter Goes to Join Her Father in Ric... See More  

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One of the less common illustrated newspapers from the Civil War...

Item #692095

June 15, 1861

NEW YORK ILLUSTRATED NEWS, June 15, 1861  Formatted very much like the more popular 'Harper's Weekly' but considerably more uncommon.

The front page shows: "Shackles & Handcuffs Used by Slave Drivers in Virginia" and: "Brilliant Exploit...in the Rescue of Two of Their Comrades who were to be Hung by the Rebels at the Village of Fairfax, Va."; a full-page p... See More  

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Large front page Civil War map...

Item #691152

July 01, 1862

NEW YORK TIMES, July 1, 1862

* Seven Days Battles w/ large map

* George McClellan vs. Robert E. Lee

 Much of the front page is taken up with a large and very detailed Civil War map headed: "Locality of Last Week's Manoeuvres & Battles Before Richmond".

First column heads include: "Affairs Before Richmond" "Details of the Events of Thursday, Friday &... See More  

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Battle of the Chickahominy...

Item #691151

June 07, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, June 7, 1864  

* Battle of Cold Harbor

* Ulysses S. Grant

* Robert E. Lee

Among the many nice, front page column heads on the Civil War: "The Grand Campaign" "The Battle of the Chickahominy" "Gen. Grant's Object in the Moment" "Brilliant Assault on the Rebel Works" "Rebel Night Attack" and more.

Eight pages, some f... See More  

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Two documents signed by Robert E. Lee...

Item #691076

February 17, 1865

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, Feb. 17, 1865 

* General Robert E. Lee

* William T. Sherman

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "FROM SHERMAN'S ARMY" "Rapid Progress Of His Troops" "They Are Nearly Up to North Carolina" "Charleston Entirely Isolated" "Gen. Lee's Address to the Army & the Country" is signed by him in ty... See More  

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A tribute to Robert E. Lee...

Item #690774

April 26, 1865

CONCORD DAILY MONITOR, New Hampshire, April 26, 1865  The lengthy page 2 article is headed: "The End of the War". Other page 2 items include: "Tribute to Gen. Robert E. Lee" "From Kentucky" "Attempted Suicide" of Payne, one of the Lincoln assassins; "Guerrillas Captured" "The Sherman Mystery" & more.

Four pages, small folio size... See More  

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Yankees capture Columbia, South Carolina...

Item #690287

February 19, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, Feb. 19, 1865 

* Columbia SC - South Carolina Map

* Robert E. Lee correspondence

* Rare Confederate flag illustration

The front page is dominated by a large & very detailed Civil War map headed: "SHERMAN IN THE HEART OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Occupation of Columbia, the State Capital---Probable Evacuation of Charleston."

Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civ... See More  

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From the capital of the Confederacy...

Item #689974

July 27, 1864

RICHMOND EXAMINER, Virginia, July 27, 1864  

* From the Confederate capital

* General Robert E. Lee dispatch

This issue has: "The War News" which begins: "The most important news we have is the report of a complete victory by our forces in the Valley, near Winchester...". It also includes a letter on the battles signed in type: R. E. Lee, General.

Other items inclu... See More  

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Guerrilla camps are broken up...

Item #689843

October 29, 1863

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Oct. 29, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War: "THE LATEST NEWS!" "Affairs On The Potomac" "The Rebels at Winchester & Upperville, Virginia" "General Lee to Winter In Gordonsville" "The War In Tennessee--Guerrilla Camps Broken Up" "Excitement In Baltimore" "Affairs at Sharpsburg&quo... See More  

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Robert E. Lee is advancing northward...

Item #689842

October 14, 1863

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER, Oct. 14, 1863  Among the front page column heads on the Civil War: "The Latest From Meade's Army" "Lee Advancing Northward" "Our Forces Retiring" "Latest From the Southwest" "Interesting From Washington" "The Army of the Potomac" "Lee Attempts to Outflank Meade" "Brilliant Conduct of Our Cava... See More  

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Three letters signed: R. E. Lee... An Address signed: Jefferson Davis...

Item #689479

August 19, 1862

DAILY DISPATCH, Richmond, Virginia, Aug. 19, 1862  

* From the capital of the Confederacy

* General Robert E. Lee & Jefferson Davis

Over a full column of the front page is taken up with: "President's Message - To the Senate &  House of Rep. of the Confederate States" being a nice report on the current war situation. One bit notes: "The gallantry and good... See More  

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Civil War map shows Maryland & Virginia...

Item #689077

July 22, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, July 22, 1862 

* General John Pope vs. Robert E. Lee

* Northern Virginia Campaign map

The front page is dominated by a nice & very detailed Civil War map headed: "The Field Of Gen. Pope's Operations".

Among the ftpg. column heads are: "Return of a Flag of Truce with Sick & Wounded" "Shocking Treatment of Union Prisoners" &quo... See More  

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1890 Robert E. Lee statue unveiling... Richmond...

Item #688948

May 30, 1890

THE SCRANTON REPUBLICAN, Pennsylvannia, May 30, 1890

* Robert E. Lee monument - statue dedication

* Confederate Civil War General - commander

* Monument Avenue - Richmond, Virginia

The top-middle of the front page has a one column heading: "THE LEE MONUMENT" with subheads that include: "Its Unveiling at Richmond, Virginia Yesterday" and more. This is the statue that Vi... See More  

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Battle of Fredericksburg...

Item #688714

December 24, 1862

WESTERN CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE, Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1862 

* Battle of Fredericksburg, Virginia

* Robert E. Lee vs. Ambrose E. Burnside

Although the title would suggest mostly religious content, there is also much reporting on the on-going Civil War.

The front page has: "The Great Battle At Fredericksburg" which takes nearly 3 columns with many subheads including: "Sc... See More  

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General Grant and Robert E. Lee...

Item #688073

May 17, 1864

NEW YORK TIMES, May 17, 1864

* Battle of Spotsylvania Court House

* Ulysses S. Grant vs. Robert E. Lee

* Civil War Overland Campaign

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GRAND CAMPAIGN" "The Situation In Virginia" "Advices from General Grant to Monday Morning" "Hostilities Suspended by Impassable Roads" "The Troops In Fin... See More  

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The Seven Days' Battle begins...

Item #685695

June 26, 1862

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 26, 1862 

* Seven Days Battles beginning

* Robert E. Lee vs. McClellan

* Richmond VA Virginia

Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "A Sharp Skirmish wit the Enemy" 'Heintzelman's Corps Engaged" "Gallant Conduct of Hooker's Division" "The Enemy Driven Out of Their Camps" and also: "Important From W... See More  

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General Ulysses S. Grant is near death...

Item #684135

April 11, 1885

FRANK LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED, New York, April 11, 1885  Among the 4 front page prints is: "General Grant's Struggle for Life" with a related article inside.

A dramatic doublepage centerfold shows: "General Grant's Struggle With Death--An Early Morning Scene At His Bedside" with a related article on the previous page. He would die July 23. Another page has a prin... See More  

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Grant pursues Robert E. Lee...

Item #683383

May 26, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, May 26, 1864 

* Ulysses S. Grant - Spotsylvania victory

Among the ftpg. column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Grant's Rapid Pursuit of Lee" "A Considerable Skirmish There" "Desperate Charges of the Enemy" "The Rebels Leave--Grant Crosses" "Grant Picks Up a Thousand Prisoners" "Rebels... See More  

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Official announcement of the capture of Richmond: in a Richmond newspaper...

Item #683303

April 05, 1865

EVENING WHIG, Richmond, April 5, 1865 

* The fall of Richmond from the Confederate capital

* Extremely rare as such (historic)

It's always nice to get reports of famous events in newspapers from where the event occurred. Here is a terrific opportunity.

This is a very rare Union occupation newspaper, as Richmond had just fallen to the Yankee forces on April 3. The issue of April 4 ... See More  

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Lincoln's last public speech and last proclamation...

Item #682496

April 12, 1865

NEW YORK HERALD, April 12, 1865   

* Civil War is over speech

* Abraham Lincoln's last public speech

* Presidential proclamation 128

* Just 2 days before his assassination

This issue was printed just 2 days prior to Lincoln's assassination, with the front page containing what is noted as Lincoln's last speech.

The front page heads include: "OUR VICTORIES" ... See More  

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Battle of Cold Harbor...

Item #682146

June 06, 1864

NEW YORK TRIBUNE, June 6, 1864 

* Battle of Cold Harbor

* Mechanicsville, Virginia

* Robert E. Lee victory

Among the front page column heads on the Civil War are: "THE GREAT CONTEST" "Grant Assaults Lee's Lines on Friday Morning" "The Rebels Driven at All Points" "Desperate Attempt to Break Grant's Lines" "The Attack Repulsed" ... See More  

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